Dark Spot

by پندارنیک

One of these days I'll learn how to write some stuff on my own, but till then I have to rely on my skill in stealing from others.

This video was inside one of the items that our hard-working friend Afshin Ehx has posted in the news section. I know some us will truly enjoy watching it.........My pleasure.......♥♥♥


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deletions?....what deletions?

by پندارنیک on

....had nothing to do with me, and I had nothing to do with them ........Am as baffled as you are.


So was my post deleted

by Bavafa on

It baffles me as why?




by ComraidsConcubine on

 post deleted; 'can't be bovvered.


sorry, Khalili...


المعمور، المعذور


We all have to make a living. Some of us  do these boring 9 to 5 jobs. A few come here, tear their rear ends apart on a daily basis, praising syria's assad,  ahmadinezhad and any little scum bag tin pot wanabe islamist terrorist gang leader in between. the difference between the latter and your bug standard bassiji thug is the absolute lack of courage and ample use of pseudo intellectual BS!  

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."

Mash Ghasem

Commonality between Kline's character and you, is that, both of

by Mash Ghasem on

yous don't know WTF you're talking about. He's a bit funnier than you, though I liked the Iceberg bit!


What did I do with the stolen good....what did I say?

by پندارنیک on

Had God created fb before creating Adam and Eve, there would have never been an Original Sin, and all those earthly revolutions which followed it. Apple, what apple? ......Oh, now you know where the name is coming from.....

I have no idea how I'm gonna relate the above lame joke which just came to my treacherous  mind with the rest of my comment here.

But listen if you wanna take me to Klein's movie say it straight(no puns intended). but you have to get three tickets for one vacant seat between us; I don't trust you in the dark....

Enough of breaking ice......make it iceberg for my Jewish buddy....

Nobody is stopping anyone from writing a book, and nobody is causing or wish for a delay in any nation's revolution.

I stand here, digitally, tall and proud of the Great Revolution of '79, if that revolution was a mistake, then my generation can't afford doing the same mistake twice. I strongly believe that Reform is the only rational way in front of us. Having said that you know better than me, that one can only agitate, but not create a revolution.  The recipe for revolution is not there. You know it with  grim face and sadly, IRI is smiling on it.

Any way, I oppose the idea of encapsulation of our national interest within our borders for the sake of concentrated power, because I think it will isolate us in the long run. Therefore the Israeli-Palestinian issue stays as one of my priorities. 

Mr. and Mrs. Iceberg should go back to their pre-67 international borders. 


Mash Ghasem

Bunyip you're wrong, not all Arabs supported Sadam, see below

by Mash Ghasem on

Republic of Fear

The Politics of Modern Iraq,

Kanan Makiya (Author)


"Saddam Hussein's decision to launch all-out war against Iran in
September 1980 marks the end of the first phase of this re-shaping of
modern Iraqi politics. The Iraq-Iran war is a momentous event in its own
right, but for Iraq, the author argues, the war diverts dissent against
the Ba'thi regime by focusing attention on the specter of an enemy
beyond Iraq's borders, thus masking a hidden potential for even greater
violence inside Iraq."

In an age of accelerated global integration and cooperation, your enthused localism borders on the rediculous, cheers


Nice Video (NOT)

by Bunyip on

Should we show solidarity with the Arabs and Palestinians? Why? Because they all, every single one of them supported Saddam Hosseyn in his destruction of our nation. When? Oh, how soon we forget. These Arabs, Palestinians or otherwise, did not care, and still do not care about non-Arabs like us. All we are good for is our oil money and the arms shipments. I have very little sympathy for the lot of them. I want our money spent in rebuilding Bam, I want our money spent on eradicating poverty (are we not an oil rich country). Iran first, Iran last, and everywhere in between.

Mash Ghasem

With 'Leftists' like you, who needs enemies

by Mash Ghasem on

If an uninformed reader would rely only on you and you 'hard working'  buddy's (more like boring me to death with postings that no one looks at) blogs on Iran they would never know that yesterday there was a National Students' Strike and action in every major city in Iran. Neither would they know about Iranian Labor movement, Women's movement, struggles on National Minorities, or basically any other significant social protest and  struggle in Iran. Why?

I could write a 10 volumes book on that, some 40 years experience dealing with your type of treachery, but I leave the answer to you.

The video in here starts with an idea of a permenant revolution in the Arab world. As a 'Leftists" don't you think that also applies to Iran?

P.S. The resemblence between you and Kevin Kline's character in " A Fish Called Wanda" is striking. Did you look into it? seriously.