Regional Reps Wanted For

Business Manager
by Business Manager

Wayne Willis, Business Manager for, announced today that he is accepting applications for Regional Representatives for Iranian, LLC.

There are 18 regions defined for, 4 of which are in Europe, 10 in North America and the balance worldwide. Willis is recruiting one "Rep" for each region.

"The Rep will be our only representative in the area," said Willis. "We are looking for people who can be great business ambassadors for"

Representatives are expected to work a minimum of 1 day per week and will be paid a commission an any advertising sales they make. "We want Reps to make sure that all businesses in their region who have an interest in advertising to our users know about," said Willis.

In addition to selling advertising, Reps will urge local members of the Iranian community to participate in the site -- contributing articles, starting blogs, making comments, announcing events and the like. "While the Rep is primarily there as a business ambassador, we want them to help develop the community, too. We are, after all, a community resource."

Interest parties should submit a resume by email to Willis at wayne[at]iranian[dot]com.




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Since you have changed the

by yaser K (not verified) on

Since you have changed the design, 150x150 Ads are now smaller and have very poor quality. You should think about that. BTW, why don't you make it full screen as it used to be.


Waste of money

by NoAds (not verified) on

Waste of money, don't hire anyone. With Firfox Adblock Plus extension, no one sees the adds on your site anyways.

Ben Madadi

So many people?

by Ben Madadi on

If I were you I woudln't hire any :) Well, as long as they are only paid in commissions it doesn't matter anymore, but there is no market for except for the US and the UK. What I would rather do for the promotion of (after visitors become many more than they are now money comes anyway) would be to promote the site through various smart virtual methods, but smart methods, not spam etc. These methods can be through making links in blogs, asking people to come and comment on issues, etc etc. And also promoting the site OFFLINE in areas where Iranians are numerous (West Coast of the US for instance). And the best market where the site can prosper in the future is IRAN, when the site will one day be free, but this can happen with no promotion, through more and more articles in Farsi, or even in other Iranian languages ;)
Sorry to talk about things that are none of my bussiness :D