sanctions or SANCTIONS?


by bahmani

Today the mighty UN Watch Dog, I love how they give themselves such fear inspiring names, is to determine the appropriate response to Iran's refusal to abide by the will of the few who say they fear nuclear weapons proliferation in the Mid-east. They say a lot. They do little. It is expected that after much luncheoning and catering by NY's finest delis, and after many bottles of bottled water are consumed in vast air conditioned rooms at the UN, that a response will finally be given in the form of the almighty sanctions on Iran. To which Iran has already replied, "Fuck off, it won't work". So get this, they are still planning to issue a penalty that Iran plans on ignoring. And they're going to do it anyway! Why you might ask? Because it's all a joke on you and me. There is no intention of ever penalizing Iran. Coca Cola won't allow it. Yes, Iran is one of Coke's largest regional distributors. And you thought Canada Dry had a funny song and SAVAK connotation! In fact sanctions don't work, not because they are inherently flawed, that goes without saying. They don't work because they aren't enforced, and the folks that are impacted by them cheat. If they can't cheat, they bribe people to cheat for them. And then they lie. And pose. A lot. France, a country well-known for shitty cars, manufactures the Peugeot, Citroen AND the Renault in Iran! Iran being one of the last remaining gullible countries willing to make these testaments to automotive merde, I find France's recent tough talk against Iran, mervelleusly hilarious. I also find it rather implausible that Germany's newfound support for Bush, would ever result in the shiny new BMW dealerships in Tehran being shut down. Same goes for the Alfa Romeo, Jeep, Honda, Hyundai AND Kia. If this is sanctions, can I have MORE! Predictions? Easy! I predict Iran will end up having it's yellow cake and eating it too! Thanks to some western company who is probably the prime contractor showing them how to do it, right this moment. So, Iran will get that nuke it has coveted since the Shah's erectile dysfunction over it, and sanctions and more sanctions will create a veritable economic boom in Iran as a result. Oh, and Israel will also bomb an unverifiable site in the middle of nowhere and they, Wolf, and Anderson360 (doesn't 360 mean right back where you started?) will claim had the nukes in it. And Iran will then say "Nyah! Nyah! You missed them, you missed them, now you've got to kiss them!" And after that nothing really interesting will happen and we'll all just sit around waiting for Iran to attack Israel, or the Beijing Olympics.


more from bahmani

Stop this non-sense in and out parody.

by My View (not verified) on

"You are here and they are there" - I say this is stupidity at best. It is love of Iran that matters. Why should it matter for being here or there?

There are many colors in between black and white. Let’s focus on interest of nation and its people and stop this non-sense in and out parody.


Mr. Unknown: Again. I'm in

by Anonymous345 (not verified) on

Mr. Unknown: Again. I'm in full agreeement with you. In fact, that is what I hear from everyone back home. When you neighbor, gorcer, best childhood friend can be an informer (etelaati) and when the islamic goons don't even spare your grandmother if they find out you're involved in any political activity, it is most unwise to put your neck on the line and endanger your lives and the lives of your loved ones. No one should jeopardize their lives in this kind of conditions. Stay safe my friend.



by Unknown (not verified) on

Dear Mr. Bahmani and those former Iranians who criticized me and people like me.
At least I have this superiority to you that I don't loose my temper and don't insult you by using bad words. Second, If we tolerate this regime, it doesn't mean that we accept and believe in this dictatorship government. Every time a conflict happens between this government and the Western world, we pay the price. We suffer our daily living by censorship, torture, discrimination and so on. But again it doesn't mean that we need the advise of those people who left the country for good to tell us what to do and what not. For sure we want to get rid of this regime but peacefully to help our people in a democratic way not by your so-called anti-regime TV centers in LA to push us what to do and what not. If you would have enough courage to get imprisoned by these regime agents or put you or your family endanger or hurt by any possible directly criticizing the regime when you are in Iran, your advice would be welcome but for sure not from your balcony in LA or any where to provoke people to go to streets to put their lives in danger to hear your admiration. Thank you.


Bomb the IRI into annihilation!

by Anonymous696969696 (not verified) on

That's the soultion that works.


Mr. Unknown: I agree with

by Anonymous345 (not verified) on

Mr. Unknown: I agree with everything you say.

The U.S. couldn't care less whether you lived in a democracy or dictatorship. In fact, they brought you the Islamic republic because they prefer that the Iran stays backward and pliable.

However, it is the Islamic Repubic government that has self-appointed itself to fight "the arrogant powers" and defeat the "Great Satan". You should ask your government whether this is sound mission given the fact that in all calculations Iran will end up losing this fight. Islamic republic has declared itself an enemy of the US strategic interest and national interests and you can't expect the U.S. to take this lying down and sit idly by (right or wrong).

YOu should ask your leader whether he has the approval of his people to fight the "Great Satan" and "US Imperialist" single handedly. Who elected your leader to do this task in the first place and lead millions of other Iranians to their death anyway? If that is what the Iranians have chosen to do, then they should be ready to pay the consequences. Sorry, for sounding so harsh, but these are the real facts.

We all have families and friends back home and we don't want them harmed in any ways but it seems like your leader has decided that they need this war to stay in power. Just like Khomeini who needlessly extended the Iran-Iraq war for 6 more years and caused human carnage of epic proportion on both sides.

Please write to your leader and tell him, let someone else stand up to the "great satan" and you have had enough death and misery.

God Bless all of you.


This time they mean Business!!!

by Kamangir on

The nasty islamo-arabic mafia in Iran has simply 'expired'. Those who brought them to power now want to replace them. However, this mafia, is doing what it can to stay and because of that, both brutal military force and severe sanctions will be used against them. For those who say 'oh, but people will suffer' No my friends, people in Iran have been suffering a lot in the last 30 years. We're actually witnessing the very final stage of the arab-muslim mafia in Iran.



Pre-emptive strike

by Farnaz (not verified) on

The pre emptive strike will happen by Israel. As they just did in Syria! The air strikes are going to occur swiftly and cause huge damage to several key installations. Iran will complain but knows well that you can not confront a much stronger force. In a battle of the fox and the wolf, the fox knows when to run away! Iranian mullahs know well that a severely wounded fox will not survive and in order to preserve their power, they will take the licking!


A man who takes the bull by the balls until it gives up....!?

by Wyoming (not verified) on

Finally the time has arrived for America to kick some ass. America is holding Iran by the balls and the squeeze is going to get tighter and tighter until it gives up.

No nukes for a bunch of rag-head camel bumpers.


A message to the Iranians living in abroad

by Unknown (not verified) on

Dear former Iranians!
We know that we have a terrible government. We know that there is no human right over here. We know that there is no free flow of speech and no woman's right over here. We know that our so-called president is an ass..... We know that most of us hate Mullahs but please you people who have dual nationalities or what so ever and left the country, got asylum or immigrated or what so ever, please don't decide for us! Even though we have to tolerate this regime Without any other chance but at the same time don't need the advice of those people who left the country for their interest and now became " Kaseye az ash daghtar"! Thank you!


A message to the Iranians living abroad

by Unknown (not verified) on

Dear former Iranians!
We know that we have a terrible government. We know that there is no human right over here. We know that there is no free flow of speech and no woman's right over here. We know that our so-called president is an ass..... We know that most of us hate Mullahs but please you people who have dual nationalities or what so ever and left the country, got asylum or immigrated or what so ever, please don't decide for us! Even though we have to tolerate this regime Without any other chance but at the same time don't need the advice of those people who left the country for their interest and now became " Kaseye az ash daghtar"! Thank you!


Not to worry, they know

by Anonymous12 (not verified) on

Not to worry, they know these sanctions are toothless too. They have already decided to live with a nuclear armed Iran. Even Israel is ready to accept it.


A faction here in the U.S. feels that the Americans have been left out of the Iranian resource plundering bonanza and believe the only way to get into that game is to follow the European model which is based on appeasement and downright acceptance of whatever atrocity and plundring du joir IR commits.


You're right Bahmani

by Qumars (not verified) on

I don't usually agree with most of what you write, but in this case, you are right on the money. But there is more that needs to be said.

The (flawed) theory of sanctions that is wholeheartedly being pushed by the US, is this: Sanctions will hurt the civilians in Iran, so they will rise up and take care of the Ayatollahs. Under this theory, luxory goods like BMWs or even cars don't matter. Bread matters, gasoline matters, rubber matters, poultry matters, shipping access matters. Iranian exiles of Monarchist or Terrorist persuasion are ready to "sacrifice" the lives of their fellow Iranians for the misguided promise of a future stake at the government. So of course there is a lot of support for it, here.

They will surely fail for a couple of important reasons. First and foremost, people will endure much hardship if they think they are being bullied around, as Iranians did during the war with Iraq. Second, the bare necessities are now less and less dependent on foreign governments, particularly western ones. The Mullah's have managed a remakable level of "khod kafai" when it comes to things like bread and water, but are still vulnerable to gasoline and shipping and other things. Third, they will politically destroy any government factions who are considering greater freedom and plurality as well as trade liberalism.