Iranian of the Day - IRI Member of the Parliament

by Faramarz

Islamic Republic’s Member of the Parliament Working Diligently Picking His Nose!

He is definitely not scratching his nose!

An Islamic Republic Member of the Parliament is using all the known techniques to pick his nose and wipe the snot! If I were him, I would throw it at the guy who is speaking in front of him!


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Nader Vanaki

از قدیم گفتن که...

Nader Vanaki

جوینده یابنده است.

Mash Ghasem

He probably sniffed one line too many

by Mash Ghasem on

before going to work.

Nazanin karvar


by Nazanin karvar on

یا حضرت عباس، این اقا چه قدر با بینی‌ش درگیر بود. 


پانوشت: من از اقای بسیار اسلامی شنیدم که گویا وقتی ادم عطسه میکنه کمی تا قسمتی براش اتفاقی میفته که مغز و یا فکرش باز تر میشه و یک جوری به درک بهتری میرسه. شاید این اقا هم سعی میکنه کاری کنه که حرف‌های جلوییش رو بهتر بفهمه؟! 

Anahid Hojjati

Dear Mash Ghasem, Faramarz is correct, عزگل is the right word

Anahid Hojjati

MG jan, I checked with Dehkhoda and it is


According to Dehkhoda:

عزگل آدم زشت و بد ترکیب

Mash Ghasem

حاج آقا ، از اون فال درشتاش سوا کن

Mash Ghasem

ضحاک تریاکی گرسنشه.

پرفسور جان عزگل یا ازگل؟   مهرداد جان طبق معمول  گل گفتی.


You guys are too generous with your adjectives

by Bavafa on

Ozgal does not describe them accuratly

دزد، قاتل، جاهل، جا کش، مزدور، بیشرف، بی‌ ناموس، بی‌ سواد، بی‌ دین، وطن فروش، خائن

بگم هنوز؟




Anahid Hojjati

thanks Maryam and Faramarz

by Anahid Hojjati on

for reminding me of a beloved, much used word. Faramarz jan, this is not even considered cursing. If I remember correctly, during late 1970s, Ozgal was a very popular word with young Iranian girls.




Maryam Aziz,

If there is one thing that does not come naturally to Iranian women, it is cursing!

The word that you were trying to use is Ozgal, not Ozgol! But you made your point. Thank you!

Maryam Hojjat

What do you expect from these Arazel & Ozgol?

by Maryam Hojjat on

All of them are KHODI!