Express Trial, Express Jail

by darius

The man is beaten and then stuffed in trunk ,IRI Style.


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This is strange.

by maghshoosh (not verified) on

This kind of video would usually solicit a torrent of comments & denunciations. But there's been only 1 comment in 2 days! Has it escaped the readers' attention?

Police brutality is, of course, not unheard of in other countries. It's rather common in some US police precincts. However, whereas in the US it is still considered the realm of rogue "law enforcement" officials, in Iran, it seems to me, it's rather institutionalized. Iran's law enforcement and justice systems seem to rely on the elements of "quick justice", humiliation, exacting revenge and inflicting suffering on the suspect/convict for deterrence. You might say there's a strong tendency towards gangland-style "justice."

Ali P.


by Ali P. on
