Overthrowing IRI

by Daryush

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that the IRI will not remain. It will either reform totally to another format or will be replaced by something else. Nothing against the human nature can survive. My disagreement with those who would like to push IRI out of ruling Iran is from logic that the regime becomes stronger that way. The reality is that the so called oppositions and all those who want IRI gone are working indirectly for the benefit of IRI, some having good intentions doing so yet hurting the people in the long run!

To work against IRI, you must work for the people of Iran. A regime that is against its people won't benefit from empowered citizens. Pushing sanctions away and economical incentives for private Iranian companies would be a good start. Although I don’t believe that the west truly wants Iran to succeed, they just want Iran to follow what they see fit for themselves. Not that they shouldn’t think that way, it’s natural since they are not Iranian. We are Iranian and should think that way for ourselves. We need to use all that we got to empower the people of Iran regardless of what the west wants. In the long run our way would benefit the west the same as Mossadegh would have if his government was left alone. So the west doesn’t hold the answer for us, we do.

Let’s put some of our free times and do something for once for Iran. Let’s push the western governments to lift sanctions and find better ways to empower Iranian people. Let’s the suggestions rolling and find ways to free Iran. No military, no revolution, no blood!


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am interested in your

by Anonymousp (not verified) on

am interested in your country's history and after some previous extensive reading and thought, I have concluded that the Iranian revolution was really masterminded to a greater extent by external forces (US, UK , France), who deliberatly engaged in a mud slinging campaign against the Shah in the late 1970's. They supported Khomeini against him, because they couldnt stand seeing Iran making significant strides forward, eventually being a modernised and westernised strong power and regional player, classic issue of betrayal in international politics.

I think the Shah had very good intentions for Iran, but could have done more to alleviate poverty (social programs) and develop the rural countryside, and shoudnt have spent so much on millitary hardware in 1970s, this would have taken the wind out of the sails of the extremists. However he wasnt a bloodthirsty dictator, but an autocratic monarch who knew that a developing country must first get solid foundation before anything else follows, just like Communist China is doing today (or since 1980) - that makes sense.

You know people in every country can be manipulated as sad as its seems, even in a democracy, because they do not think as critical individuals , but look blindley to leaders and act emotionally, abandoning reason and moderation in its wake...the Iranian revolution showed that very clearly ..... the people wanted someone parochial promising heaven on earth ( but delivering hell on earth) to lead them and werent even willing to give an intelligent and well edcuated man like Dr Shapor Baktiar a chance to govern, yes their .Ironically , and with hindsight some people in your country now look back with regret , and think the Shah regardless of mistakes done wasnt so bad after all, what an irony or may be just plain human nature !

Sooner or later this anachronistic islamic regime will collapse against the tide of secularism (or via US military intervenrtion) sweeping Iran, just hope all mullas get summary execution along with it when it happens!.


I agree with you

by XerXes (not verified) on

I have been saying that for a long time now. I believe that's the best strategy. Empowering people.
NIAC is also a great organization to unify for this cause. Some idiots here think that if you are not for the Shah or preach "channel one" propaganda junk, then you are pro IRI. Well you can't educate everyone and wait for them to be ripe for Iran. I think we have enough people to unify and press for lifting the sanctions. If Saddam could survive the sanctions for almost ever, Iran can do it much easier. That's not the way to go. It only hurts the people.


you make a lot of sense

by IRANdokht on

Empowering the people and encouraging the west to lift the sanctions etc.. are great ideas.

This regime is in constant turns and power struggle between its own people.

The ambiguity of the religious rules and variety of interpretations has added to the usual conflicts that you'd expect within the elements of any other reigning party.

Unfortunately the people are busy fighting for survival. we need to help them eliminate the reasons for the inflation and unemployment.

Thank you Daryush




Again, Khodety!

by Anonymous, (not verified) on

Is it not coincidental that all Islamists are regurgitating Islamist lobby NIAC/CASMII line on queue which is being swallowed by the new “book tour” participants. Unless they have a better plan than, lets enrich the different Islamist clans in the Islamist Republic even further with more unrestricted commerce, they should be contend with the Khodeti!



by Daryush on

in shodani nist. ageh mishod keh taa haalaa anjaam dadeh boodan, taazeh yaadetan baashe keh gharb IRI ro mikhad, IRI be naf'e gharb kar mikoneh


the way to get

by MRX1 (not verified) on

rid of this regime is: to have covert actions to paralyze the regime. Some assisenation here and there followed by some sabotage here and there and finaly most importantly preventing banks to do any kind of transaction with the regime. If U.S navy stops the flow of IRI oil from persian gulf and if banks stop the transactions, in five or six months the regime will collaps.


masoudA joon and some anehnaamus

by Daryush on

na joonam, for you I always be an IRI supporter since your little mind can only take so much of a category. Hey I am a proud Iranian, my position has been against any foreign interference and I hate those who beg the west for such "assistance". The only accepted assistance is economical free trade agreement. Unlike unpatriotic people like you, I can't allow any nation to degrade Iran or Iranians by committing crimes such as war against Iran. So as I have mentioned here, the way to do is this. Iran has more chance to reform than China. Not every part of the Iranian regime is bad and those we need to keep. Just like we should've kept many of the Shah's platforms that we know was working. But who am I kidding; you are too narrow minded to even try to comprehend a complex situation. For you it is simple, since you have no clue about the Iranian social structure.
Anyways, I don't want to waste my time for those who are not willing to commit themselves enough to learn a bit about their own country. If you don't know what your country is and what your people believe, I can't even talk to you! You are on your own and I have seen your crowd, Kourosh Sassanian, Shalom, Zion, fred, Programmer craig, you may enjoy their company and knowledge. Your choice. Now good bye.

There is a valid question for our quest, if you can't answer, don't, if you have something to offer then please otherwise, with all due respect just shut up. Thanks


Overthrowing IRI......

by Faribors Maleknasri M.D. (not verified) on

1. I see just a picture of respectable Dr. Mohamad Mosadegh. It reminds me on the folloing case:
his majesty had written a book named my assignment for my homeland. The book was in highschools as social-science lesson a required reading. His majesty had written MOSADEGH WAS A BRITISH AGENT. A scholarhad asked the teacher: IF IT WAS SO and his majesty knew it, THEN WHY HAD HE SUGGESTED HIM AS PRIMEMINISTER? the teacher must have been compromised and should have answered: that is a question beyound the limit of this lesseon. Shortly after was the headmaster of the highschool was "invited" to come to "office". the Office had been in a regular naibourhood. The principal had been asked about the story. he could have answered that he was not there and do not know a word about it. He had added , for his own security, he wants to research. Savak did not wanted him to do so. the prioncipal knew from then on that his school was infected and contaminated with savak agents. specialy in the named Class.
2. To owerthrow the ISLAMIC REPUBLIC of IRAN will be the most hard job in the History of human beings. In this üpoint one needs only to think about the logical sentence: If it were possible for any Might to owerthrow that Republic, so that might had been able to prevent to found it. The Islamic republic could be founded by sacrificing Blood and Life. therefore it can be destroied also only by same weapons. !978 as the greate satan was stil a little bit greate could not prevent it. It did all it could do. massacring the masses and more. then it sent his lakai Sadam. he failed. Today one needs only to look around the world. From Indonesia to Andalusiai are the poeple ready to immitate the way the iranians have begann togo before 30 years. I think it will not last long till the not any more so greate satan who lays allready in his death bed snapps his all last breathings. The fantstic story of destroing actions in all over the world and consequently in Iran can be not even read in the "IRANIAN". The advise to work for iranians is highly unpracticable. The Iranians in Iran do not want to have to do anything with IOranians in the diaspora. They work just for themselves and ask: why should we overthrow our Islamic Republic? and She/He who has begann the discussion will be short of arguments. Greeting


Some minor issues in open

by KavehV (not verified) on

Some minor issues in open trade with IRI:

Given the atrocious distribution of wealth in IRI, the ridiculously unfair Islamic regulatory policies in social, economic and political spheres, what hope is there that an open trade is going to benefit the average person in Iran ?

Given the control of the vast portion of the country's industrial and production capabilities, in Islamists hands, and their current plundering of these resources to fund Shia/Islam terror in the region and the world, why should there be any incentive to open trade that would directly and vastly benefit this behavior (to the detriment of Iran's population, the region and the world) ?


Khodeti is right !!

by masoudA on

Guys -

The only thing I agree with Daryush is that the IRI will go down.  And my biggest worry is that people who support IRI will try to change colors as you can see they do so well. 



by Anonymous, (not verified) on

Islamists never cease to amaze. Now under the new banner of nationalism, Mossadegh icon and all, they are all asking for an stop to all active opposition to the Islamist regime and advise hoping for the best, well, khodeti!


anon patriot

by Anonymous_Flowers (not verified) on

be hopeful, the iranian people love humanity and all things beautiful, this regime will go away. God willing.


current regime

by Anonymous patriot (not verified) on

with all due respect to your sixth sense and intuition, many people have been saying that for the last 29 years they have actually been in power. they're not going anywhere. get used to it. and the most important reason why they wont go anywhere will be become obviouss to you the moment you step of a plane in iran, people don't give a shit anymore. the government does their thing and the people do theirs.