Gallup poll: View of Americans on Iran threat

Gallup poll: View of Americans on Iran threat
by Ari Siletz

9 out of 10 Americans view Iran military as a critical or important threat. Perceived threat of Iran military second to international terrorism. Younger Americans are less scared. Fear increases as the age group goes up.   Source.


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Mehrdad, you have a point

by Jaleho on

"The Gallup poll should have also asked to see how many could place Iran on the map? "

Some of those who were so scared of Iran prorbably got the wrong Iran ;-) Your correlation is evident here:




There is no doubt in how

by Bavafa on

There is no doubt in how effective the main stream media in US is to shape peoples thinking. Heck there are still a good percentage of Americans that think Saddam was involved in 9/11.

The Gallup poll should have also asked to see how many could place Iran on the map?
