Darius Kadivar
by Darius Kadivar

French Movie Star and Sex Icon of the 70's, Anicee Shahmanesh, better known as Anicee Alvina poses Nude for French Male Magazine LUI. (circa 1977)

Related Blogs:

Nostalgia: Anicee (Alvina) Shahmanesh on Japanese Talkshow (1970's)

MON CINEMA: Anicée (Alvina) Shahmanesh and Sean Bury in Friends (1971) 

Anicée (Alvina) SHAHMANESH in Lesbian Movie

Nostalgia: Anicée (Alvina) SHAHMANESH France's Sex Icon of 1970's  


more from Darius Kadivar
Iraneh Azad

I did not know anything about her

by Iraneh Azad on

Thanks for the post.

bajenaghe naghi

darius jan

by bajenaghe naghi on

beauty comes in many shapes and sizes.  I believe woman's body is the most beautiful gift from god to man. 


VJ aka DK

by فغان on

You've removed my original comment; yet you are asking me a question. What does the French say about your kind of tolerance?

I said in my original post that you were stuck in 30 years ago on the subject of "Royal" and "whore"al.

I called her a "whore" and, I stand by it. She looks like whore, she poses like a whore; then she is a whore.

When was the last time a female member of your immediate family appeared nude in public or for the public? Never. Are they Happily stupid like me too?
I don't know much about this site's policy on "insulting words and phrases"; it seems you are benefiting from sort of double standard.

The Pahlavis and all mullas must disclose the source and the amount of their wealth.

Red Wine

Anonymouse Aziz

by Red Wine on

حق با شماست ...

ex programmer craig

I didn't know who she was...

by ex programmer craig on

....until I read this post (not a big fan of French movies) but that's such a darling pose! So 1970s, what with her out doing her gardening (naked of course!) and wearing the sun bonnet! It's no wonder she became so popular. That photo alone seems quite iconic, in much the way Farrah Fawcett's famous bathing suit poster was!


She's very beautiful.  What

by desi on

She's very beautiful.  What did she die from?  She was very young.



RW jaan making a crude remark about her is not a major blunder

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

دوست عزیز در جواب شما باید بگویم که نه خیر ! بنده هیچ گونه سمبلی‌ را به مورد اطاعت ندارم، به خصوص در اینجور موارد !

احترام بنده برای زن بیشتر از این حرف‌ها هست که شاید در این بلاگ نکات آن نگنجد.

موفق باشید.


RW jaan is she your symbol of feminism?

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

داریوش جان من که لذت بردم...

حالا کجا هستند انهأئ که فمینیست بودند و الکی‌ ایراد می‌گرفتند ؟!‌ای بابا که خیلی‌ خنده داره که یک کسی‌ بگوید که این مرحومه فاحشه بوده و هیچ فمینیست یا مرد فمینیست زاده نیاید دفاع کند، پس همش باد هوا بود !!!؟؟؟

اینها نمیتوانند از زن دفاع کنند که خود ضعیف النفس هستند .

دستت درد نکنه داریوش جان .



Never heard of her but shock and awe!

by Anonymouse on

Everything is sacred.

Darius Kadivar

فغان Faghan So Nude women are all Whores in your Opinion ? ...

Darius Kadivar

Simply because they pose Nude ? You want to vociferate your hatred without even knowing anything about the people you insult ?

What have you contributed to this website in it's decade long existence other than taking advantage of the Freedom of Speach it has to offer you thanks to the debate and freedom of speach that contributers have earned with their stamina, conviction, Love and respect for fellow compatriots, their culture and collective memory ?

You seem to simply display certitudes and nothing else in your miserable and intolerant comments ...

People like You are rightly labled in France as : "Imbecile Heureux" aka "Happy Stupid People" ...

Georges Brassens - ´La ballade des gens Imbeciles Heureux ...´:

God Bless Iran if Ever Someone like you is to become President or Prime Minister !

People Like You Despise Beauty !

Not surprising All Intolerant People usually do ...

You're As ANONYMOUSLY Patheric as you are Mediocre under Your silly Mask ! ...




NASA visit 1962

by Peykan on

Darius Kadivar

Thanks Craig ;0)

by Darius Kadivar on

Actually Anicee was a Big Hit in Japan. She still has a huge Fan Club since her movie Friends ...

Thank You Both !


ex programmer craig

Sorry DK... couldn't resist :)

by ex programmer craig on



Winter's cityside

Crystal bits of snowflakes

All around my head and in the wind

I had no illusions

That I'd ever find a glimpse

Of summer's heatwaves in your eyes

You did what you did to me

Now it's history I see

Here's my comeback on the road again

Things will happen while they can

I will wait here for my man tonight

It's easy when you're big in Japan

Aah when you're big in Japan-tonight...

Big in Japan-be-tight...

Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue

Big in Japan-alright,

Pay! -- Then I'll sleep by your side

Things are easy when you're big in Japan

Oh when you're big in Japan

Neon on my naked skin, passing silhouettes

Of strange illuminated mannequins

Shall I stay here at the zoo

Or should I go and change my point of view

For other ugly scenes

You did what you did to me

Now it's history I see

Here's my comeback on the road again

Things will happen while they can

I will wait here for my man tonight

It's easy when you're big in Japan

Aah when you're big in Japan-tonight...

Big in Japan-be-tight...

Big in Japan... ooh the eastern sea's so blue

Big in Japan-alright, pay!

Then I'll sleep by your side

Things are easy when you're big in Japan

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

Nice body ... Thank you for pic and also info Dariush Jan .