Geography quiz

Geography quiz
by Ari Siletz

The big kid is from Iran. What country is the little kid from?


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Ari Siletz

The uranium numbers game.

by Ari Siletz on

Mehrban, yes uranium. No sensible details of the 2008 Iran-Nigeria nuclear deal were released but it is unlikely the four day meeting was about anything other than uranium. In 2009 there were reports that Iran was running out of the stuff. Times of London says Iran's current stockpile was bought from South Africa in the 1970s and apparently Iran is struggling to get enough uranium from its two domestic mines. One reason the US cites for Iran's civilian reactor program being suspicious is that Iran has enough uranium to make a few bombs, but nowhere near enough to meet its full fledged power needs. If Iran is so serious about nuclear power, they argue, then why is she not seeking the large amounts of uranium that the civilian reactors will need? So the Nigeria meeting may have also been an attempt to show the world that Iran is seeking uranium to supply her reactors. In addition Iran insists that she has found "considerable" uranium reserves in Narigan (Yazd province) to add to the reported 132000 ton/year ore capacity of its Saghand (Also Yazd province). 132000 tons of ore produces enough reactor fuel for about 10,000 gigawatt-hours of electricity. Iran currently consumes about 130,000 gigawatt-hours per year.

Here's where the data can be garnered:

uranium ore calculator.

Iran's electricity consumption 

Saghand mining capacity.



Ari, thx for being so generous

by Rea on

Hope SP doesn't mind sharing the points. ;o)

Loved your blog, so simple, yet it made me question my geopolitics. 


No. Sargord is disqualified.

by Rosie. on

He is not Iranian.

Rea won.


Actually the guy on the

by benross on

Actually the guy on the right is offering to the guy on the left, a very lucrative business investment that involves a re-location of incredibly large amount of capital. The guy on the left is very interested... like all the guys on the left!



by Mehrban on


Ari Siletz

Important commonalities

by Ari Siletz on

10 blog points to Sargord and Rea for correct answer.

Important commonalities 

1. Both are oil producing nations.

2. Neither has the infrastructure to refine enough petroleum for domestic use.

What does Nigeria have that Iran wants?



by Rea on

Shame on me but I had no idea of the geo shape of Nigeria.

I simply looked at the UN Security Council (thanks Ari) non-permanent members and based on what I know about those countries I picked Nigeria.


Don't worry, Rea,

by Rosie. on

you're right and Sargord is wrong.



Sargord, at the same time ;o)

by Rea on

I wasn't 100% sure, however.


Nigeria ?

by Rea on

Oouups! ;o)

Sargord Pirouz

Nigeria, too easy

by Sargord Pirouz on

Nigeria, too easy

Ari Siletz

Fickle friend?

by Ari Siletz on

Made a friendly nuclear deal with Iran in 2008. In 2010 supported UN sanctions against Iran.

JJ, not Afghanistan. Afghanistan is in the principal's office being paddled.

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

I didn't check google maps. Maybe I should have :)