Patraeus Affair Linked with Israel


by ayatoilet1

Central Intelligence Agency Director David Petraeus resigned after a probe into whether someone else was using his email led to the discovery that he was having an extramarital affair, according to several people briefed on the matter.

We all know Patraeus did not really have to resign. After all there is a lot of precedence; can someone remind me why these same considerations might not have applied equally to Dwight D. Eisenhower for his own marital indiscretions as Supreme Allied Commander in the Second World War? Or how come Bill Clinton wasn’t let go…even got re-elected?

Let’s start off by recognizing that the U.S. Embassy in Benghazi was in fact a CIA station. The other three “diplomats” that died with the U.S. ambassador in September, were all CIA agents. Somehow, ‘rebels’ had been tipped that the U.S. ambassador (who normally resides in the Capital, Tripoli – some 2 hours air flight away) was visiting! And, somehow, the consulate or CIA outpost had been denied additional security.  Given that fact that all the staff there were CIA agents, would not that decision to add manpower to secure the location have been made by the CIA?

Yes, the CIA, was responsible for that outpost, And General Patreaus was the man in charge. And somehow, additional security was denied. Additional measures to protect the facility were not taken? Why?

And then, only a few days after the election, there is an announcement that an FBI investigation, led them to identify Patreaus in an illicit affair – with Pamela Broadwell. A little digging, and pretty soon you will find that in fact Broadwell is her married name; her maiden name is Paula Kranz. Once again, we find a pretty Jewish girl (like Monica Lewinsky) in the thick of things at the highest levels of America’s executive machine. Remember, Natenyahu was Israel’s Prime Minister during the Lewinsky case too. Patraeus was seduced like good old Bill Clinton – and caught in an Israeli web. How brilliant of the Israeli’s to plant her as ‘his biographer’ assigned by his Jewish publishers…she would have close contact with a lonely general in the desert in Iraq, and then follow him to Washington, all in the cause of writing a book. Witnesses recount them taking 5 mile runs into dark corners of the base!

A Federal Bureau of Investigation inquiry into use of Mr. Petraeus's Gmail account led agents to believe the woman or someone close to her had sought access to his email, the people said. You have to hand it to the FBI. Great job guys; I am shocked Tel Aviv did not have enough pull inside the FBI to pull you guys off the case.  But I am sure Obama and his cohorts knew maybe even a month ago or more. And to put the Israeli’s off their case they had Susan Rice – ambassador to the U.N. – go public to say that Benghazi was the result of a rowdy crowd outside the embassy….nothing pre-planned (by the Israelis)! The FBI misled the world long enough to sniff out what was going on. Meanwhile, FBI uncovered it all. Excellent, just excellent – a real tribute to the system! That the FBI was even involved in investigating the head of the CIA is a huge – massive - deal.

Everything suddenly adds up. And obviously to avoid embarrassment, Patreaus was told to wait ‘till after the elections to resign. 

Only weeks ago, there was a short news item about a snap trip by the the Israeli ambassador to U.S. making a fast run to Jerusalem to privately brief Netenyahu! Why? Well their scheme had blown up. And then on the heels of the briefing, suddenly Natenyahu made a snap decision to have a quick election in Israel in January. Did you notice how Natenyahu’s rhetoric suddenly stopped?  By the time the new president (likely Romney) officially takes on his post in January Natenyahu figured he would be re-elected as Israel’s Prime Minister. Obama would be knee deep in dealing with the Fiscal Cliff, and would not have time to deal with Natenyahu’s and his dirty schemes before Romney takes office!

I wonder what Patraeus was offered in exchange for helping embarrass Obama’s administration? Did they tell him they would crown him king? I am sure he looked in the mirror and saw President Patraeus in 4 years? Oh, how narcissistic he must be?  Did he really believe that they would shower him with cash and set him up in the Oval office? How vain? How stupid? Did he really think he would get away with it? Did he really think the plan to humiliate Obama would work?

Not only did it not work, but you have to take your hat off to the people of America – who despite a barrage of ads, despite over a billion dollars in attack ads on Obama – handed Obama another term. The Benghazi humiliation had clearly not worked. People saw through the wall of crap put up in front of them by Republicans.

One final thought and mark my words: Susan Rice will be the next Secretary of State! She, clearly, was on the inside on the Patraeus case. And she took the heat, but ultimately proved that she could be trusted.


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Soosan Khanoom

Ayat & AO

by Soosan Khanoom on

I read both of your scenarios and I am wondering what would the end result really be in either cases.  


 /  Israel Spy 

/ Lebanon Spy / Iran  Spy /  any other Middle Eastern country would do it.  


Western media would make any attempt possible on this earth to sweep the case under the carpet and make it go away for Paula

But, they would pay all the attention possible on this earth to the Jill's case ....consider 24/7 media effect on the mind. Meanwhile, If not Iran, but for sure one other muslim country in the Middle East or Africa will be bombed in the name of democracy. 

: )  



Hey AO - Wouldn't it be an incredible drama if

by ayatoilet1 on

Jill Kelley ended up being linked directly as a spy for Iran and Paula Broadwell with Israel!?

What an incredible Story? Movie? Book? Incredible Drama?


Hey, AO - check this out...on Jill Kelley

by ayatoilet1 on

It turns out that Jill Kelley, the Lebanese-American girl that got the investigation into Paula (Kranz) Broadwell started, was also involved with John Allen (another general, slated to take over the top NATO job next year) AND, she also got shirtless email photo's from the FBI investigator who started the look at Patraeus. It also turns out she has hired the PR rep that worked with Monica Lewinsky, and a top DC lawyer that represented Bill Clinton during the impeachment process... What a tangled web all this has spun out!! Wonder who else is involved??




AO- Jaan - This last post from Alireza is great ...

by ayatoilet1 on

AO, read the link that Alireza sent (just below), its very illuminating. It appears my post is not even 1% of it...and that's fine. I love IC, because, I can start a post, and then through reading the comments I learn so much more! Wonderful. Just great. 

No-one is concocting conspiracy theories, this case is actually very involved and definitely disturbing no matter how you look at it. Read the link. Its very very interesting.

Oh, and by the way stop this anti-semetic shit, and stop distracting everyone. I keep telling you, Iranians and especially me love the jewish community, but Israel is the one casting stones at Iranians threatening to splinter the country and supporting idiots like the MEK. Iranians have a right to defend the country from being cut up. Until very recently when Natenyahu started threatening Iran and Iranians - most Iranians were very much pro-Israel (I was), But Natenyahu has destroyed all that. Polarized it, And you can bet, Iranians everywhere will now be very vigilant about Israel's actions. Natenyahu has made all Iranians everywhere his enemy. No Iranian wants the MEK in charge and Iran splintered into 5 nations - no matter how much they hate the Mullahs.  

Mohammad Alireza

A sting operation?

by Mohammad Alireza on


The above link presents a more likely situation of what's really going on.

Anonymous Observer

RG jaan -

by Anonymous Observer on

Unfortunately my friend, the two are related.  If Iranians spent half the time that they spend on concoting Jewish, Arab, etc. conspiracies, and blaming everything on others, on addressing the root cultural problems in Iran--which is the real reason why our homeland is where it is today---we would be in a much better shape now.

Anonymous Observer

Your entire assumption is wrong

by Anonymous Observer on

and is fueled by your Jewish conspiracy conclusion--just as Faramarz pointed out.  Your conclusion is that it was all a Jewish conspiracy and then you work the "facts" into that construct.  Anyway, did you read the quote that I posted below?  Its has it all in there.  Here it is again:

"Broadwell met then–Lt. Gen. Petraeus when she was earning her master's degree at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government and he was giving a speech. She introduced herself at a small dinner gathering following the speech, told him of her interests in counterterrorism and counterinsurgency, and he gave her his card and offered to help. Soon after, she decided to write her dissertation on his leadership style, and he agreed to cooperate. In 2010, when Petraeus was named top commander in Afghanistan, Broadwell decided to turn her dissertation into a book, teamed up with newspaper editor Vernon Loeb, and landed a book deal. She traveled to Afghanistan six times to interview Petraeus and his aides, earning what his team viewed as extraordinary access to the general. The book, All In: The Education of General David Petraeus, came out in January."

He agreed to help her with her dissertaion / book.  She took that info to the publisher and got a book deal.  Nothing out of the ordinary.  The woman is an overachiever.  A West Point graduate, at the time doing graduate studies at Harvard, who had a promise from perhaps the most famous, highly regraded military officer on the planet, with cooperation on a book.  What publisher would pass on that deal?!!  I have seen many people with much less persuasive arguments get book deals, including a friend of mine whose only connection to the publisher was a recommendation from an existing author (who happened to be his freind).  His book actually did really well.  Also, she traveled to Afghanistan to interview Patraeus after she got the book deal, and after she secured his cooperation.  Nothing strange about that.

BTW, you didn't answer Fraramarz's question and tell us why the Lebanese American woman's connection shouldn't lead us to a Lebanese government conspiracy to overthrow someone in the U.S.?  Did you know that she actually worked for free for the Defense Department.  It's true.  Read the article that I have linked below.  How about that for a conspiracy theory?  Why would someone work for free in this sensitive area?  I know.  Here it goes:

She was an Iranian spy:

We all know of IR's connections to Lebanon.  This woman worked--FOR FREE--at McDill Air Force Base in Tampa, the headquarters of CENTCOM, which oversees the Middle East.  She volunteered to work there for free and connected herself to the General so that she can get her hands on the U.S.'s plans for attacking Iran.  Then she would turn the plans over to the lebanese Hezbollah which, in turn, would hand it to the IR.  And this whole thing about the emails is just a cover-up.  I think that Broadwell actually found out about Jill Kelley's spying for Iran and was trying to expose it.  She (Kelley), knowing that she was going to get caught, doctored the emails and preemptively brought in the FBI to cover her tracks.  

WOW!!!  I can't believe that I just solved that mystery and exposed the conspiracy just using the time tested method of Ayatoilet1: by using my "bokhare-e Me'deh."  

How about that for a conspiracy theory Toilet?  Now prove me wrong! 


توالت جان!




Here is Paula talking about co-writing the book with Washington Post's Editor Vernon Loeb. Very informative.

On this Veterans Day, you may want to see her in a different light.




چو ایران نباشد فلان جای تن من مباد!


قربان ایران و هر چه ایرانی! چه ملت به قول فرنگی‌‌ها "دیورس" هستیم! یکی‌ از ما به خاطر انسانیت، شرف و غیرتش به این نتیجه می‌رسه که در ایران زیر چنگال اسلامیون فاشیست  "مردن شرف دارد به این زندگی‌..."، بقیه ما اونچنون ذوق زده شدیم از *آیدن یک زن یهودی به "دست" یک افسر آمریکائی، که زندگیمون رو ول کردیم افتادیم دنبال اختراع داستان‌های عجیب و قریب در باره این "واقعه بسیار مهم" و تو سر و کله هم دیگه زدن سر آن!


Just Out ... hot off the press

by ayatoilet1 on

Paula Broadwell's father Paul Krantz gave the New York Daily News a strange, cryptic quote this afternoon outside his home in Bismarck, N.D.


“This is about something else entirely, and the truth will come out,” he told the Daily News.

 “There is a lot more that is going to come out ... You wait and see. There’s a lot more here than meets the eye.”


Faramarz: If its far fetched, think back to 1980!

by ayatoilet1 on

George Bush senior, then running for vice president, previously head of the CIA along with the future head of the CIA (William Casey) made a weekend trip to Paris and met with Karrubi and a few other Mullahs to wrap up a deal to keep the US embassy hostages through US elections to humiliate Carter.

Here we have it, two CIA directors involved in a pretty shady deal to humiliate a President running for re-election.



AO - You can Poo-Poo it all, but you can't change the facts!

by ayatoilet1 on

There is simply no explanation - except the one I have provided for a whole bunch of facts. And you certainly have NOT provided any better explanation. So explain the following:

An unknown writer gets a huge advance to write a biography of Patraeus - before actually getting his support to do so, and even going to Afghanistan.

A married woman, with young kids goes to Afghanistan on her own nickel, gets embedded with Patraeus for over a year!

Classified information is found on her PC at home, she had used Patraeus's computer and was aware of his passcodes.

I could go on and on. Its too much of a coincidence. Its too much to simply discount as a love affair. Tell me this was not planned espionage please. And yes, the grid can be on me! Shoot me if I am wrong.

And then if it is espionage, tell me who is she likely to be working for? Russians? Brits? Israel? And if you say Israel, according to your logic, then surely you must be anti-semetic!

This has nothing to do with anti-jewish hatred and has everything to do with what is probably the biggest national security breach ever in the history of the U.S. With the head of the CIA entangled in an Israeli web. She had her fangs deeply into him.

Anonymous Observer

Seriously Faramarz

by Anonymous Observer on

These guys' only "honar" as we say is to come up with absurd Jewish conspiracy theories--which really shows us a glimpse of their mindset.  And then when you confront the absurdity and ask them for proof of their claims, they double down on their theories and and call you a Jew / Israeli, etc.  And then they look at you with a straight face and deny that anti-Semitism is prevalent in the Iranian community.  :-)

Seriously dude, 34 years of IR's Jew hate propaganda has really done its job--whether they like it or not.



by Demo on




توالت جان!




This is what you are doing here.

You start out with your conclusion that all evil comes from the Jews and Israel, then you look at a news item and try to fit that into your hypothesis.

In this particular example, you throw everything against the wall and see which one sticks and if you are challenged on any of your factoids (like the American-Lebanese woman), you ignore that and raise another question.

But let’s play your game for a little while.

Your central point and premise here is that Netanyahu wanted to get Romney elected and get rid of Obama. OK, so did a whole bunch of millionaires in this country. Now, wouldn’t it be more effective for Bibi, his Republican buddies and the Mossad extended network in this country to release this damaging affair between the head of the CIA and 2 married women a couple of days before the election? After all FBI briefed Congressman Eric Cantor, a staunch Tea Partyer and not a friend of Obama on the topic a while back. But they waited after the election to release the information.

Also, Petraeus can go to jail if he is proven to have had this affair when he was a commander. Do you think that he would risk his freedom, his reputation, his family and his legacy to help Bibi. And please remember, Petraeus is not a liberal weakling. He was appointed by W Bush to his post. He was the architect of the surge in Iraq and all the neocon stuff in there. He also had presidential ambitions. So your question, “I wonder what Patraeus was offered in exchange for helping embarrass Obama’s administration?” is a direct contradiction of your other points.

You see, you need to stay consistent in your reasoning and more important, it is OK to once in a while say, “You know, I was wrong. Thanks guys. I learned a few things today!”

But I know, admission of wrong is not in our DNA. When was the last time someone came on this site and said, “I was wrong. Thanks for correcting me!”

Anonymous Observer

Indeed, TS-9 -e Gerami

by Anonymous Observer on

Toilet's blog will make an intriguing movie, but ironically, no one will buy his script because he's not Jewish. :-(


Forget James Bond

by Truthseeker9 on

This all sounds like a great novel that should be written. Too many great plots, plenty of juicy bits and AyaT's great imagination, all a recipe for a block buster.

Anonymous Observer

Oh, Toilet, I'm sure it came directly from Tel Aviv

by Anonymous Observer on

AO, explain again how an unknown author gets a huge advance on a book like this - before she even heads out to Afghanistan to write it - before Patraeus even agrees to work with her on it? Can the feds please review her bank account statements and see precisely when she got her advance? And then have some seasoned publishing industry executive explain - how she got it, why she got it?

Oh, I'm sure the money came directly from Tel Aviv.  In fact, this is a funny coincidence, but I was actually in line at a bank in Tel Aviv to deposit my paycheck and I saw Mordechai Goldberg, who is a very famous Mossad operative, walk over to the branch manager and give him a check made payable to Paula Broadwell--and in the "Memo" section of the check it said "advance for destroying General Patraeus."  Then--and this is where it gets REALLY interesting--a couple days later, when we were receiving our morning briefing at Mossad headquarters (I was having a Baklava and Turkish coffee at the time) our briefer shocked us--or at least shocked me--by specifically mentioning that we should keep an eye on a soon to be published blog by Ayatoilet1 on IC which will expose the whole thing.  And then he surprised me further by appointing me the point person to respond to this earthshattering expose.  Dude, you don't know how concerned they were about this blog.  You should have been there! 

This actually raises a good question: how did they know about your blog in advance?  Dude, you must have a leak somewhere.  Do you trust the people around you?  My advice: trust no one!  They're on you-- and after you--man.  My suggestion:  leave the "grid."  You're a target man.  Go off the grid.  Get a backpack, fill it up with supplies, clean underwear, toothpaste, water, deodorant (you want to stay fresh) and head for the wild.  Do it man.  Do it before it's too late!!!!

dingo daddy En passant

bazam khodemoonim ha! ;)

by dingo daddy En passant on

"Unfortunately, I see anti-Semitism to be far more prevalent in the Iranian community than anti-Islamism and anti-Bahai'ism"


Not that I really care AO jan, traitors to Iran are many.... You have the right be the court appointed public lawyer for whatever minority you want. It's obvious this touches you at a deep personal level. But seriously, anybody who reads this community and believes that quote is not really paying attention and/or is so highly biased as to not make a fair assessment.


I know you don't agree, but that's OK with me ;)



Dingo Daddy _ Ghorbanat - Tottally Agree, AND

by ayatoilet1 on

I don't understand why AO doesn't think for a minute, why I even took the time to write the blog. The very purpose of it, is to "push" the authorities (that you know regularly monitor IC) to take an extra step to see if there is a link here...  Because to me, there HAS TO BE A LINK WITH ISRAEL - it fits their pattern of activity. AND, I realized after looking at the places she went to (to promote her book) that there was indeed a link with Israel. I personally know some of the owners of these bookshops and producers and know very precisely about these links (they have with Israel).

And just to confirm - this has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANTI-SEMITISM, but there really is a very serious breach of national security here. Don't distract anyone with this anti-semitism shit, its a major breach of national security - very major. She had access to his computer, to his passcodes, to everything. She got tours of sensitive army bases.

And I really hope the feds leave NO STONE unturned. It will lead them to Benghazi, Tel Aviv, Jerusalem etc.

AO, explain again how an unknown author gets a huge advance on a book like this - before she even heads out to Afghanistan to write it - before Patraeus even agrees to work with her on it? Can the feds please review her bank account statements and see precisely when she got her advance? And then have some seasoned publishing industry executive explain - how she got it, why she got it?

Anonymous Observer

DDEP - Not a coincidence at all :-)

by Anonymous Observer on

As I have responded before to the accusations (both express and implied such as yours) I am part of the vast Israeli internet propaganda effort on IC that is always talked and speculated about on IC.  With these great writers on IC exposing Israel's every move (:-) for that one) Mossad saw the need for setting up the system just so they can stop great investigative journalists like Ayatoilet from exposing their conspiracies.  And as I have always said, I live in an apartment in Tel Aviv that is built on confiscated Palestinian land with my roommate, the now blocked Dr. Mohandes.  Happy now?  See, no need for a smiley face insinuation. 

PS- I have opposed the same things about Baha'is--and that's why Wahid Azal--in his many reincarnations--is my enemy # 1 on this site whenever he appears.  I have also defended people like Demo when he's attacked for quoting Quranic verses.  Unfortunately, I see anti-Semitism to be far more prevalent in the Iranian community than anti-Islamism and anti-Bahai'ism.   It's actually pretty mainstream as far as I can see it in the Iranian community.

dingo daddy En passant

AO jan, hala khodemoonim ha ;)

by dingo daddy En passant on

AO jan, your protestations about antisemetism and "Unfounded, racially and ethnically driven conspiracy theories", is all well and good. I just wanted to ask, have you read anything else on Have you read what people say about Arabs, Muslims, Bahais, Rashtis,... ? I couldn't help but notice just ONE group of people that get you THIS worked up about xenophobia. Just a coincidence? I'm sure! ;)

But seriously, jews and gentile boys and girls, this IS about Israel, that same government that manipulated the US into bless the Mujahedeen and Jundullah fanatics. I didn't even know about this woman being a jew until now, but everyone had suspected Israel already, it's not anything with this woman's religion. Don't be distracted.

No one can deny the crazy Netanyahu has the most to gain from this. Anything to keep grabbing land and keep the "security money" flowing. If there is any one agency in the world that has enough influence and political cover to try something like this, it is the Mossad with the help of American Zionists who are all over the government. They are prime suspects because they DO THIS ALL THE TIME! Facts people facts!

Smart people can just look at the track record of Israel and make an intelligent assessment. We shouldn't don't get caught up in this tired "antisemetism" distraction.

Soosan Khanoom

But Ayat brings up the idea of Mussad and Israel

by Soosan Khanoom on

and certain Political gains here.  Since he is a democrat and a huge fan Of Obama he thinks there is something going on with the right wings...

By the way, was it not Hillary Clinton who also claimed that a "vast right-wing conspiracy" was trying to destroy her husband. 

Oh politics ..... I am done talking politics today




Anonymous Observer

I'll actually even help you with it

by Anonymous Observer on

Here, watch these Fox News (out of all people) videos on their investigation of Israeli spies, and what Israel may have known about 9/11.  Pretty interesting stuff.  Now, that's an investigation with evidence, not "bokhar-e me'deh:"


Anonymous Observer

Criticism is absolutely proper

by Anonymous Observer on

Unfounded, racially and ethnically driven conspiracy theories on the other hand are...well, just racist and in poor taste.  You want to write about real Israeli spies, I encourage you to do so.  Write about Jonathan Pollard or the AIPAC guy who was indicted for it.  But to accuse people of being spies (or terrorists for that matter in case of Muslims) just because of their religions is just nonsense. 

You people don't know how much you're hurting your own cause and standing in this country by encouraging xenophobia.

Soosan Khanoom

Dear AO,

by Soosan Khanoom on

Has AYAt slept with any CIA operative ?    What it has to do with the topic here.  You can argue and proof him wrong but he should not be the one in the hot seat now!  

Please , consider that.

Thank you 

Anonymous Observer

And I hope you realize Toilet

by Anonymous Observer on

that by calling Broadwell an "Israeli" or an Israeli spy by implication, you are giving credence to all the right wing xenophobia in the U.S. that you seem to constantly complain of on IC.  Let me break it down for you:  by writing a long winded conspiracy theory blog calling this an Israeli job just because the woman in this sexual affair is Jewish,  you empower the Muslim-phobes in the U.S. to claim that YOU are an Iranian spy because you're of Iranian heritage and a Muslim.  Hey, you could even be a Saudi Arabian spy since you're a Muslim. :-)

Now, did that get through the thick turban, or should I explain it further?

Soosan Khanoom

Ayat Jan,

by Soosan Khanoom on

" To learn who rules over you, simply find out whom you are not allowed to criticize."

Keep up with your blogs ...  

: ) 


Soosan Khanoom

AO that was the latest on sunday morning ,

by Soosan Khanoom on

as I mentioned
 , by the one who first broke the news.

She basically stated what I highlighted .. you can look at the Sunday morning " meet the press" as well.   I brought up at one point about the other woman the term ... " as of now "  because this is how media works here...

The one who broke the news, andrea micheal, at the time also stated that the other woman was not a family member and or in the government.  That was yesterday but this is now ....  

In general, the news comes out partially and never ever completely and then will be manipulated as days go by. Always, there are some new development based on the direction of the wind and if it stays in the media for a long time then there is always something else to push it aside.  

I have seen enough of the media in action. The important part is the question that I asked?  Which was also the question asked at many Sunday political shows!  I am not sure that has been answered yet. 


Anonymous Observer

Also- how do you account for the fact that the other woman

by Anonymous Observer on

is Lebanese?  Where's the conspiracy there?

PS- The other woman is much "more" Lebanese than Paula is "Israeli" (she's not, BTW.  She's a Jewish American).  Jill's family moved to the U.S. from Lebanon back in the 1970's.  Paula's family are Americans from generations back.