Try to look up "Tehran" on Wikipedia: good luck!

Try to look up "Tehran" on Wikipedia: good luck!
by Ari Siletz

Wikipedia (and some other big sites) has shut down for 24 hours as of midnight Wednesday Eastern U.S. time. The shut down is to protest to proposed laws that, if passed, can close down websites like the Stop Online Piracy Act ( SOPA) as well as Protect IP Act (PIPA), may require search engines to block access to
sites that use copyrighted material via links or hosting.

When you go on Wikipedia, after a few seconds you will get a page with the above frustrating image on it, and a box where you can put in your zip code to get contact info on your congressperson.  Please give him/her an ear full about the copyright Baseej trying to enforce Sharia internet Law. Meanwhile if you're really desperate for immediate knowledge, the instructions in this article can help you bypass the block and access Wikipedia anyway--for example I just found out that the sister city of Yazd in Hungary is Jaszbereny.


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Tiger Lily

in the meantime, perhaps,

by Tiger Lily on

it wouldn't be a bad idea for IC to stop to  continuously, on a daily basis, violate international copyright laws, amongst many others.

This site violates so many laws, including very many criminal ones, that it wouldn't take more than just a few hours to shut it down, permanently.

Ari Siletz

TL and Bahmani

by Ari Siletz on

Yes, the system needs a revision. SOPA and PIPA are the wrong revision, however, and this a fire that has to be put out right now or else sane revisions won't happen later.


Needs to be 2 Internets

by bahmani on

A fully commercial one, where you go to shop, bank, send secure emails, and .com-merce

And a .pub-lic free internet.

If you are selling anything you get a .com and pay a heftier fee, and get the faster speeds.

If you are providing public info you pay less or get a .pub for free, and get slower speeds.

Everyone used to the free lunch the internet has traditionally been, needs to understand how it actually works. Most don't. Companies with huge computers who are part of the network of connected computers that make up the internet that allows this to come to you from my computer, PAY the costs of managing their node(s) on the (inter)network.

Companies like Akamai and Google and Oracle and other very large enterprises that we don't even know the names of, have been picking up this tab for years.

The internet feels free as a result. But actually isn't. Time to make ALL of the commercial folks pay for it, get their own network and go crazy trying to go IPO by selling toothpaste online, so that those of us who don't make money on it, and don't really want to, can continue to enjoy the free knowledge and other intangible evolutionary benefits.

Before anyone corrects me technically, I am simplifying the way the internet works. Of course you know better and can feel free to explain it greater detail.

OK go.

To read more bahmani posts visit: //

Tiger Lily

not as simple as that

by Tiger Lily on

the fact is that there needs to be a whole entire new system of exchange (monetary) vis a vis intellectual property, but obviously not stipulated solely via big business.