JUNE 10 is National Call-In day of Action


National Call-In Day on Iran
Tuesday, June 10th

Tell Congress You Want Direct Dialogue : Not War with Iran

The same people who called for attacking Iraq now are raising the drumbeat for military action against Iran. Despite the November 2007 U.S. National Intelligence Estimate concluding that Iran had halted its nuclear weapons program, the Bush administration is bolstering its case for war by labeling Iran one of the greatest threats to American security.

Bombing Iran would bring disastrous consequences.

• The entire Middle East likely would descend into further violence putting the
well-being of innumerable civilians at risk.
• U.S. standing in the world would plummet and oil prices would soar.
• A U.S. attack would only strengthen hardliners in Iran.

Current U.S. policies are not working. Threats of military attacks and regime change, while refusing to talk with Iran until they stop enriching uranium is only heightening tensions.

Call your Congressional Representatives on Tuesday, June 10th:

• Tell them to work for direct, unconditional, and comprehensive talks
between the U.S. and Iran;
• The U.S. and Iran share common interests in a stable Iraq, Middle East and
• The U.S. pursued negotiations with North Korea and Libyaóitís time to talk
with Iran.

Tell your Congressional leaders that you want dialogue not war!

National Call-In Day for Dialogue with Iran, Tuesday, June 10th
Sponsored by: The Campaign for a New American Policy on Iran


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It's Israel stupid!

by Anonymo (not verified) on

I have seen again and again veteran political pundits stew over the fact that Bush admin has negotiated with N. Korea and Libia despite their track record but refuses to talk to Iran. I am surprised how naive these
seasoned political pundits are.

The difference is Israel! Israeli lobby is blocking any such efforts.

Israeli politicians have shown numerous times in their short history that they would stop at nothing to advance their racist, hegemonic agendas. They won't even hesitate to hurt US interests or kill American people if that serves their agenda. The case of espionage in US is just a recent but telling example. They are America's friend as long as US defends them by its own blood and treasure!

US can find a better friend in people of Middle east specially Iranian people than few million Israelis!


Thank You, this is a great idea

by Q on
