Top 10 preposterous X = Y on

by Disenchanted

I see lots of X = Y on as of late. Like putting an organization with decades history of murder, treason and few thousands of combat trained members on same footing with an organization who is armed with fruit knives and a handful of staff!

       So here is the top 10 ridiculous X = Y list:

      #10     NIAC = MEK

      # 9      NIAC = AIPAC

      # 8      Obama = Palin

      # 7      Monarchy = best option for Iran

      # 6      long = short

      # 5             =  something

       #4      Fox news = Fair and balanced

       #3      Isreal = peaceful and democratic

       #2      Iran's elections = Free

       #1       MEK = life, liberty and pursuit of happiness 

       That should get pretty much everyone roiled up! :-)


more from Disenchanted

Loved # 5

by Truthseeker9 on

So true.  lol.


May I suggest a few more for your Top 10 list?

by AMIR1973 on

Sanctions and embargo = War

Shah = Khomeini

U.S. = IRI

Guantanamo = Evin 



MEK: Death, tyranny and pursuit of misery!

by Disenchanted on


        Tom Ridge attribution of "life, liberty and pursuit of happiness to MEK" definitely is the top contender for "TOP 10 dumbest statement of the year"! I mean get a handle Mr. Ridge! This is the fellow who was supposed to protect us from Al Qaeda?! I am as speechless as he is clueless!

        Thanks folks for the comments. Good point on comments. Benefited from Mehrdad's suggestion and Ari's resourcefulness... 

         Funny thing is the usual suspects on this site have a hard time finding a label for me. I defy their prepackaged stickers and linear minds! :-)


Soosan Khanoom


by Soosan Khanoom on

Nothing beats this one 

  MEK = life, liberty and pursuit of happiness 

I actually could not stop laughing when I first heard it and, then, when I noticed MM carrying this slogan in every single post of his and now here .... 

and of course this one 

  Fox news = Fair and balanced

great blog


: ) 

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan

Well said

by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on

The worst one is NIAC = MEK which is frankly idiotic. Here are some other ones:
  •  1 = 2.
  • dark = light
  • Wisdom = Ignorance

I guess it is like schrodinger's cat which is both live and dead at the same time :-) //ödinger's_cat. Maybe in a parallel universe there is an MKO which is not evil. But not in this one! Until we have the ability to travel between multiple dimensions I will say MKO is evil and MKO != NIAC for all practical purpose!

Ari Siletz

Right out of Orwell's 1984

by Ari Siletz on


"Applied to an opponent, it means the habit of impudently claiming that
black is white, in contradiction of the plain facts. Applied to a Party
member, it means a loyal willingness to say that black is white when
Party discipline demands this."


I think a better title for your blog would have been

by Bavafa on

Top 10 reason Gooze = Shaghigheh on IC

hence some folk has us to believe NIAC = MEK or any of the other 9 item that you rightly picked

'Vahdat' is the main key to victory 
