Gallup poll: View of Americans on Iran threat

Gallup poll: View of Americans on Iran threat
by Ari Siletz

9 out of 10 Americans view Iran military as a critical or important threat. Perceived threat of Iran military second to international terrorism. Younger Americans are less scared. Fear increases as the age group goes up.   Source.


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Ari Siletz

Amazing link, darius

by Ari Siletz on

When we were that age we could tell angoor askari from Khalili--we were sent out to shop. Kudos to Jamie Oliver for doing what he can to change things.


May Be Families ................

by darius on

How can a parent know about Iran and Iranian( except media feed)

when McDonald and Burger king  have replaced the family kitchen and

parents have no time to teach their kids the basics.


Ari Siletz

Good comments folks

by Ari Siletz on

Ahmed, interesting how the Middle East issue with all its modern realpolitic components (oil and such) finds some fundamental motives in religion. I wonder what share of AIPAC's power is in money, and what share in Old Testament cultural influence.


Esther, thank you for the informative link. The European view is at least shaped by national self interest where causes of behavior and views are apparent. America's Middle East stance on the other hand has contradictions in terms of self interest.



Funny joke. Does the IRI really believe it? Whatever their calculations, their conclusion must hinge on some very subtle global interplays--which could change at any moment.


Today's Kayhan joke

by Abarmard on

Kayhan from Tehran



گفت: چه خبر؟!
گفتم: روزنامه «قدس العربي»، چاپ لندن نوشته است؛ «جنگ آمريكا با ايران، آخرين جنگ آمريكا خواهد بود.»
گفت: ولي، حيات آمريكا به جنگ و خونريزي وابسته است.
گفتم: منظور قدس العربي هم اين است كه آمريكا بعد از جنگ با ايران ديگر وجود خارجي نخواهد داشت كه دست به جنگ و خونريزي بزند.
پس بگو كه چرا آمريكا طي 30 سال گذشته بارها ايران را تهديد به حمله نظامي
كرده است ولي بلافاصله پاي مذاكره را به ميان كشيده و...
گفتم: خب! مي داند كه نبايد دست به اين حماقت بزند.
گفت: پس چرا اينهمه رجز مي خواند؟
يارو توي قهوه خونه براي رفقاش قمپز درمي كرد و مي گفت؛ در همه دعواها، من
حرف آخر را زده ام! يكي از دوستانش كه طرف را مي شناخت پرسيد؛ حرف آخري كه
مي زني چيست؟ و يارو جواب داد؛ مي گويم غلط كردم، به گور پدرم خنديدم!!




View of Iranians on US threat to democracy

by Esther on

Ari, it's interesting to compare your poll with this 2008 one, in which:
- 75% of Iranians disagreed that "The U.S. will allow people in this region to fashion their own political future as they see fit without direct U.S. influence."
- 80% of Iranians disagreed that "The U.S. is serious about encouraging democratic systems of government in this region."

I would like to see Gallup ask Americans not only about threats from international terrorism and the various countries' military power, but also about threats from US foreign policy and the various countries' political systems!

Ahmed from Bahrain

Democracy in US centres around

by Ahmed from Bahrain on

public opinion especially when it comes to foreign policy and in particular when it comes to the Middle East (ME). Public opinion related to ME is totally hijacked by news media which is controlled by Zionist interests so that the US public is seen to be sympathetic to Israeli interests come what may. Recent history has shown that where there is smoke there is fire and this is preparation for more to come.

The media and politician who bow down at the Zionist altar (AIPAC) have another target and that is Iran this time. This poll shows they are moving in the right direction. They have prepared their public for what is coming. Sadly many Americans have no interest in reading news from other sources and making up their own minds. One could even say they have no mind of their own. They just swallow what is being fed to them at prime time news. Read Fox, CNN, et al.

The good news is that the US needs the support of the Europeans and the British. Luckily the Europeans are far more aware of world affairs than Americans who think the world stops at their state boundary.

Following European poll proves this point:

Poll: Israel and US Biggest Threats to World Peace


Europeans see Israel as the biggest threat to world peace.


But then the Yankee draws the gun first and asks questions later and he is very much aroused by fervour. The Zionists understand how to arouse this fervour and they are very good at it. I would say this is a match made in Hell especially when we add another fodder to this equation, namely the short brain and long tongue Mr. A'nejad. It then becomes a match made in Evangelical Heaven.

Veiled Prophet of Khorassan is needed here to break this voodoo spell. I am an Arab according to Persians and a Persian according to Arabs. So, I just sit on the fence and watch this like a bad Hollywood movie that does not require much thinking.


Ahmed from Bahrain

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

Agreed, they are in a hard spot. Partly because the Green foreign policy platform hasn't yet solidly materialized (among other ambiguities).


I have already sent a query to Gallup to find out what their polls cost. Even though support for Greens is widely felt in the US, positive proof may solidify into policy. A fruitful one, I hope.

Ari Siletz

Thanks Bavafa

by Ari Siletz on

There is much that the Iranian diaspora can do to raise awareness of the Iran equation vis a vis the US.  The Green movement has added a new variable in US-Iran relations, creating opportunities for a respectful engagement on the issues of conflict.  And public opinion still influences US politics to a useful degree.


It's a good question to ask

by timothyfloyd on

and have generated some proof of the majorial opinion.

Gallup is the one to go with too.They have the experience and I think accuracy.Or maybe I'm partial because they're a older poll I'm used to hearing of.

It would be nice to know,

At many many time's,I think Yes,the American people support the opposition movement by an overwelming fraction of the people.It's almost a waste to prove they are very's almost trendy across the board,Republicans and Democrat's,Independent's.Everyone I know,their heart's go out to the people of Iran.That I guess is kind of my frustration with these groups that aren't really getting that message out and concerned with other thing's.

Those are then the times when I think some of these negative things forget the support for the opposition in their anger for the regime among Americans.I know that crowd is out there and Iran kinda plays them back and forth.Iran will always say something very threatening or do something.Like take those student's who crossed the border.That really hurt's the American's view of Iran.That upset's everyone to hear.And the older ones have been going thru it for a longer time with Iran.There is alot of negatives too,American's are afraid Iran is going Nuke Isreal.This would be another good question to ask American's.But I think many do believe it becuase the Rhetoric and because of the entire Palestinean conflict..So at times it' is actually easy to forget about the opposition movement and people who want freedom,in our frustration.That's why It's very important American's remember the Green's message of Freedom they first sent.

I thought it was positive that even tho Sanction's are in the process everytime they try to mention the 'people of Iran'.I know it can be taken as skeptical but I don't choose to believe so.I think if they didn't care about the opposition movement they wouldn't waste their time saying so and they would have written something much worse.

They are in a hard spot.



Ari jan, totally agree with your notion and suggestion that

by Bavafa on

به این دلیل تلاش برای روشن کردن مردم آمریکا، تشویق به آگاهی‌، و جلوگیری از جنگ اگر بی‌ فایده باشد ولی‌ ثواب که دارد. و البته شاید هم بی‌ فایده نباشد و قصور در آن گناه باشد


Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on

The American military knows the difference between civilian and military, but they also know that heavy civilian casualties are part of any war.


I would like to see Gallup ask Main Street whether they support the opposition movement in Iran.  I think Gallup would conduct such a poll if a client paid for it. This may be why Molla Nasreddin wishes he had more money.  

Ari Siletz

Anonymous Observer

by Ari Siletz on

You agree with Mola Nasreddin because what he says is a fact. But it is not an unchangeable fact; it is just very hard to change. Which means our best efforts are needed.


As noted,older American's

by timothyfloyd on

As noted,older American's consider the Military power of Iran more of a threat than the younger American's.It show's the threat has gone down.The Gallup Poll I trust out of very few,but I can't really draw any other conclusion's from this poll like some.Again it's a far stretch to conclude that this mean's American's don't discern the Military threat from the Civilians.Some do but I don't think in general.I would have loved to see that question asked just to settle this ongoing question.

But it doesn't really matter if the American people cannot discern the Iranian Military from the Iranian civilians because the American Military does.So maybe those that are truly concerned should write the U.S. Military and ask them if they can discern the difference between the Iranian Military and the Iranian civilians..That may save alot of people time wasted with inquiring mind's.

Ari Siletz

جناب ملّا نصرادین

Ari Siletz

شاید عقل برای من ضروری تر از پول برای شما باشد. بله، اگر جنگ شود سبز و خشک با هم میسوزند. به این دلیل تلاش برای روشن کردن مردم آمریکا، تشویق به آگاهی‌، و جلوگیری از جنگ اگر بی‌ فایده باشد ولی‌ ثواب که دارد. و البته شاید هم بی‌ فایده نباشد و قصور در آن گناه باشد.

Anonymous Observer

Ari jaan

by Anonymous Observer on

I found myself in the strange position of having to agree with Mola Nasreddin.  Even if the pole is accurate, the American public opinion is shaped pretty much by the "mainstream media", which portrays a negative image of Iran and Iranians in general, and does not make an effort to distinguish between the acts of the IRI and the people of Iran. There are also many hidden agendas behind those media operations, some of which have to do with people who are advocating a conflict with Iran behind the scenes.  It's unfortunate that the American public opinion is shaped in that way, but it is a reality. 

Mola Nasredeen


Mola Nasredeen

خدا یک عقلی بشما بده یه پولی بما

هنوز تجربه سالهای گروگانگیری در خاطره ایرانی های مقیم آمریکا زنده است.

توی این هیرو بیر تر و خشک رو با هم می سوزنن

Ari Siletz


by Ari Siletz on


" Conclusion: 9/10 in a survey said they didn't like Iran. "

1. Surveys usually lead to conclusions, not the other way around.

2. Please provide a link to this survey that seems to conclude from a priori knowledge of the public perception of Iranian-American doctors and Saudi-Iran -Jordanian World Cup rivalry.

But yes, there is a danger of Americans confusing the IRI with the Iranian people, and that's nothing to get excited about. What is exciting though is that many Americans aren't confused. Here is a great website staffed by Americans for alternative solutions to energy issues. They have gone out of their usual reporting on environmental subjects to voice their support for the opposition movment in Iran. 

Here's one commenter on this site: "Watching the protesters in Tehran, many Americans feel a strong sense of empathy, exhilaration and hope. I strongly share those feelings, especially since I know firsthand the danger the protesters face from government thugs on motorcycles, provocateurs and the secret police. But none of this should blind us to the likelihood that our own government is dangerously meddling in Iran's internal affairs and playing with the lives of those protesters."




Ari, don't get too excited

by bomannyali on

When public opinion of Iranian governemtn/military is poor amongst adults in US, this means that they have the same feelings about Iranian people. 

So, don't get too excited.  Averages Joes all over the world tend to lump governments witht the people.

When Americans view Iraq and Afghanistan poorly in a a survey, do you really think they are considering Iraqi & Afghani government actions only?  Heck no.  Even most people in Iran can't tell how the Afghan and Iraqi governments are functioning even though they are neighbours.

When Americans rate Afghanistan and Iraq poorly, they are mainly focusing on the IRaqi and Aghani people and the loss of American life over there.

So don't expect for a second that the Americans are pro- Iranian people and anti-Iranian government. 

Take for example the Jordanian & Saudi government.  Both are hated in Iran, and over time that translates into hate for Jordanians and Saudis.  For example, during the qualifiers for the World Cup, the Saudi Arabian team played against Iran.  A sporting event.  Guess what; all Iranian fans were yelling YA ALI, hugh banners saying YA ALI, Ya Hussein-- really meant to offend the Saudis who are strict Sunnis and are very much anti- Shiite reverence for the Imams.

Conclusion: 9/10 in a survey said they didn't like Iran.  So when they see their IRanian doctor, they ration that this Iranian doctor is only nice and good because he has adopted the "American" way of life, and not that this Iranian doctor hates the Iranian government.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


And the young rash and full of energy dismiss their elders :-) We have been there and seen it. Well dude soon it will be your time. See where you will take our beloved Iran Zamin.


Ari, This is The Culture of Fear

by Monda on

Fear lowers as Education level rises. Barry Glassner has some data clarifying the Gallup.

Thanks for the post.




by bahramthegreat on

I am sure by now a high % of Iranians are aware of the influence of British and US in the Middle East, as well as, the rest of the world. To know that fact is important for Iranian government to minimize their influences. However, when we talk about influence, the key word is economic dependency. Some Iranians (mainly, the older generation) have this mentality that the word influence simply means to pick up the telephone and tell the key Iranian officials what to do, how to run the show behind the curtain (the Dayee Jan Napoleon mentality), which is not the case. The US & UK influences are to isolate Iran through imposing sanctions in order to paralyze the economy of Iran for the hope to replace it with another government that will cooperate more with what they want. At the end of day, we must realize that to occupy requires time, $, and loss of life. Let us examine the US economy. Practically all of our tax $ goes to foreign countries to maintain our troops in almost 120 countries around the world. This is why we are in a economic mess, with almost 60M Americans without insurance, high unemployment, and the average income is less than $40k. This approach/mentality is not going to work and soon will translate to the fall down of the country as history has shown in the past 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Abarmard please

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


never make fun of my hero Dayee Jan Napoleon! He was a man of great wisdom. Seriously all these jokes are based on truth and sometimes a lot of it. People like to make fun of things to minimize them. But there is no question of the insidious influence of Brithish in not just Iran but much of the world.

However by now they are a weak power. China; India and many others have broken free of them. Iran thanks to the Mullahs still in a slave to them. But Iran will be free.



Veiled Prophet of Khorasan this would be a long disscussion

by Abarmard on

Generally the system of US is setup for those countries to take advantage of. US pays, play war games, and appears aggressively in the arena but the British run the show. Israel for example, was under British control also, but once they figured the formula to get in to the US government for their own benefit, they did so. Today, not one US government official can be in office if he questions Israeli actions. This is power. They are not too separate from one another. It's not Bush or Obama who know what truly goes on in the region and world...

Here is how the British play the game, you think that US has the last say. Of course they do, but their benefit is totally aligned with the British so they would choose what benefits the British. How those benefits are aligned is what we are talking about, behind the curtain.

Dayee Jan Napoleon was into something ;) 

Ari Siletz

Don't know actually, just measuring

by Ari Siletz on

The alternative view points expressed here all seem plausible.  But tracking public opinion is a reasonable measure of what is going on behind the scenes. As suggested in other comments here, this kind of poll is a measure of how prepared the US wants its public.  If the perception of threat goes down, I would suspect the US has made a deal with IRI.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Us image in the world is so bad I don't think they worry too much about it. I have friends from Latin America. One of them is from a big industrialist family. These are not the left wing radicals. Nevertheless they hate the US as much as the left wingers. I asked the guy at one point: what can US to to mend its image. He replied: there's nothing. But they still all do business with the US because that is where the power and money is.

Do not take my statements as an endorsement of a policy. I am just telling your guys what I think may be coming. There is no way Israel/US is going to let them get the bomb. And the simplest and most effective solution for them is regime change.

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

US foreign policies are hostage by the British, when it comes to the
world and Israel, when it comes to Middle East. It is not in US' hand
to choose what to do next. It will be decided for them. Focus on
Israeli and British media not American and see where we are headed.

Not quite. The British used to run things. US owes them nothing and they have no influence. For example British wanted to overthrow Mossadegh and Truman said no. They then went to Eisenhower and fooled him and get their way. Same for Shah. The British wanted the Shah out. Ford would have told British to stick it. But Carter with his human rights fell for it and went along. British have little power except for deception and a talent at finding useful idiots.

Regarding Israel US is heavily influenced by them. But not 100%. Bush vetoed Israel attack on Iran in 2008 (yeh the evil Bush :-). But Israel does wield power. 

These are not mater slave relationships. The US always has the final say. The question is who do they listen to.


It's not US choice to go to war

by Abarmard on

US foreign policies are hostage by the British, when it comes to the world and Israel, when it comes to Middle East. It is not in US' hand to choose what to do next. It will be decided for them. Focus on Israeli and British media not American and see where we are headed.



by Bavafa on

I don't disagree with your assessment about your US power and ability to really f*&k with Iran, just as they did in Iraq. I don't doubt that IRI has no, and I mean NO fighting chance against US. But just because they have the power and can, does not mean that they are right or it is good for the strategic standing of US in the world. We all already know how damaging the Iraq war has been to US world's standing, and one more conflict of the similar circumstance will make it just so much more clear as how US has become an empire and will push some EU but mostly Russia to a multi-polar world.


Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

The point

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


is that the US public is being prepared for intervention. Make not mistake here. People on both sides may kick and scream but this is reality. I have said before: US is mopping up the Taliban now. They already got Iraq under control. Once that is done IRI will be surrounded on three sides. The wise person would be making a deal now. But just like Saddam they are going the other way. Read all the stuff about the invincible IRR military; the new ship; rockets and WWIII. While the weapons are great against UAE or the old Saddam army they will not work against the US. 

Heck Iran may even hold its own against the now weakened Russia but not US. They are going to push their luck and get into a fighting match with the US. When that happens no one will come to IRR's help. US would have already paid them off.

This is not about what is fair or right. It is rather about what is the reality. The IRR is playing a dangerous game. Mostly dangerous to their own survival.  A military dictatorship with a smashed military won't last very long.


Ari jon, need to look for the poll

by Cost-of-Progress on

that shows how many Iranains are afraid of their own government and the Fellowship of the Sword.

Of course, the resident apologists here like to post polls that get their data by calling Iranian housholds and asking them how they favor the regime........ Really accurate and reliable - NOT!


