Help with a phrase!!

by clarkkent

No body...yet :P  I am writing to someone in Tehran, and finding what a wonderful people and culture exists there in Iran. Governments cause problems, not the people. Everyone in power, here as well, wants more power and they use fear to control the populations of all countries by using specious language, 1/2 truths, or sometimes just out-right lies to make all the people they control fear other cultures. Governments engender xenophobia.

Best wishes to all the Iranian People.



kheili kheili mamnoon kheili khoobi

by American Wife (not verified) on

I know this one.... I know this one.....(frantically waving my hand from the back of the room)!!!!!

kheili hkeili mamnoon - thanks very very much (mamnoonam would be "I" thank you very very much)

khoobi alone - how are you?   but kheili khoobie would mean - you're very good (maybe like a very informal "you da man"

husband.... did I do good?


chill Superman

by Anonymous-4-now (not verified) on

Write it in English.

they know how to translate it. don't worry!


What are you asking for exactly ?

by javaneh29 on

Clackkent Agah....Im sure many of us would be happy to help youout . What is it you want to translate ? 



Are you trying to translate what you wrote

by Abarmard on

I am not clear what you would like to translate. Also I would assume that most Iranians could understand English, more or less.