Zarathushtra's story


Zarathushtra's story
by Aryana-Vaeja

Part 1

Part 2

 Zarathushtra's Gathas, pt.1

Zarathushtra Gathas, pt.2

Zarathushtra's Gathas, pt.3

Zarathushtra's Gathas, pt.4

Ashem Vohu

Yatha Ahu



Translation of the Gathas


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more from Aryana-Vaeja

Ashem vohû vahishtem astî.

by Aryana-Vaeja on

vohû vahishtem astî. Ushtâ astî Ushtâ ahmâi hyat ashâi vahishtâi ashem.
ýathâ ahû vairyô athâ ratush ashâtcît hacâvanghêush dazdâ mananghô
shyaothananãm anghêush mazdâi xshathremcâ ahurâi âýim drigubyô dadat


Arbab Kay Khosrow Shahrokh

by Aryana-Vaeja on

One of the turn of the last century politically active and prominent members of  the Iranian Zoroastrian community was Arbab Kay Khosrow Shahrokh. He was a member of the second majlis and during that period he submitted a letter to the Iranian majlis that had come into his personal possession. In this letter Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri aka Baha'u'llah unequivocally recants his claims. Since Arbab Kay Khosrow Shahrokh was a Zoroastrian and not a Muslim or Azali Babi/Bayani, the significance of this item cannot be underestimated. Over the years the Baha'is have spent great sums of money to obtain this recantation letter by their founder, but have so far failed.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Baleh, Hazrate Zartosht farmood

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Vali bebinid Mirza Husayn 'Ali Nuri che goft,

Ma'idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355

Translation by Wahid Azal (Jan. 7, 2009)


Chapter 11

The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru'llah)

The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins
with "H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the
protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc." they
[i.e. Husayn 'Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state],

By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha'ism],
[which is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the
perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother
[yanbaghi lahu bi-an yas'al min ummihi] about his origins [or 'state', i.e.'hal', meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell [asfal al-jahim]"…

Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by
'Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA'I FAITH AND
ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha'i Studies: Ottawa,
1990), p.23


O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.


Same mentality that calls Carla Bruni a prostitute. No different.


My attitude is speaking no-holds-barred Truth to lies and corruption just like Zarathushtra did. And in this day, after the Islamists, you Baha'is embody such corruption and lies. The frashkerti (the transfiguration of the Earth) in Zoroastrianism has nothing to do with what you Baha'is believe about such ideas. It is not about some fluff and platitudes. This transfiguration, first of all, involves a war against ahriman and the counter-powers of darkness and putting all those forces on their side in their place like I am with you Haifan Bahais and the Islamists. 


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


حضرت زرتشت


حضرت زرتشت میفرمایند: پندار نیک‌، گفتار نیک‌، کردار نیک‌


Khar Hamoon Khare.......

by Ruhi on

There are weird people who switch from one religion to another,probably to get any material benefit. and once they are cornered and expelled, they start moving against it, they  are once Muslim, then they become Bahai  then they become azalis., then they become gnostics,and Zoroastrian, they even make up their own religion and yet there is not in this world a single soul to offer not even peanut shells to their ideas.

I wonder what the next religion ,this guy is going to be part of?



by Iranian123 on

"May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer "

I somehow doubt it from your attitude and humanity towards others.



I bet you a psychiatrist can do with you much better

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Ghezavatetam baraaye ammat/your judgement is good for your auntie.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


I bet you a psychiatrist can

by Waters on

  "Who are nothing, You have no capacity to understand my word any capacity to judge them accurately......................."      I judged your manifesto very accurately, it is HaparooTea mambo jumbo trajectory.   


Says you

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Who are nothing but a haparootee yourself. You have no capacity to understand my words let alone to be in any capacity to judge them accurately. Your mind is too contaminated by the brainwashing of ruhi-institutes, the rantings of ahriman, your British manufactured prophet, and your blind fanatical Haifan Bahai arrogance that  constitutes the whole package that is the nothing which is your whole creed from its very foundation up.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


NO your world is alame haparoot,

by Waters on


and what 2 identities! take you pills buddy 


The words of the true haparootee = ahriman

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Ma'idih-i-Asmani, vol. 4, page 355

The Critics of the Cause of God (munkirin-i-amru'llah)

The Ancient Beauty in the Tablet of Habib from Maragha, which begins
with "H B hear the call of God from the direction of the throne by the
protective signs/verses (bi-ayati muhayyimin)..etc." they
[i.e. Husayn 'Ali Nuri] enunciate the command (mi-farmayand) [i.e. state], By God, the Truth, whomsoever criticizes it [i.e. Baha'ism],
[which is] possessed of the manifest, the brilliant, the high and the
perspicuous excellence, it behoveth him to ask his mother
[yanbaghi lahu bi-an yas'al min ummihi] about his origins [or 'state', i.e.'hal', meaning he should inquire his mother about his legitimate conception – trans.], for he shall return to the nethermost hell [asfal al-jahim]"…

Promulgation of Universal Peace p. 322 the following is quoted by
'Abbas Effendi from a prayer by his father, cf. THE BAHA'I FAITH AND
ISLAM (ed.) Heshmat Moayyad (The Association for Baha'i Studies: Ottawa,
1990), p.23


O God! Whomsoever violates My Covenant, O God, humiliate him. Verily whosoever violates My Covenant, erase and efface him.


So Zoroastrianism is 'alam-e-haparoot to you, is it?

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Good information to know as to what you Haifan Baha'is think of Iran's most ancient creed and its practitioners. Maybe that's the reason most Zoroastrians can't stand you Haifan Baha'is.

BTW why are you using two identities?


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Alame Haparoot

by Waters on

If anybody didn't know what alame Happaroot is like here is a good example of it.

Trajectory lol



According to Sufis Muhammad hailed Zarathushtra as the

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Lord of the Prophet of Love. Whether this tradition is authentic or not is another question, but it is believed by the Sufis of Iran. Corbin indicates it,

This religion of love was and remained the religion of all the minstrels of Iran and inspired them with the magnificent ta’wil [spiritual hermeneutic] which supplies a link between the spiritual Iran of the Sufis and Zoroastrian Iran, for according to this ta’wil the Prophet of Islam in person proclaims Zarathustra to be the prophet of the Lord of love; the altar of Fire becomes the symbol of the Living Flame in the temple of the heart." (Alone

with the Alone
, pp. 100-101)


BTW I am strictly not an orthodox Zoroastrian. My approach to Zoroastrianism is a syncretic and perennialist one because I believe all of the esoteric and spiritual developments in Iran from Zarathushtra to the Bab represent a single trajectory and unfolding of the same Mazdayasna. This is one of the doctrines of the Fatimiya Sufi Order which I head who holds the Prophet Zarathushtra as a central sacred figure as well as Fatima, Muhammad and the Shi'ite Imams. BTW we consider the station of Fatima Zahra' to have been higher than Her father's, Her husband's,  Her sons and their progeny as well. Since we also consider the Bab to have been a divine messenger  and that revelation is continuous and without finality, that strictly places us outside of the pale of orthodox Islam as well. Just as well. We also simultaneously consider Plato and Hermes Trismegistus to have been inspired divine messengers and look at the figures of Shihabuddin Yahya Suhrawardi and Farzaneh Dastur Azar Kayvan as Mazdean Vakshurs (i.e. prophets).

For the ranting of the bee-leeyaaqat non-person here, please see:



May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


"Denounce the Ahrimnan Mohamad and his so-calledgod. "

by Iranian123 on

By making  remarks of this nature you are acting like the Islamists you claim take away other peoples rights. Ironic. Surely we should all have the CHOICE to choose our paths. Noone should take choice from others and denounce others rights.


Aryana-Vaeja AKA Wahid Azal DECLARES HOLY WAR :)

by faryarm on

Aryana-Vaeja AKA Nima Hazini/ Wahid Azal on Bahais and Human Rights in Iran.


 "the Baha'is have also gone out of their way to fabricate or exagerrate human rights violations in Iran with Western human rights groups in order to maintain some bloated sense of relevence..."

"it appears that the rulers of the Islamic Republic of Iran have actually gone out of their way to accomodate the Baha'is inside Iran. Baha'is have been left relatively unmolested ...." 



"To this end, in my capacity as the Grand Shaykh of the Fatimiya Sufi Order, I recently issued a fatwa against the legitimacy of the regime in Iran as well as against the legitimacy of the imposition of the veil (hijab) against women. The text of my fatwa can be found, here. The time for niceties and negotiations with incorrigible tyrants and fascists such as those infesting Iran is over. It is time to take the fight to them head on upon all fronts (i.e. ideological, political, economic, military and otherwise), and to that end I also hereby proclaim here an all out Holy War (jihad)" 

"May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer "






by Aryana-Vaeja on

Looking forward to it. Feel free to email me any time.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer



by Aryana-Vaeja on

I am actually quite impressed with this Parsi mobed Ashoi. He isn't all that well known but he has an amazingly deep perspective on the Zoroastrian scriptures and liturgy from what I've so far seen. He's also well versed in contemporary philosophical issues. His perspective on Zoroastrianism is also much different from the mainstream Parsi one. Here's some of his discussions on the nature of the mind and self-realization:


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Aryana - Thanks for these

by Simorgh555 on

Beautiful videos. I wish more Iranians could reclaim their past and embrace their heirtage. Denounce the Ahrimnan Mohamad and his so-calledgod.



Dream coming true

by Mehman on

Sure I would like to have a good translator like you for my works!

I am happy to have found you and would like to know more about you. All seems great for now and we should pursue this matter further to see if we could work together.

That would be great, because my field of study is in Literature (and my real interest) even though presently I am employed in another field.

If with the ideas that I have I could make a living by publishing I would rather work in that field (story writing, graphic novels, play writing...).

Now is the time to go to sleep and we will talk and email about this tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!

thanks again



Here is the link again

by Aryana-Vaeja on



May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Dear Mehman

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Funny you should ask, I am a professional Persian-to-English (as well as Arabic to English, mostly classical stuff) editor/translator myself. I've translated quite a bit of classical poetry as well as prose philosophical texts. I've published a few of them here in the past and quite more on my facebook. I presently have a longterm project of re-translating the entirety of the Divan of Hafez because the English translations at hand are not very good and the last complete translation of Hafez which included everything, i.e. the ghazals, rubaiyat,  masnavis, etc, was Wilberforce Clarke's that is utterly atrocious. The only decent translations of Hafez into English still remain A.J. Arberry's and Elizabeth T. Grey's, but these are anthologies and not the complete Divan. Everything else, and especially the one done recently by Roxana Saberi's father, should be used as wallpaper! I am also doing a research presently comparing the Simorgh in the Shahnameh with 'Attar's and especially trying to map-out Her symbology directly back to Zoroastrian texts themselves and to the figure of Daena.

If you are interested in someone reading through your work, I'd be happy to do so.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Many Thanks Aryana

by Mehman on

I have a big project at hand and I appreciate very much your help. I keep all the links you provide me and go through them during the next days, weeks and months and I need more.

I am writing a book on the Stories of Shahnameh (called Padeshahan va ghahremanan: Kings and Heroes) in Farsi and then I plan to rewrite it in English. Once the Farsi version is done or once I edit and finish a few chapters of the Farsi I plan to gradually publish them in or publish only parts of the book, and then I will need a very good editor for the English translation: do you know anybody who can help me on that? any serious writer who can help the editing and revising of the book once I translate it after I finish the Farsi version. In addition I will need the help of a good graphic artist for illustrations.

It is going to be on the stories of the heroes and kings one by one with the main stress on Rostam. So far I have finished up to Jamshid and published them in a non-internet monthly magazine but I have to constantly come back and add some items to the stories and make basic changes. I am also adding of my own imagination and myth-making.

I have gathered a great source of Shahnameh stories at home both in farsi and in english but what I really need and lack is a few good articles and books and videos on ancient persian mythology. like the story of creation: ahura mazda and ahriman and their conflict and the Emshaspandan etc...

 I want to incorporate some elements of ancient persian myths into my Shahnameh based stories in the Greek mythology style but not as sophisticated as the greek myths. I want to have figures like like Anahita, Mithra or Parvin (my own myth figure) appearing in the stories helping the kings and heroes.

So what i need is a basic understanding of main ancient persian mythological figures like Anahita, Mithra, Ahura Mazda, Ahriman and the story of creation according to zoroastrian religion and the more ancient religion than zoroastrianism in the greek style of narration.

I would appreciate and use all links, books, graphic novels (or possible individuals) that you provide who could help me on that matter! 

thanks again friend,


PS: Your link on Persian Mythology did not work!




by Aryana-Vaeja on

Look at these sites:

1. Persian Mythology

2. Mithraism

3. Zoroastrianism

- European Centre for Zoroastrian Studies

- Avesta.Org


Also look at this great article on the Simorgh and this graphic novel Shahnameh site (search through the links. There's some great stuff in there). For books, you cannot go wrong with the studies of Mary Boyce, especially her A History of Zoroastrianism, and Vesta-Sarkhosh Curtis. If you are wanting to get into the real meat of understanding classical Zoroastrian theology, the first part of this book by Henry Corbin is absolutely unmatched. I can keep going. Let me know if you want more suggestions.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Zoroastrian prayer


Excellent blog-Info

by Mehman on

I was looking for that. I am going to watch all these on Iran's ancient religion and its concepts and if you have links like this on ancient persian mythology (though not direcltly related to this) please offer them since I am writing something I need authentic info on zoroastrianism + mithraism + Iranian mythology.

 thanks Aryana

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Nice information

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

I was students in a Zaratusra school. I wish one day the respect of all religions and love will govern the world. Not hate and disunity.

Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi

Very nice

by Amir Sahameddin Ghiassi on

Very good information about Zaratustra. I hope one day instead of hate between religions, we will experience Love and Unity. The hate will destroy the humanity.


More videos on Zoroastrianism

by Aryana-Vaeja on