Ominous Signs of Systematic Plan By Iran's Government to Blame Bahais for The Protests.


Ominous Signs of Systematic Plan By Iran's Government  to Blame Bahais for The Protests.
by faryarm

The Iranian government, desperate in face of nationwide popular protests which are increasingly weakening its pillars, is resorting to an old worn out scapegoat, by blaming the Bahais as instigators of mass popular protests.

Today homes of more Bahais were raided and arrests were made; an ominous sign that The Iranian government, who has imprisoned many Bahais including the "Yaran" the Seven Bahai Community leaders for the last 2 years without Trial or any shred of credible evidence against them, is desperately trying to manufacture evidence against the innocent community.

Dr Kavian Milani writes:

"Make no mistake, the Iranian Government is quickly moving to blame all protests on the Baha'is...This needs close scrutiny by the green movement and Baha'is need to do what they are here to do: speak justice to power. The arrest of a number of Baha'is yesterday signals a very provocative stance by the Iranian Government."

Below is a translation from Farsi of the Javan newspaper story

Plot of Baha’ism in the Musawi Camp to Publicly Desecrate Religious Sanctities is Exposed

"On ‘Ashura, the protectors of the Musawi camp did not have the decency to abstain from desecrating even the most sacred of religious sanctities. By tearing up copies of the Qur’an on Enqelab Street in front of those mourning the martyrdom of Imam Husayn, they have exposed another side of their contempt for religion.

Confirming the above report, an expert in matters of security told Javan Online: “The actions of the Musawi Camp in desecrating religious sanctities is nothing new. In fact, this began happening when a Baha’i branch in the staff of this candidate was formed during the days leading up to the election.”

He added: “This sect has long been planning to attack the religious sanctities of the people on ‘Ashura but since they can never secure the protection of the masses, they will never be succeed.”

Regarding the role of Baha’ism in desecrating religious sanctities, our expert in matters of security stated, “The path that the Musawi camp is taking in their attack on religious sanctities is the exact same path that the misguided Baha’i sect has been on for years.”


more from faryarm

hamsade ghadimi

by hooshie on

You are right. I brought myself down to the level of this Nuri guy and that was unbecoming of a perfect Bahai. But I never claimed to be a perfect Bahai. I am only striving to be one.


Very sad news

by ramintork on

We knew escalation of violence would come, and poor Bahai's are usualy an easy target for the Mullahs. My heart goes out to them and all the other victims.

hamsade ghadimi


by hamsade ghadimi on

frankly, i don't want to get into some personal spat that has nothing to do with me.  let me start by saying that every bahai person that i've known has been a good person.  i've been lucky in that regard.  however, after reading your post and your attempted exposing of this nur person (whom i haven't paid attention to his posts), i believe that your tactic is vengeful and immature.  there has been a previous post (on by terry culhane) which included "nur's" picture and villified him because he was not willing to complete the bahai training.

even if this individual has been badmouthing you and other bahai believers, i think you guys should take the high road and not resort to plastering his pictures on the internet and "outing" him if he wishes to stay anonymous.  believe me those who've had experiences with bahais will not be swayed by his rhetoric.  but if they see these type of tactics, they may become critical of your organization even if the this type of behavior is not condoned by the bahai faith.


Mr Fateh

by hooshie on

The answer to your question is that we don't bother with him, but it is he who bothers with us. He spreads lies and fabrications against the Bahais and  if the truth is not told, then the lies replace the truth. He has received the Bahai education , which is among the best one can get, but he has failed to compete with the cream of the community and deliver and out of spite has left the community to run his own one-man show. This is all Nima Hazini aka Wahid Nur-i-Azal is about. Period.


A question for our Bahai friends

by Faramarz_Fateh on

Why do you people bother with this guy?

The reason I respond to his comments is because his style of writing rubs me the wrong way.  He reminds me of Talabeh's from Qom.

I know Bahais are not supposed to engage with people like this guy.  So I am just curious.  I am not policing this site or questioning anyone or anything.  Just foozooli.

I think if you leave him alone for 2-3 months he'll go away. Other than a few Bahais and I no one else gives this creature the time of day.



More lies from Azali

by hooshie on

This lie that the Bahai grandies financed their own sworn enemies, meaning the Shiite clregy is very much the same as the other lie that was floated around in the aftermath of the conflagration of Rex Cinema in Abadan. Then, the ommati lying machine blamed the fire on SAVAK and it agents. Now, the para-ommati lying machine is trying to tarnish the good name of the Bahai community through the same style of lie manufacturing. The assasination of General Mohammad Ali Khademi, the founder and the first General Manager of Iran Air, a great Bahai as well as a true Iranian patriot, by the Islamic terrorist loyal to Khomeini is the best evidence against such lies as spread by our little Azali participant.

The validity of such drivel is on par with the previous drivel by this person as recorded on this iste.

Ali9 Akbar

Azal you have NO ROOM TO TALK

by Ali9 Akbar on

as far as I'm concerned you have just as much Bahai blood on your hands as the Iranian rapist republic....

Mona 19


by Mona 19 on

این دوستان  اگر وقت و انرژی خود و پول نفت رو به جای اذیت و آزار بهائیان ، سلب آرامش و تهمت به دیگران در مسیر بهبودی و آبادانی ایران صرف میکردند وضع و حال ایران ما از این بهتر بود...ولی‌ متاسفانه تعصب و توهم چنان در گوشت و پوستشان رخنه کرده که غیر از سرکوب، دروغ و تهمت کار دیگری نمی‌‌کنند.

آیا فرار مغزها، در بند بودن نویسندگان ،دانشجویان و متفکران ، پایمال شدن حقوق زنان، کودکان، اقلیت‌های مذهبی‌ و قومی،....و دیگر نابسامانی‌های اجتماعی کشورمان هم مقصر جامعه بهائی ایران است ؟

به امید و آرزوی ایرانی‌ آباد و آزاد





by AsteroidX on


hamsade ghadimi

desparate regime

by hamsade ghadimi on

this is truly an incredible article.  this regime keeps topping itself in producing unbelievable propoganda: labeling the uprising with bahais, zionists, british, americans, dick cheney, george bush, mojahedeen, shahis.  what strange bedfellows.  did i leave any group out?  how about the scientologists?  even the most adherent followers of the regime have to laugh at this. 


We shall see

by Nur-i-Azal on

Faryar jan, we shall see. When I finally hear Susan Maneck singing Madam Butterfly, then we will see about credibility...

cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement ???"


Yes. Vasa'il-i-vosul be-hosn-i-khatimih majhul!


NIma / Wahid don't put your "credibility" on such display !

by faryarm on

cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement ???"


Please stick to your magic and voodoo ...

NIma / Wahid don't put your pathetic sources and "credibility" on such display ! 


Rub the Jinni in the Bottle

by Nur-i-Azal on


...Today the Bahai
cult is hated in Iran, and is considered correctly to be an arm of the
British Crown. During the destabilization of the Shah in 1978, it was
widely reported that in several instances the
cult secretly funded the Khomeini Shi’ite movement. In part, the money
would have flowed through the cult’s links to the same international
‘human rights’ organizations, such as Amnesty International, that
originally sponsored the anti-Shah movement in Iran. These movements
also derive from the “one world” currents associated with the Bahais
since the early 1900s. (If any Iranians have been misled on the
question of the Bahais by the supposed antipathy of Khomeini’s clique
to the Bahais, it should be noted that the
Bahai cultists often deliberately encouraged anti-Bahai activities as camouflage)...


where is Nuriazal ?

by Faramarz_Fateh on

I'd expect at least 3 comments from him by now.

Where are you Nima Nima...come here....I've got some kibble for you.... 



by faryarm on

مردان خداجوي موسوي بهايي و تروريست از آب درآمدند
دستگيري شماري از سركردگان و فعالان حزب استعماري بهائيت پس از حرمت شكني و اغتشاش در روز عاشورا، رسانه هاي آمريكايي و انگليسي را نگران كرد. بي بي سي انگليس و راديو فرداي آمريكا اعلام كردند 10 نفر از اعضا و سران بهائيان پس از حوادث روز عاشورا توسط ماموران امنيتي ايران دستگير شده اند.
يكي از سران اين جريان در خارج كشور در گفت وگوي مشترك با بي بي سي و راديو فردا، اسامي بابك و لقا مبشر، ژينوس سبحاني، آرتين غضنفري، نگار ثابت، نسيم بيگلري، سعيد و مهران روحاني، پيام فنائيان و مونا هويدايي را به عنوان افراد دستگير شده اعلام كرد و گفت 3 تن از آنها آزاد شده اند. براساس برخي گزارش هاي خارجي، نيكا هويدايي، زاوش و ابراهيم شادمهر، ولوا خانجاني (نوه جمال خانجاني از سران بهائيت) نيز جزو بازداشت شدگان اوليه بوده اند.
7 تن از سران بهائيان سال گذشته به خاطر جاسوسي براي رژيم صهيونيستي و تبليغ عليه نظام دستگير شده بودند. مقر بهائيان در حيفا (فلسطين اشغالي) قرار دارد.
ژينوس سبحاني (همسر آرتين غضنفري) از عناصر دستگير شده، منشي گروهك كانون مدافعان حقوق بشر (راه اندازي شده توسط شيرين عبادي به سفارش ديك چني معاون وقت جرج بوش) مي باشد و در راستاي جاسوسي براي بيگانگان و شايعه پراكني عليه جمهوري اسلامي و تحريك به آشوبگري، ارتباطات تنگا تنگي با شيرين عبادي دارد. عبادي ماه هاست از كشور گريخته و با وجود ادعاي اوليه براي بازگشت به كشور از اين كار سر باز زده است. برخي قرينه ها از بهايي بودن اين عنصر سلطنت طلب حكايت مي كنند.وي در خارج كشور اقدام به كشف حجاب كرده است.
گروهك كانون مدافعان حقوق بشر خانه تيمي مشترك بهائيان، گروهك نهضت آزادي، سلطنت طلبان، جبهه ملي و برخي افراطيون جبهه اصلاحات به شمار مي رفت و با پول اعطايي به عبادي در پوشش جايزه نوبل راه اندازي شده بود.
با توجه به دشمني ديرينه فرقه انگليس ساخته بهائيت با امامت و تشيع (به ويژه با مهدويت)، تحركات اين جريان فاسد و انحرافي در روز عاشورا براي هتك حرمت عزاي حسيني قابل فهم تر مي شود ضمن اينكه سران اين جريان، وابستگي هاي علني به رژيم صهيونيستي، انگليس و آمريكا دارند. در زمان رژيم پهلوي براي رياست دستگاه هايي چون ساواك، شهرباني و ارتش از عناصر جنايتكار و بي رحم بهايي استفاده مي شد.
وزارت اطلاعات علاوه بر شماري از عناصر بهايي، 14 تن از اعضاي گروهك منافقين را در جريان آشوبگري ضدانقلاب در روز عاشورا دستگير كرده كه احتمال اعدام آنها به عنوان محارب مي رود.
در پي دفاع يكي از سران فتنه (ميرحسين موسوي) از حرمت شكنان روز عاشورا كه از آنها به عنوان «مردمي خداجو» ياد كرده بود، برخي از عناصر ضدانقلاب با وقاحت واكنش نشان دادند و از جمله سايت سكولاريسم نو خطاب به موسوي نوشت: آيا به نظر موسوي تمام شركت كنندگان در تظاهرات روز عاشورا مردمي خداجو بودند؟ تعبير «جريان هاي منحوس منافقين» در بيانيه چه لزومي داشت؟ آيا مي دانيد گروه هاي ديگري همچنن سلطنت طلبان، كمونيست ها و بهايي ها در مبارزه شركت دارند و اعتقادي به مذهب و ولايت فقيه ندارند؟
دستگيري 14 تروريست 
و 16 عضو گروهك بهائيت
پيش از اين 2مقام وزارت اطلاعات در ديدار با اعضاي كميسيون امنيت ملي و سياست خارجي اعلام كرده بودند سلطنت طلبان و خارج نشينان عامل اصلي اغتشاشات در روز عاشورا بوده اند و برخي از عوامل آنان دستگير شده اند.
به گزارش مهر محمد كريمي راد با اشاره به جلسه كميسيون امنيت ملي و سياست خارجي كه با حضور قائم مقام و معاون امنيت داخلي وزارت اطلاعات برگزار شد، تصريح كرد: در اين جلسه اغتشاشات اخير ريشه يابي و واكاوي شد و مقامات امنيتي به سوالات نمايندگان پاسخ دادند.
نماينده مردم كرمانشاه با بيان اينكه مقامات امنيتي مستندات بيشتري در رابطه با اغتشاشات اخير ارائه دادند، خاطر نشان كرد: در بين سركردگان عوامل اغتشاشات عاشورا كه توسط ماموران دستگير شده اند 4 عضو گروهك ماركسيستي حضور دارند و علاوه بر اينكه تعدادي نيز از بهائيان در فتنه هاي اخير نقش داشته اند.
از سوي ديگر يك مقام آگاه از بازداشت 14 نفر از اعضاي گروهك تروريستي منافقين در اغتشاشات روز عاشورا خبر داد و افزود: 6 نفر از اين تعداد از اعضاي سابقه دار گروهك منافقين بوده اند.
اين مقام آگاه به «جهان نيوز» گفت: درجريان حرمت شكني هاي روز عاشورا 16 نفر از اعضاي فرقه ضاله بهائيت در محل اغتشاشات بازداشت شده اند.
تحركات تروريست ها در اغتشاشگري روز عاشورا (يكشنبه هفته گذشته) منجر به كشته شدن 7 نفر شد. قربانيان از جمله با اسلحه ساچمه اي هدف گرفته شده و در مواردي از ارتفاع به پايين پرتاب شده بودند. در همان روز خواهرزاده ميرحسين موسوي در خياباني خلوت به دور از اغتشاشات توسط تيمي كه از صحنه گريخت ترور شد.



Anahid Hojjati

This regime is acting like Nazi and I am not Baha'i

by Anahid Hojjati on


I am not Baha' i but I agree that this regime is acting like Nazi.  A friend sent an e-mail that regime has found some literature from some people which is like "adabiat hezb tudeh" so they are blaming movement on Baha' is, communists, and in this atmosphere some people bayaniah midahand.  Good luck, as if IRI is sitting to read these bayaniehs.  IRI is probably planning for worst sarkoob as some encourage movement not to turn violent.  These people say do not give bohaneh daste regime but seriously this regime kills with and without bohaneh.

Ali9 Akbar

and the next step is to issue a Fatwa

by Ali9 Akbar on

Where the Bahais are...


[1]rounded up like animals...


[2]Shipped off to Concentration Camps 


[3] the Chancellor of the 5th Reich  announces the FINAL SOLUTION to the Baha'i Problem....



If it looks like a NAZI  walks like a NAZI  Quacks like a NAZI...


you know the drill