Video: Iran's 1st Animal Shelter, VAFA (English)

by Behnam.sezavar

Volunteer workers make a sweet home for desperate animals in Tehran.


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Vafa Shelter

by Fatemeh Motamedi (not verified) on

Thanks for your encouragements.Please contact me by email if you are interested in knowing more about the first animal shelter in Iran.My email is:


Thanks for posting this ..

by aaj sr (not verified) on

Please continue posting more information so we would be able to spread the words and ask for donations. It would be great to see animal lovers open up shelters in other provinces.



by Kamangir on

Thanks indeed, for posting this video. I very much admire the efforts of those goodm people behind this. However. we all know that one shelter in a country like Iran won't be able to handle all the homeless animals there. Howevere, this is a start and a courageous one!



This is excellent!

by Iranian- on

I am glad someone is thinking about those poor animals.


Damet garm

by Jalab (not verified) on

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. But its odd that it took this long for Iran to have an animal shelter? What is the governments policy exactly on this? Does it support this shelter or merely tolerate it. I'd love to get some more info on it. I saw some youtube clips about dogs in iran and it was so sad. I don't think we Iranians respect animals or even pets the way Americans do. But at same time, some people here in America take it to the extreme with their love for their pets. Shoot its big business here, people take their dogs for pedicures.