Today is the Veteran day in US

by Bavafa

And I would like to take this time to thank all the veterans of the world who have sacrificed so much to defend their country against a war of aggression and occupation of the home land. Special thanks to the Iranian veteran of the Iran-Iraq war to give so much to free Iran from the Saddam's army.

On that note, I hope and wish for those leaders who have been responsible for such wars to rot in hell and those are still alive, I hope justice is brought to them sooner then later and they meet their demise soon.


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Thnaks Mehrdad. Amen.

by MM on



Dear Bavafa: I'm honored

by vildemose on

Dear Bavafa: I'm honored that your remembred. You are such a beautiful soul. Thank you.


Simorgh jon, AO, Fair and Vildemose jaan,

by Bavafa on

Simorgh jon: I love you too

AO: I am paying extra attention to get your name right :)

Hope and wish for a safe and expedited return of your cousin back to his/her family. Also totally agree with your remarks regarding those "shobade baz-ha" (Magicians) as no magician has been able to fool so many people for so long.

Dear Fair & Vildemose: Thank you for your kind remark but more so for your service and sacrifice of your family member for our country. If I am not mistaken Vildemose Jaan, your family has paid the highest price and for that they have my gratitude and admiration.


Mola Nasredeen

Happy Veterans day to all the War Resisters

by Mola Nasredeen on

Specially those who had to run away from United States and take refuge in Canada and veterans who turned against war.





by Simorgh5555 on

The sanctions are working. This regime is clutching at straws. Please support military action and topple the regime. Do not lose the momentum. Contemplate the day when you can tear down the pictures of Khomeini and bring the mullahs to trial. The day is yours! Unleash the dogs of war!


Totally bogus thread

by Simorgh5555 on

"On that note, I hope and wish for those leaders who have been
responsible for such wars to rot in hell and those are still alive, I
hope justice is brought to them sooner then later and they meet their
demise soon"

No sooner as I am condemned for advocating the terrorist leaders of the Islamic Republic to be brought to justice and executed, the vanguard of the Iranian Left, 'Mehrdad' finally cops out and can't restrain his own blood lust when he calls for the 'demise' of warmongers. Unlike 'Mehrdad', I don't mince my words with euphemisms. The terrorists occupying Iran are warmongers and I suggest they too are brough to trail so they can meet their 'demise'.

The brave Iranians who fought against Saddam's regime have only won half the battle. Our land is still being violated by aggressors far deadlier than Saddam. I am afriad the war is not over yet and many brave Iranian men and women must be called to arms to fight the Islamic Republic. Military action is sadly inevitable but the sacrifice is worth paying as this regime is crumbling away under sanctions and internal pressures. 

Please support military action. Death to the Islamic Republic. 

Anonymous Observer

Poor Escape - I hate to to break it to you buddy...

by Anonymous Observer on

but there is no Jesus (pronounced--just be funny--"hesoos"), no Satan...and God.  There's only evolution.  The rest is just a bunch of fairy tales...

Here, enlighten yourself by learning a thing or two from Dr. Dawkins:



Escape: why do you love

by vildemose on

Escape: why do you love Jesus? He was Middle Eastern looking man? Looking like us "terrorist-loving" "terrorists" you abhore?

Anonymous Observer

A special thank you note to my cousin Sam

by Anonymous Observer on

who is currently deployed to Afghanistan.  He is a U.S. Marine and this is his second deployment overseas.  He spent a year in Iraq before he was deployed to Afghanistan.  Thank you Sam, keep safe and we are all thinking of you.

Also, thanks to all those who fought for Iran in the Iran-Iraq war.  Your sacrifices kept Iran in one piece. 


Thank you Bavafa Jan

by Fair on

As usual, Gol Gofti:) Thank you for reminding us of those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country, and particular attention to our own country Iran, and also for the responsibility of the so called "leaders" who sent these wonderful young human beings to their deaths, only to betray them in most cases afterwards. 

Our beloved friends are no longer with us and cannot be made to come back.  But the best tribute we can give them and the best way we can ensure that their sacrifices will not have been in vain is to work for peace and human rights, around the world and in our own home no matter where we are from.  Each country may have some other country as their enemy one day and not the next.  But the biggest enemy of all which outlasts all others and never seems to go away is war itself.

Thank you once again, and may peace be upon you.



Well the reason I bother is because he makes a-claim-a-day!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


Dear Anonymouse : Sorry for the mix up

by Bavafa on

Can I blame it on the old age?

Nevertheless, my apologies for the mistake.



Bavafa why are you confusing me with AO?!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred


مجید جان


از لطف شما ممنونم و متشکرم و درود بر تمام اونهای که جان دادند که همونطور که شما گفتید، که ایران یکپارچه بماند.



If Jesus can bring peace to us all, then I will embrace him with heart and soul. But I am afraid, the current trend in this nation is to use his name to wage war.

I am often puzzled by those warmongers that are wearing Jesus on one sleeve and have sword in the other arm. Wasn't GWB the holiest man alive in the pervious administration?

Mr. Gohari,

ممنون از شما


I often wonder, why do you even bother?  We all know of sargod character.



Sargord you didn't even register with selective service!

by Anonymouse on

We have no way of knowing any of your claims about your family and any of their involvements from the Little Big Horn to the Battle of Bitch but have witnessed that you constantly belittle those who have fought in Iran-Iraq war then they don't fall in love with Islamic Republic like you do.

You didn't even register with selective service and are only tagging along your family.  We have a saying in Farsi that says; your father may have accomplished a lot but what is it to you?

You are so gullible that believe an Islamic Republic is Iran's salvation and despite the overwhelming evidence about the criminality of its actions you are blind about them.

So don't hide behind any real or imaginery family values.  Your words are that of an anti-Iranian and anti-American aloof. 

Everything is sacred

Bahram Gohari

To Bavafa.

by Bahram Gohari on


Bahram Gohari

To Sargord.

by Bahram Gohari on

Peace be with you for ever.


More wars will come Mehrdad

by Escape on

And you can start by examing your last note.Only one man came to this earth with the wisdom and solution to stop all wars.And to which we haven't listened,including myself and that is Jesus Christ when he said Turn the other cheek,love your enemy...



by Majid on


کار بینهایت زیبائی بود این یادآوری از هم میهنانی که (صرفنظر از عقایدشان) راه را بر آن حرامی بستند و ایران را یکپارچه حفظ کردند، با خون سُرخشان مرز را به متجاوز تفهیم کردند، نامی جاودان بیادگار باقی گذاشتند و داغ قادسیّه دوّم را به دل دشمن نهادند.

با دردود به روح پر فتوح فرزندان راستین ایران، فرد فرد ما ایرانیان وامدارشان هستیم.

با سپاس مجدّد از این یادآوری


Amen to that Comrade

by Bavafa on

And thanks Yolanda I appreciate it.  Let us remember all the victims of all wars as they are all human and all have had loved ones just the same.


sorry for the losses in your family, but lets us not forget that wars are not just fought between nations but also with people and their rules such as in Iran right now. There has been countless families who have lost loved ones to the criminal regime in Tehran.





by yolanda on

Hopefully no more war(s).........during the 8 years of war......there were not a lot of anti-war protests or outrage despite the high casualties from the war.....800,000 casualties? It is sad that the world was time I heard on radio, this radio host said,"let them fight and let them kill each other!".....if there were a lot of anti-war protests, it probably would not have shortened the war.......IRI is pretty stubborn anyway.......apparently there are still empty graves from the I/I war is a sad reminder of the sad war:


Thank you for your blog! My heart goes out to the Iranian people who lost their lives during the senseless war!


Hear hear

by comrade on

We should never forget and we will never ever forgive those criminals who extended the war beyond May 24, 1982. 

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.


Sargord Pirouz

Thanks Bavafa

by Sargord Pirouz on

On my maternal American side, we hail from a US military family. From World War I to the present day, our family is comprised of many military veterans and combat veterans. There are three Purple Hearts in the family: one from a WWI gas attack in France, another from a WWII combat action in the Pacific and another awarded posthumously for the Battle of Bitche in World War II. Family members have also served in Korea, Europe (NATO), VietNam, Desert Storm and during the (so-called) GWOT.

A USMC veteran's hat resplendit with VietNam ribbons sits on my mantle everday, belonging to my deceased cousin, passed away from injuries sustanined during the Battle of Tet.

Everyday is remembrance day in my family. And that is why we are staunchly antiwar. We've given enough, brother. And they just want to take, take some more. Now they've set their sights on Iran. So we've double the reason now to say enough is enough!