مگر ایرانی از عرب و اسرائیلی چه کم دارد؟

مگر ایرانی از عرب و اسرائیلی چه کم دارد؟
by Ari Siletz

چقدر بهار عرب را به رخ ما ایرانی‌ها کشیدند که ببینید و یاد بگیرید، شما از اینها چه کم دارید که استبداد را می‌پذیرید و رژیم سرکوبگرتان را فتیله پیچ نمکنید؟ و گفتند اگر خودتان حالش رو ندارید فَرَنگی‌‌ها در خدمتند. هِی‌ گفتیم اوضاع ایران با جهان عرب فرق دارد. فصل بهار ما ۳۲ سال پیش آغاز شد و بلا فاصله این بهار به زمستان ۱۴۰۰ پیش باز گشت، و حالا در این گِل و یخ و تگرگ و بوران فَرَنگی‌ هارا دخالت دهیم که چی‌؟ که ذغال منقل کنند و برایمان کُرسی بگزارند؟ ولی‌ وقایع روز به روز نشان میدهند که اشتباه از ما بود. به عنوان مثل، همین هفته پیش یک خانم مصری به عنوان اعتراض عکس برهنه خود را در در معرض تماشای جهان گذاشت و بلافاصله ۴۰ زن اسراییلی با او همبستگی‌ کرده و از خود پرده برداری کردند . و حالا ما با مخالفین خود همصدا شدیم که چرا بانوان ایرانی‌ عُرضه این جورستیزه گری را ندارند. مگر ایرانی‌ها از اعراب و اسراییلی‌ها چه کم دارند؟ اینهم شد وضع؟


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OK Ari - here is 1st Iranian-Danish to get nude in hambastegi

by MM on

Anahid Hojjati

Ari and other friends

by Anahid Hojjati on

you missed the point of those pictures. the woman in egypt and others in hambastegi became naked since being naked in those countries or sometimes not having hejab or dressing in skirt is considered immoral. so these women protested in this fashion. those of us in west have no such conditions so actions to pose naked would be exhibitionalism  not hambastegi.

Ari Siletz

A photo essay in definitely in order

by Ari Siletz on

Anahid, as Divaneh points out we men have already done our share by putting on chadors in hambastegi with Majid Tavakoli. Time for some hambastegi action from our women. Be brave. Bavafa's concept of "parcham daar" is apt as long as the flag is on a pole and not wrapped around the parcham daar. That would be jer zadan.

Esfand: Acerbic humor regarding what unites us.

MM: "may definitely" follow? May certainly lead :)

Pendar: Vaguely recall the Berlin affair. Never saw a clip. Wasn't it the guy who was reportedly naked and the woman only unIslamically attired? Which may be why my recollection is incomplete.

Ali Parsa: Not sure about the wisdom of Alia Elmahdi's act. It may weaken the Egyptian liberal/secular faction. But hey, it's her choice, her protest.



Anahid Hojjati

Mehrdad jan, deege hamonam monde

by Anahid Hojjati on

thanks but no thank. cheshm maman joonam door. deege hamonam monde hambasteh ham besham.


Lead the way, Ari - We may definitely follow you

by MM on


Ali A Parsa

Ari's Arab Spring

by Ali A Parsa on

Beautiful grievane Ari jaan, but why do you and your fans place more emphasis on friendship than facts?

The more we do this the more we prove that we are energizizing the global domination based on ignorance, arrogance and greed. It seems like no one recalls the essence of colonialism and neoslavery. It seems like it was not Dr. Saadat Noury who enlightened us with the following notion:

"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."
Benjamin Disreali, English statesman 1844 




Well said Ari

by divaneh on

I think Iranian women should support the action. I also think IC should put up the images. You remember how we wore headscarves to show our support for Majid Tavakoli? Now it's women turn to do a little sacrifice. I on my part promise to darvish my eyes.

Sorry Anahid, men doing a moony does not help. This is about women and the veil.


The dissident mobarez on IC should....

by Bavafa on

Put your $ where your mouth is and follow suit to show their contempt for the regime and solidarity with other freedom loving people (Arab and Israeli all alike)

  And since there is much ill to come to those Iranians inside Iran by this ham-sedaye, perhaps our female dissident specially those on IC can pick up the flag and march forward.  

Anahid Jaan: will you be the parcham-dar, perhaps along with other friends on IC and show your hambastegi :)


'Hambastegi' is the main key to victory 


Esfand Aashena

آری جان ما همیشه یک چیزی "کم" داریم!

Esfand Aashena

از "Khomeinist"‌ها گرفته تا self-defecating ایرانیان سکولار، همیشه در این "کم" داشتن اتحاد داریم! 

Everything is sacred


Cultural Alzheimers

by پندارنیک on

We should not have forgotten our pitiful (reactionary, miserably traditional) reaction to the brave action of the (hero) lady at the Berlin conference............Remember, ladies and gentlemen?

Anahid Hojjati

Ari jan, don't limit it to "Banovane Irani"

by Anahid Hojjati on

why not Iranian guys too. They can do hambastego with this Banoye mesri too.