PREMIERSHIP: Margaret Thatcher On Iran Air Flight to visit the Shah (1978)


PREMIERSHIP: Margaret Thatcher On Iran Air Flight to visit the Shah (1978)
by Darius Kadivar

Not yet the Iron Lady to be, Margaret Thatcher toured the Middle East before her landslide victory to Premiership at 10 Downing Street. She was to stop in Iran to visit the Shah on a private visit prior to her election. (Source:

( Special Thanks to TB For Sharing the photo with me)

Iran Air TV Commercial in America 1970s :






Margaret Thatcher speaks with the press about winning the général :

'The Iron Lady' Trailer 2 HD :

Starring: Meryl Streep, Jim Broadbent, Alexandra Roach, Olivia Colman and Anthony Head




Shah and the British Concorde



Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi Flying With Supersonic Concorde & Ordering Two SSTC oncorde In The Early 1970. Excerpt from documentary Film on the history of theConcord. Ultimately the Shah did not purchase the Concorde because America's President Richard Nixon suggested that the Concord Represented a major Challenge to American Airlines Companies like PAN AM. So the offer was abandoned. Despite its groundbreaking technology the superbe Concorde Airplanes they would have proved to be a bad investment on the long term. ( See BBC Article on Corconrde's Last Flight ) 

More Footage showing Concord Crew Greeted by the Shah as well as Crown Prince Reza: 


Recommended Reading :

Thatcher wanted UK to offer Iran’s shah sanctuary (

Related Blogs:

IRON LADY: First look at Meryl Streep's new role as Maggie Thatcher

WHERE EAGLES DARE: Shah of Iran Flies Supersonic Concord (1972)

PREMIERSHIP: Historian Simon Schama's Tour of 10 Downing Street

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