The greatest single geopolitical threat to the planet today is...

The greatest single geopolitical threat to the planet today is...
by Aryana-Vaeja

China and her insatiable lust for raw materials and resources.


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Trite, товарищ, or Truth?

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Your reaction proves the opposite especially since your puppet masters are being increasingly exposed all over the place. That aside, this is Iranian.Com where attention spans are by definition shallow and comprehensions trite all around, especially that of your own and your other Sepaahi brothers here.

Also learn how to spell in the future or use your spell-checker, bee-savaad! What is  'futiue' ?


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer

Sargord Pirouz

To the author: if

by Sargord Pirouz on

To the author: if international relations interest you, please take the time to enroll in a few classes at your local junior college. Educate yourself. That way, in the futiue, you won't embarrass yourself by writing trite, ill-informed rants such as this one. (Or, at least, one hopes you won't.)