Mehdi Yaha-Nejad (Balatarin) interview with Mojtaba Vahedi

by aynak

 Based on a suggestion by one of Balatarin's members,  Mojtaba Vahedi, speaker for Karoubi was interviewed by Balatarin's Mehdi YahyaNejad toady Thursday July 14 2011.   The interview lasted about 2 hours and the full video is below.   List of questions (hundreds of them) were collected on Balatarin site , on the last few days, and they were presented to Mr.Vahedi in the order of the number of votes they received on the site by other bloggers.  Those questions were then presented to Mr. Vahedi (and indirectly Karoubi) on various issues.  

Roll to minute 2:00 after which the sound is corrected.



more from aynak

Thanks Mehrdad Jan, this may become a regular feature

by aynak on


at Balatarin.   There are suggestions to invite, Bani-Sadr, Reza Pahalvi, ...   I think the format is great and anyone who has something to say or people want to have exchange with them should be invited.

The talk was a bit repetative as you noticed, but that's because the questions were repeated.   The Rezai piece (start of second clip, was cool, too  I thought).

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Listened to a good portion of it.

by Bavafa on

a bit long and chatty, nevertheless informative.

And I really like and endorse your signature note.

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 



part II 67 murders, elections, coaltions + satarist rezai

by aynak on


min 45 67 murders



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