An open letter to all IRI supporters: Why here?

Farhad Kashani
by Farhad Kashani

It is not a secret that IRI has, by far, the strongest propaganda machine among all governments and groups in the world. One of the key elements of heir success for the last 30 years has been falsifying truth and spreading propaganda and making up reality as they go.

One of the sites that have seen an influx of IRI supporters and of Socialists who apologize for the regime has been That brings up the question: Why here? When IRI supporters run out of logic and argument, they resort to character assassination and they make it personal. Recently they asked an Iranian who stands with the people of Iran in the face of Fascist IRI, why he has come to this site, where as, the real question is why have they come to this site?

 Is it because they want to spread IRIs propaganda?

Is it because they want to steal the Iranian voice?

Is it because they want to bash Israel? Which by the way, brings up an important follow up question, why so much Israel bashing on Shouldn’t be a place for all whom are concerned with Iran’s affairs? So why did some try to change it to And if it wasn’t for us pushing them back, they would’ve succeeded.

Why so much in support of Palestinians and not a single word in support of Iranians who are gradually dying under the brutality of the Apartheid regime in Tehran? Why silent about Iran and vocal about Palestine?

Why not responding to logical questions asked about the reason of their support for the IRI regime?

 So, why??? Why here? Why


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more from Farhad Kashani

To F.K.

by Anonymousxyz (not verified) on

FK, you are way out of your league man.

Go setup shop elsewhere.

Farhad Kashani

Samsam, Zion and Kaveh,

by Farhad Kashani on

Samsam, Zion and Kaveh, guys, thanks. Keep up the good work.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Soo why not stop the tearing then and find the golden

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

apple and share it with each other? Here's as good a place as any to start....hey look I'll swallow my pride if you'll swallow yours...

donbale sibe talaa baaham baayad begardid o piedaa konid o

bokhorid bokhorid ay que rico


how'm I doin' folks...if I could try to resuscitate my meager Persian after four years and w/o a dictionary in public...ifn front of countless millions of eyes peeled on this very could all certainly try to get along better...we must all make sacrifices, after all..


Kaveh Nouraee

Me? Ignore you? D' OH!

by Kaveh Nouraee on

Marge, what's stupid is people stating a particular belief then either contradicting it or denying it altogether. It can't be denied that this has been happening with greater frequency.

As for the people I believe to be IRI supporters, I won't name names. Not out of any sense of fear. Just on this site, they have called me everything under the sun and the moon. And even if I did so in the past, I won't lower myself to their level and play their dirty game so that they may someday say I was one of them.

Are they IRI supporters? In my view, if they support any aspect of that criminal regime, if they have anything nice to say about that gang of thugs, if they don't unequivocally disavow themselves from that bunch, they are supporters. It's not negotiable.

You speak about Iranians tearing each other apart with the help of outside parties, but my blue haired pal, they've been doing it to each other for centuries all by themselves. All the outsiders have been doing is pick the orchard clean while we tear ourselves and each other apart looking for some nonexistent golden apple.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

Oh God Kaveh. Be specific for The Lord Alan Key's sake

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

Who is this IRI person? WHO? Who are they? Seriously. This is stupid. Beyond stupid. If anyone was an IRI lover and supporter and benefactor, they wouldn't bother with this silly site. 

The comforts of Iran are enough for them and you know that. So stop with the accusations. Socialism has nothing to do with it.

I love you Kaveh, but frankly, you're being just as weasle-ish by indirectly accusing people of a MAJOR MAJOR crime. I'm sick Iranians tearing each other apart, especially with the help of outside parties. What's the point? If you really think someone here is that, then you need to seriously address it, NOT like this.

Of course, silly goose ball Marge will be ignored. I expect it! However, the "fight" against IRI is a joke because of this type of behavior. Regular people cannot be involved because Iranian "politics" or Iranian politics outside Iran is a joke. You're either Pahlavi or your IRI. So why bother.IRI has all the power anyway. Accuse all you want, but without PROOF all it amounts to is a strong and smiley IRI. Enjoy it. 

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

All very valid questions. I'm afraid you won't get an honest answer out of any of those socialists though.

They are too busy trying to make themselves appear to be something they're not.

As for their failed drive to Palestinize this site, I learned from speaking to a few people who, although they are registered users, use pseudonyms as screen names, that they are deeply afraid of the IRI's reach, even here in the States. They go to great lengths to conceal their identity, and as part of their M.O. have jumped on the Palestinian bandwagon, for appearance's sake.

It's not so much that they're really concerned about the Palestinians as much as they just hate Israelis and Jews. They're so deeply bigoted and biased against them, as they were raised in an envirionment seeped in ignorance and prejudice. If tomorrow Israel was being invaded by an army of skinheads shouting "Sieg Heil" these same people will undoubtedly blame the Israelis. Their hatred of Jews (and Baha'is) is so thick it can choke you.

They remain silent about Iran because if they question the IRI, then they are deemed as enemies, which can reflect negatively upon loved ones who remain back home and compromise their safety and security, (not that there is any to begin with).

I don't say any of this to excuse them or to justify their behavior. These people sicken me to no end. They're gutless, spineless and clueless all at the same time.

Marge says "we dont have to hate each other", and we don't. But to those miserable SOBs who I'm talking about (and you know who you are) I hate each and every one of you with every ounce and fiber of my very being. You represent every negative stereotype of Iranians. You are cowards, you are weasels, you are disingenuous, back-stabbing, two-faced snakes. You are parasites feeding off the host that has taken you in, a host that you curse while taking advantage of every benefit the host provides. You are a cancer.

To stand up and cheer for terrorists who kill and maim civilians, equating these criminals with peaceful civilians themselves, while staying eerily quiet when one of our own is the victim....only the lowest of the low can do that. In many respects, they're worse than the IRI itself.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

As Coach Zion has said, Farhad, keep the accusations alive!!!!!

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

For dividing ourselves and fighting like this is only good. In fact, as this genius Zion says, it is "unrealistic" to expect anything else. 

Calling Zion Debbie Downer is a compliment. Farhad, it doesn't have to be this way. We don't have to hate each other and accuse each other this way. If you want to change Iran, accusing people of being IRI agents will not do it. Hating religion won't either. Loving Iranians and uniting is the the biggest threat. No Israeli or CIA will ever help us do this.

Start loving each other Iranians. PLEASE. Stop fighting like this. Stop accusing each other of being agents and spies. Stop it stop it.  


Dear Farhad

by Zion on

I understand your frustration, but we should be realistic in our expectations here. This was always a site with an agenda. Nothing extraordinary there. The only thing was, there was this "show" put up for being all about freedom and diversity. For some time now, the despair from the gang who was used to regarding this site as their own private club and echo chamber while pretending to be all free on the cover has led them to put all pretense aside and get down and dirty, typical of third world mentalities. I say, this is an achievement by the rest of us. I say, do what you do, and enjoy doing it without having an unrealistic expectation of where you are. It is clearly quite effective. You see that from the reactions you get from these people. So good job my friend!


Dear Farhad sometimes things are not the way we want them to

by Zigmund (not verified) on

be. Remember we can't start a revolution using a remote control. Seventy million people live in Iran and if they want they can start another revolution. At times like that the best way is to take a valium with a tall glass of water and go to sleep. You'll be more relaxed and peaceful the next day.

rosie is roxy is roshan

Oh c'mon Marge, 'fess up..

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

you know it's true. Admit it. You know this place is run by NIAC and you know what NIAC really is..and you KNOW you're the one wearing the veil to cover up your blue hair. And you know who all the rest of 'em are too...


You can't keep your cover forever, you know...

Mola Nasredeen

I like to turn my camel in!

by Mola Nasredeen on

He's been acting strangely recently. I'm suspecting he's an IRI supporter posing as a camel. But it will cost you some money or get me a VW and you can have him. Take him to Gitmo, Evin or Ghasr. It's a shame for us patriots to ride on a collaborator. There, I said it!

rosie is roxy is roshan

If people wanted more articles and blogs about specifically

by rosie is roxy is roshan on

Iranian topics such as those regarding humanitarian violations in Iran while the war in Gaza was going on...

they would've had to have submitted them. And gotten their friends to do so too.

Publisher can't publish things he doesn't have.

I said the same thing to Anonymouse last summer when he was complaining that there was a lack of material here sympathetic to Islam.

And I would say the same thing to people who say the site is supposed to be "fun" (of which there are no small few..), submit more photo essays on Disney World.

Publisher can't publish what he ain't got.

As for this stie REALLY being pro-IRI, well majority of readership of any publication is generally not that far from the publisher's veiws--that's why conservative businessmen tend to read the Wall Street Journal and Lefty-types read the Nation and the Village Voice. So unless you get your friends en masse to read and submit here, it will be what it is...but what is it?

Ask javid what would happen to him the minute he stepped out of an airplane onto IRI soil. That is my recommendation to you.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

All this classy and non-dysfunctional infighting makes me smile

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

We Iranians are many wonderful things. Fake blonds, fake noses, nosy, Sweating Ghorme Sabzi, cell-phone addicts, gamblers, religious fanatics, nukular thirsty....... but I sure am proud of us that we have made so much progress in the arena of debating politics. 

We never accuse each other of being supporters of fat, stupid (sometimes dead) men when really, if you did, you'd be higher up somewhere in the world and not likely to be blogging on about moderators OR complaining about these poor overworked immigrants in the West who are just frustrated about their surroundings and why they landed where they did.

Please stop this madness! If any of us supported this "IRI" we would not even be here. So stop accusing and blindly doing exactly what IRI wants us to do to each other so that they stay powerful and fat and content with their power.  


Farhad pal

by samsam1111 on

It wasn,t just one Iranian but quite a few patriots included with annonymous threats in the open for every one to see . You are being too modest .

Good job , true son of Iran !!!



by IRANdokht on

Dear Mr Kashani

would you please clarify who is this Iranian you are speaking of here:

Recently they asked an Iranian who stands with the people of Iran in
the face of Fascist IRI, why he has come to this site, where as, the
real question is why have they come to this site? 

also:  who was the IRI supporter who asked such thing of an Iranian?

Thank you
