SATIRE: Mossadeq or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shah

SATIRE: Mossadeq or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Shah
by Darius Kadivar

This is a preview of a satirical documentary in the making by Firouzan Films about U.S. - Iran relations dating back to the first diplomatic exchanges between the two countries in the 1850's up to the 1953 CIA engineered coup that brought down the government of Mohammad Mossadeq and reinstalled Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi on his throne.


more from Darius Kadivar
Sargord Pirouz

Still in the making? I think

by Sargord Pirouz on

Still in the making? I think I first saw this clip 2 years ago.


Dr. Strangelove meets Daie Jan Napoleon!

by Quebeqi on

Indeed! Kar kar-e englisi boud! Hahaha! ;B

In Montreal, this would translate by Québec-Solitaire party leaders' habitual rap: "C'est la faute des méchantes grandes zélites et les multinationales impérialistes"

Please, Monsieur Kadivar, notice us if there's a sequel. This animation is so hilarious! XD




Love the Freudian depiction. Nice find.

by oktaby on

Had blogged on the historic perspective of posed question of Iranians being paranoid a#$holes:

