Daiei Jaan Napleoen ,very much alive ........

by darius

It's like yesterday, getting glued to the TV and watching Daie Jaan Napeleon. My sisters were in love with that young nice looking guy, which I no longer remember his name.


Well, guess what? I found the American version of Daie jaan, in real life. The man behind the story, once was a presidential candidate and he got convicted for tax invasion.

Well he is back. This is just for fun, please do not make it an issue. There is no personal or political motif behind posting it.

Feel free to cheer up or call me names, after all there is nothing sacred.




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Oct 07, 2011
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Imam Reza Franchise
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That's not a new theory

by IRANdokht on

and it's not entirely BS either.

It sounded like George Galloway, but I can't listen to the whole thing at work.

the gorgeous kid was Saeed Kangaraani

thanks for the link.


the Spiderman's in the comments had me laughing pretty hard!



by darius on

hopefully,this time works.

Thanks JJ.Please feel free  to correct  any of my postings .

Jahanshah Javid

the link

by Jahanshah Javid on

does not work.