کار زنها اسمش خیانته!


by azad.k
Short story. Complementary to Parinaz stories


استکان عرقش رو انداخت بالا و ماست و خیارشم زد و در حالیکه بچه اش تو بغلش با خم و راست شدنش کج و راست میشد، سبیلش رو با دست پاک کرد و گفت: به به، عجب عرقیه این عرق قارابط.

حسین که تو صندلیش وارفته بود و همچی بفهمی نفهمی یادش رفته بود که کجاست و کی به کیه، رو کرد به احمد و گفت: قارابط رو ولش. ما آخرش نفهمیدیم تو چجوری با این قیاقه تخمی هی زنهای طاق و جفت تور میکنی و ما هی کون خودمونو جر میدیم و آخرش واسه ده دقیقه کلی باهاس پیاده شیم.

احمد جواب داد: راه داره مشنگ، فقط دک و پز که نیست که.

کامران که همچین هم با عرق قارابط حال نکرده بود و یخ تو استکانش آب شده بود و زده بود گاراج، گفت: من نمیفهمم. مگه شماها خودتون زن ندارید. این کار بالاخره خیانته دیگه.

حسین فوری دراومد که: زن داریم شوهر که نداریم که انچوچک.

احمد هم جواب داد: آخه فرق میکنه پسر. این حرفها ربطی به زن داشتن و نداشتن نداره. بعدش هم تازه پشگل، تو هنوز نفهمیدی که کار زنها اسمش خیانته. مال مردها میشه شیطونی. اما عجب مالی بود. تمیز و سفید عین برف.

حسین پرسید: اسمش چی بود؟

احمد جواب داد: پریناز. خیلی از دست شوهرش شکار بود. میگفت چیزش همیشه واسه دیگران سیخه و آبشو میاره واسه این. یارو شوهره یه بار هم نتونسته بود یه حال درست به زنه بده.

حسین گفت: خب مردا همینن دیگه. جوون که بودم یه بار تو ده آقام اینا الاغها رو دیدم که پریده بودن به هم. تا یه ماه این سگ مصب نمیخوابید. بوزینه تو چجوری زیر پای اینها میشینی؟

احمد گفت: خب دیگه. قلق داره. طرف باید باور کنه که داری بهش توجه میکنی. فقط به اون توجه میکنی نه به کس دیگه. همه شون هم مث همند. همه شون. بس که بدبختها فکر میکنن دیده نمیشن. اولش همه تو شرکت فکر میکردن این دیوارش از بتونه. جون این فسقلم که اینجا تو بغلم خوابیده یه بار همینجوری بهش گفتم چه روسری قشنگی. لبخند غیر عادیش رو که دیدم فهمیدم دیوار ترک برداشته.

حسین گفت: عجب خوارک... ای هستی تو دیگه.

احمد ادامه داد: یه بار تو ماموریت، تو اصفهان تو هتل نشسته بودیم همینطوری ور میزدیم که دست بردم به ابروش. با خودم گفتم الانه که پاشه قهر کنه بره و چارتا چارواداری هم بارم کنه. اما دیدم سرخ شد و سفید شد و ... فهمیدم که وقتشه. گفتم میخوای بریم بالا؟

حسین که هیجان زده شده بود گفت: خر سرپا بگادت. عجب جنی هستی. من هنوز نمیدونم ابروی زنم زیر چششه یا بالای چشش.

کامران: . . . هیچی نمیگفت. اما با دقت گوش میداد. ته دلش آفرین میگفت و حسودی میکرد.

احمد داستانش ادامه داشت. تو آسانسور ماچش کردم. اما موقع عملیات که رسید عین تاپاله پهن شده بود رو تخت. نمیفهمیدم که داره حال میکنه یا بدش میاد یا خوابیده. خودشو رها کرده بود. رها, عین بزی که گشنه بوده و حالا بهار شده و علف حسابی زده و خودشو ول کرده رو همون علف و داره عشق میکنه. کون لق شنگول و منگول و حبه انگولش.

کلی لیسش زدم تا بالاخره صدای خرناسش رو شنیدم. آدم وقتی مثل تاپاله پهن شده باشه رو تخت به جای جیق رضایت، عین حمار خرناس حماقت میکشه.

حسین گفت: اه اه. چیکار کردی؟ مگه فیلم سوپره؟ حالمو بهم زدی.( بعد هم تو دلش گفت پس این فقط زن ماست که وقتی لاپاش رو وا میکنه بو گندش همه اتاقو ورمیداره.)

کامران: . . . اما هیچی نمیگفت. با دقت گوش میکرد. یاد حرفهای مشاوره افتاده بود. چقدر دلش میخواست که یه بار اون کار رو بکنه. اما زنش هیچوقت نذاشته بود.

احمد که میدون رو در اختیار خودش میدید ادامه داد.

: البته یواش یواش راه افتاد ها. تهران که برگشتیم، خدا بده برکت . میگفت شوهرم وقتی بهم میرسه سیخ سیخه. اما تا میاد بکنه خودشو خراب میکنه. چند بار هم فهمیدم که با دیگران بوده.

نمیدونم چی شد که یه دفعه زد زیر همه چی و گفت. شما را به خوش و ما را به سلامت. آخرش هم طلاق گرفت.

صدای زن حسین بلند شد که: حسین آقا...

حسین گفت: بله. بعد هم زیر لب گفت که ای دهنتو ...

پشت سرش زن احمد بود که صداش زد: احمد، شام سرد شد ها.

احمد گفت: جانم عزیزم اومدیم. اومدیم.

کامران از در رفته بود بیرون. لازم نبود زنش صداش کنه.



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1234- Listen to the the words of wisdom (not mine)

by KouroshS on

Hey buddy

If there is anyone who has taken up an offensive tone, that would you. You are not even making sense,. Why would women want to have equal rights in order to sleep around? HecK. all women from all walks of society and all nationalities are already doing it. 

1- Many male jerk-wannabes have openned up their eyes and rose to the occasion and have become decent people. You are showing way too much bias on this one point. and please pay attention to your spelling:) it is decent not descent.

2- Half the women that you are talking to in this audience are married and have found themselves a solid core of moral values to adhere to and that by itself brings social and and familial responsibility.

3- Personal complexes? please. Why don't you go live In yemen or Djiboti or somewhere where your ideas and beliefs are more welcomed than The U.S.?  It is called freedom to express oneself. You should have been used to it by now, If you have lived your life with an open mind.

4- The fact that they post their nude photos means that they are doing absolutely wonderful in getting attention from men. Why would they want attention from One man when they can have any man the want? Oh and one possible reason they can not get committment from any man, One big reason is that more often than not they are dealing with a jerk. Now could you be one of them men?

5--why should one settle for some stupid and dumb casual sex when they can set their bed on fire by having hot and steamy sex? Would you? that is if You had any chance at getting any kinda sex at all?







by Majid on



  نخیر آقا...........طبق معمول سنواتی............ پای خواهر مادر ها اومد وسط!

ظاهراً هر کسی این وسط یه اظهار نظری بکنه، عقیده و نظری داشته باشته و یا کامنتی بنویسه خواهر و مادر خودشو گذاشته در طبق اخلاص این شب جمعه ای!

کجای کار ما اشکال داره؟ به بعضی از موضوعات که میرسیم و همچین موقع اظهار نظر کردن که میشه بجای قلم دست گرفتن (یا تایپ کردن روی کیبورد) شلوارمون رو میکشیم پائین و...........با اون یکی «قلممون» اظهار عقیده میکنیم!



case of a bad mother?

by Pia Maria (not verified) on

Whenever a man writes like this, such vulgar language, and denigrating to women, I think about his mother and his relationship with her. I wonder if his mother was like that herself, or if she abused or neglected him to make him turn this way. I really wonder about his sister(s) also.

Shazde Asdola Mirza

to the suspicious

by Shazde Asdola Mirza on

This author is a good writer, but it's not me.

You are just fighting the shadows and driving yourself nuts. But again, that's such a short drive!

I am glad that the whole thing is bothering you, cause I take great pleasure from it. But I can't take credit for someone else's handy work!


to the author

by Souri on

حسابی‌ آبروی نداشته خودت و بردی

دلم واست کباب شد

 حیوونی ایندفعه که نقشه‌هات بر آب شد، حالا برو بشین فکر کن که دفعه دیگه با چه اسمی بیائ و چه کلکی بزنی‌

هر چند که از کوزه همان برون تراود که دروست

هر چی‌ کنی‌ بازم بیشتر به خودت ....میزنی

از صبح تا به حال دو دفعه نیو رجیستر کردی، اومدی تو چت، کارت نگرفت

بد اومدی اینجا به اسم آای بی‌...که بگی‌ این کار یه بچه تین ایجره...کار تو نیست!!

واقعا که!!

بابا دست وردار،برو دنبال یه زندگی‌ ابرومند، برو خودت و به یه دکتر نشون بده

سایت‌های دیگه هم هستن تو این اینترنت. اینجا که آبروت حسابی‌ رفته...برو یه فکری واسه خودت بکن


Souri again....

by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on

You have no arguments. All you have to defend your position with are personal attacks against me. You have nothing in defense of that new trend of promiscuity you "Americanized" Iranian women so poorly follow.

I have neither been dumped or cheated on, so don't rejoice too much over it. I'm just sharing my observation: Women rights is nothing for you people but the right to "equally" sleep around. You want to become "male jerks", because you can't afford to be descent women. You can't assume your social and familial roles. You are not apt to follow a coherent line of moral and values. That's why you deconstruct every norm. That's why you breach the basic rules of life and nature. That's why you can't stand to see another woman keep her decency.

It's all about your personal complexes. One woman write about porn and how she likes it in her blog, the other write erotic stories about how she sleeps around, another one posts nude pics of herself, another puts a bra in every frame she shoots and calls it "art" or photography...And in comment sections, there are always other women approving of and nodding to the promiscuity. They all can't wait to get a little attention from a man, and they'd kill to get some commitment from one, and most of them can't probably even approach a man for casual sex, yet they all act as if they're the main characters of "sex and the city"...

Come on. YOU get a life...

Shazde Asdola Mirza

سوری، به جون تو، این من نیستم؛ ولی‌ خوب حالتو گرفته ها!

Shazde Asdola Mirza

S.A.M (an official Khar Vazir)

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

anonymous1234, i don't know whether to feel embarrassement or pity for you.  you truly don't understand the meaninig of feminism.  first you have to just look up its definition before attacking it.  just google it and wikipedia is at the top of the list in which the term is defined and a brief overview of issues surrounding the concept of feminism is explained. second, you don't have to be a woman to be a feminist.  i'm a feminist not just because i want my sisters to have the same respect as their male counterparts but because i think of myself as a humanist.  the feminist movement is not about having the same pathetic traits that some people attribute (justly or unjustly) to males.  in fact, feminism is really not about sexuality at all.

with regard to the story itself, aside from its crudeness, i think the story lacks a sympathetic character.  all characters in it are pathetic: the males wish to be as the most pathetic character and the women are portrayed as ignorant losers who are married to them.  in a good story, even if there's vulgarity and crude scenes in it, you need to have at least one character with redeeming qualities.  in a story, in my humble opinion, one needs to build some kind of contrast so the reader comes away from it having learned something, feeling something not mundane.  this story with slight modification could have achieved that, but it didn't.  i felt empty afterwards and felt my time was wasted.  i have not read parinaz stories and if it's written in the same fashion only with the gender roles revesed, i would feel the same.  good luck and i hope that you change your way of thinking and relating your thoughts to others.  i don't think you would've responded the way you did if you were talking face to face with the other commentors.


Why All The Fuss

by IB on

Now that I have fully read and understood this article/short story whatever you want to call it, I can't understand why people discuss it. It's meaningless writing. Sounds as if a teenager who had nothing better to do wrote it out of sexual frustration.



by IB on

All I have to say is that because I'm forced to read in Farsi, my Farsi is getting better.  The comments in English make it easier for me to understand the content.  Thank you all. 


dingdong, damet garm khanom

by Souri on

"I have to tell you that feminism is not about getting a life or a man, it is about equal rights with men at workplace, society, etc"

I had a blog about Feminism, which talked about all these aspects, and the confusion some of those "indecent !!! men" are trying to make about it..

Unfortunately that blog got lost, but thankfully, there are still articulated women like yourself, in this forum, who can explain it to this retard, sex obsessed individual.



by Souri on

Told you, you are seriously hurt buddy!!!

" Feminism is about sleeping with so many people that you loose all your chances to get considered by a descent man for marriage,"

- A decent man ? who? YOU ? Give me a break, would you?

"It is about sharing your desperation and trying to trap other descent
women into your own vision so that they equally loose their chances of marriage"

- Tell me, did you have a mirror in your hands when you were saying this?

Wait a minute, I got the picture now! I bet your ex dumped you for a lesbian, isn't it ?  :-)

Guess what?

Decent men marry decent women everyday all over the world, whether you like it or not. Now, If you couldn't find a decent woman to marry with so far, look for the real reason in  your own self !!

Don't put the blame on the others.

Told you : Go get a life! Read more, Talk less ...Write never!!




by dingdong (not verified) on

I am a woman, married, blah blah blah. In other words, I am not a "torshideh" even though, I think such terminology exists only for the culturally retarded Iranians. I have to tell you that feminism is not about getting a life or a man, it is about equal rights with men at workplace, society, etc. I have read couple of Parinaz stories and how she "has sex like a man" blah blah blah. I don't approve of what she does and I don't believe women in general even want to have sex with no emotions attached, I don't buy into that emotionless sex crap anyways. However, what really disgusts me and Souri and the rest of sane people on this forum is this double standard way of talking about men and women. The article bluntly says that if a man does it, he is nothing but a lady killer but if a woman does it, she is nothing but a *****. Parinaz articles did not have such double standards. Unfortunately, there is nothing we can do about some retarded men with such backward mentality unless we actually educate our girls and encourage them to go to school so they won't have to put up with such men with such crap if they don't have to.


Feminism, at least for

by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on

Feminism, at least for "Americanized" Iranian women, is nothing other than stepping on every value, every moral, every little bit of dignity, under the pretext that they are oppressive, only to justify a sluttish lifestyle. Feminism is about sleeping with so many people that you loose all your chances to get considered by a descent man for marriage, then spewing venom against every other woman who has had the dignity to adopt a more balanced sex life. It is about sharing your desperation and trying to trap other descent women into your own vision so that they equally loose their chances of marriage. It's about irresponsible women who can't fulfill the role of a mother, and want to compensate by "breaking the molds". It's about women who are not strong enough or descent enough to stay committed to one man and their family, and deeply feel so ashamed of themselves that they try to intellectualize their promiscuity by invoking "fundamental rights"...

Deep down, it's just about loser women who want to artificially manufacture a new status for themselves, not to be left off...

So give me a break....



by Souri on

1) I never said I like Parinaz's story

2) I always said that Feminism is all about some more important things than getting obsess with sex ad sexual rights (while this is also one of the fact among others that Feminist raise as a problem)

3) Don't call me Honey!! 

4) " All these feminist business is just about sexually frustrated torshideh women taking a shot at imitating men."

: Not only I'm married and not in need for sex as you prescribed, you better get a life than getting obsessed with the woman's sexual organ and sexual needs!!

5) feminist business : When do you want to learn to respect women and learn that Feminism is not a Business!!! as your little mind thinks, but Feminism is all about more important matter. Get to study more about what you don't know, open your mind and shut your big mouth!

Start informing yourself by reading more about " "Feminism".....



by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on

I am not the author of this piece.
And I've never made any comment on JJ's suicide post. So Shhhhhh...Relax honey.

What I'm saying here is simple. Parinaz's so-called erotic stories all have a common theme: She screws men, and then dumps them as soon as they develop emotions. In most her stories, she boasts about how easily she sleeps with someone, then returns to her husband or boyfriend as if they're worthless. And my observation is: See how bad and disgusted you feel when a MAN does the same thing! See how cheap it sounds when you change the roles.

So instead of insulting me and attributing this story or other sad comments to me, just tell me why you feminists would support Parinaz when she basically says the same things as this gentleman in the story (but with a so-called female languate), yet you all get "disgusted" when a man is the narrator?!

You can justify your and Parinaz's promiscuity all you want, but please don't "intellectualize" it.

And get a life or get married. All these feminist business is just about sexually frustrated torshideh women taking a shot at imitating men.


to the author of this jerk (Mr Anonymous 1234)

by Souri on

Your comment here was long awaited, I knew you will come here to say the main point of posting your blatant story.

But you are so mentally ill, that you think we can get surprised by your so called story or your stupid comment !!

All this, was predictable so clearly, the day you have announced your temporary retirement from the site. Now, look at this: 

"I would really like to see a male author write his memoirs about how he
screws women and dumps them afterward as soon as they start developing
emotions. "

Sound very familiar!! It seems that you just advised JJ( in his blog of Killing himself) to do the same thing, and you said also that, now you took this option for your own life!!See? You betray yourself all the time Mr "kalak"...you take yourself too seriously!

The more you ridicule yourself this way, the more you convince us that you have been screwed by your ex, who dumped you for another guy and now you are so much hurt that you hate all women!!

Get a life man!!!!!



by Anonymous1234 (not verified) on

This is so funny. When Parinaz degrades men in her stories by boasting about how cruel she can be and how easy and cool it is for her to date one man and sleep with another, all these feminists here cheer for her. But when it's the other way around, like in the present story, they are all "disgusted".

I would really like to see a male author write his memoirs about how he screws women and dumps them afterward as soon as they start developing emotions. I'd like to see how these people would react That's would expose all you feminists hypocrisy.

This guy in the story is the equivalent of the female slut character Pariaz promotes in her stories. How come you're all disgusted now, you "enlightened intellectual"?

How come it's okay for a woman to sleep around, break people's heart, act all heartless and slutty...but when it comes to me "it shows our macho retarded culture"...



my 2 cents

by capt_ayhab on

However disgusting the subject might be, we have got to admit that such mentalities do exist, and not just in Iran.

So as long as, whether because of culture or up bringing, men look at women as [property] and as something that is dispensable, crap like this is going to be said. 

I am not talking about freedom of speak, but actually pieces like this might be helpful signs in diagnosing the ill of the society as it relates to plight of women, in particular in Iran. Asides from this, the treatment of women by IR and their constant pressure and oppression of 1/2 of our population leads to mentalities like this.

Mentalities like these must be confronted harshly and decisively.In my book men like these are true BI-GHEYRATS.




The chert o pert police....

by Souri on

Is the one writing this same story!

The identity of the author is obvious to everybody. He is a desperate retarded laat.


Where's cherto pert police when you need him?

by TheMrs on

Enghad hamo bokonan ta khafeh shan. I hope their wives are having as much fun. I bet they all have smelly man feet

I would say OGH but I’ll say OGHDEH-EE instead. Bichareha depressedan hamashoon. I'm so glad I'm not part of that sub culture.


Not Fair!

by AnonyFair (not verified) on

This is written by a woman, a feminist... Iranian men are not that disgusting!

It is not fair to compare the mentality of traditional male oriented persians to the mentality of super westernized persian women!

Parinaz's mentality should be compared to that of the westernized persian men living in the west.


نمرهء انشاء

داش ممد (not verified)

رفیق کارت چند تا اشکال داره.

یکی اینکه به چه دلیلی کی کار یک نویسندهء دیگه رو برداشتی و اسمشو توی داستانت میاری؟ دوم اینکه به پریناز چکار داری؟ قصهء تو و کاراکترهات کوچکترین ربط و سنخیتی با داستانها و کاراکترهای قصهء پریناز ندارند. قصه های پریناز در ایران اتفاق نمی افتند. پس از همون استکان عرق و ماست و خیارت راهو عوضی رفتی تا خود اصفهان. بعدشم، شما یعنی واقعا فکر می کنیدخانم پریناز به احمد آقای شما محل سگ میذاره؟ اون خانم شانا یزدی که با لوله کشه رفت شاید، اما پریناز نه. آخرش هم اینکه تو یه جریان مهمی را اینجا نفهمیدی. علت اینکه خواندن قصه های پریناز برای آدمها جالبه اینه که این حرفها را از دهن و و از زاویهء دید یک زن ایرانی میخونن، که تا حدودی تازه است و هنوز برای مردم جالبه. این چیزها که تو نوشتی که چیز تازه ای توش نیست. یک مشت حرفه که همهء مردها وقتی پیش هم میشینند لاف و گزافش را می زنند. قسمت سخت ماجرا، یعنی شرح چگونگی ارتباط جنسی ات را هم که از توی قصهء پریناز برداشتی! پس تو این وسط چکار کردی؟ قصهء یکی دیگرو برداشتی توش خرابی کردی و چاپش کردی! دست آخر اینکه، فقط توی قصهء خودت خرابی نکردی، بلکه در تعجیل ات برای اهانت کردن به زنها به طرق مختلف، در واقع به مرد ایرانی خرابی و اهانت کردی!

ایضا من نمرهء نویسندگی ات را از بیست 12 می دهم، نمرهء سوژه ات را 2 می دهم، و نمرهء اخلاقت را صفر. فکر کنم تجدیدی شدی آزاد جان. برو شهریور بیا ببینم چکار می کنی.

Maryam Hojjat

I am disgusted

by Maryam Hojjat on

of such men.  I can not call them human beings.  So sad! 

Jahanshah Javid


by Jahanshah Javid on

Obviously a good writer. But the chauvinist attitude is so gross. Having said that -- that's the way many men talk to each other and think about women.



by Parinaz's lover (not verified) on

So, is that how Iranian men look at sex, women and themselves? Charming!