PAAIA/IAPAC embarrasses Iranian-Americans

by ashemdofpaaia

Hassan Nemazee and his organization PAAIA has not only embarrassed themselves and their families. They have embarrassed the entire Iranian-American community.

During lunch our at work today, a co-worker came and asked me what I thought about his 12 year sentence and the fact that most of the news stories mentioned his founding of PAAIA and IAPAC.

My first reaction was: What does this have to do with me? I don’t know the guy! I’ve never met him! I’ve never given money to PAAIA! I was actually pretty ticket off. I didn’t ask my friend about every white guy that gets caught for something!

So I told him. But his reaction took me off guard. “But this is what you say whenever some crazy mullah in Iran makes a statement! That this has nothing to do with you, because you are Iranian-American and live in the US. Fine. But this guy is like you – an Iranian-American who lives in the US!”

Of course, he was completely wrong. But I realized one thing – however wrong he is, that is the way most people view it. We pass collective guilt onto groups for the actions of specific individuals. It’s unjust, but we are as guilty of it – in fact, we Iranian American are pretty damn judgmental.

I didn’t finish the conversation. I knew I couldn’t win it. I walked away. And the longer time went, the more pissed off I was – not at my co-worker – but at PAAIA and IAPAC.

Ultimately, they are responsible for this because they took up as their mission to give us a good image. And instead, it has turned out that their founder committed bank fraud and he has put all of us to shame.

And to make it worse – PAAIA has shown NO leadership to correct the situation. Instead, in a disgraceful way, they have looked the other way and let the rest of us bear the shame.



when Nixon cheated, he was removed, but people remained intact

by MM on

No one blamed the people who elected Nixon when he was removed from the office of the US presidency for his personal mistakes.  Same with Namazee and his unlawful persaonal decisions.  Only the rotten apple needs to be removed from the basket.  The big difference between PAAIA with IRI/Mullahs is that the corruption in IRI is so widespread that the whole regime needs to be replaced with a better culture.

But, I agree that PAAIA should come clean with members and move on.


I'm sorry, but PAAIA reminds me of that delicious Spanish dish

by Onlyiran on

with rice and all kinds of seafood...

I know it's off topic, but I though I had to say it. :-) 


This is not about being Judgmental

by Doctor X on

Why would that make us iranians Judgmental In anyway?
apparently your friend wanted your opinion and simply wanted to engage you in a conversation or a possible debate. Something co-workers do on occasion. I mean. In a way he is right, As an iranian-american we don't have to hold a certain position on this or any statements that is made by anyone inside iran. But expecting someone to have an opinion is not too Unusual.

Your friend has picked up on this habit of yours everytime he approaches you to talk about things so he is on to you now, Time to change strategy and play along :))))

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

I agree with Jahanshah

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


This whole post is nonsense in every way.

1) PAAIA is a respectable organization. I don't agree with everything they do. But I don't see any problem with them.  As JJ said PAAIA has done a service to all of us and is still doing it. Now if you don't like them: don't join. Badmouthing them without proof just shows your ignorance. We need more Iranian American lobbies not fewer. 

2) Neither me nor any other Iranian is responsible for other people's actions. If your co-worker holds you responsible for another person he is out of line. I suggest you report him to your supervisor. You are giving him approval to behave in a bigoted way.  By that logic this idiot co-worker is responsible for every criminal in the USA. What a jerk.

3) In the USA financial corruption is the norm among wealthy. Management and boards of almost all major banks and financial institutions are crooks. Nemazi is just being a capitalist. If your idiot friend it too stupid to see this it is his problem. Is he responsible  for Ken Lay of Enron or Lehman Brothers . Nemazi's actions don't indict PAAIA.

Some Iranians are just looking for a reason to be ashamed. To hell with that. We are no different than anyone and have nothing to be ashamed of.  


Jahanshah Javid

False argument

by Jahanshah Javid on

"Hassan Nemazee and his organization PAAIA..."

Your argument is false from the start. PAAIA has never been Nemazee's organization.

Everything PAAIA has done has been a service to the Iranian-American community.