secular mullahs? they exist?

by Fesenjoon

Considering the sad state of Iran, all under the rule of an incompetent twisted rule of clerical Islam, it is hard to believe that there may be secular mullahs in existence.

But consider the following statements:

"the combination of sword and Quran is more dangerous than nuclear technology."

"The union of Ataturk's secularism and Rumi's Sufism is the only hope for the survival of Islam and muslims."

Could this be coming from a Shia cleric?

Some people might be calling this, the clerical establishment's last straw to save its ass. Maybe so. Maybe not. But then again, he's not Iranian. Still, I like to watch the fact that finally things have come to such a point, where a Shia cleric defends western secularism against other fellow arabs. He's defending Ataturk!

See for yourself: 

PS: Isnt it a shame that Iran's media never broadcasts such types of debates, while we have to watch such open debates on Arabic channels?


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more from Fesenjoon

You are wrong, Baha'is don't have a "god"

by muscle-defender on

You are Wrong I am sorry, but Baha'is don't have a God, that is why we don't have Mullahs, secular or otherwise.


Yeah you can see what I am saying in the video!

by Pahlevan on

He says "this form of government failed" but continues to claim that this government is not a real "Islamic Republic". He has a problem with Khamenei and claims the Iranian regime under
Khamenei is not the "Islamic Republic" that Khomeini envisioned! ... essentially what he is saying is that "Islamic Republic" form of government is good but only when my mafia is in power.



by Fesenjoon on

I see. The only exposure Ive had to him has been on Charlie Rose. Other than that, Ive never gotten the forsat to listen to him.


Oh no ... not Kadivar!

by Pahlevan on

fesenjoon jan! Mullah Kadivar remains an Islamist to the bone. He moved to United States (Sheytaan-e Bozorg according to Kadivar's favorite "emaam"), mainly due to the fact that his mafia lost in the power struggle inside the islamist regime. This Islamist hypocrite continues to defend Islamism even though he is living in a secular society and enjoying the freedom it offers.


so lets make a list

by Fesenjoon on

Would this be a fair list of pro-secular mullahs?:

* Kazem Shariatmadari

* Iyad Jamaleddin

* Mahmoud Taleghani

* Hossein Kazemeyni Borujerdi

* Mohsen Kadivar (?)

Anybody we missed?


Speaking of good ayatolah, if such a thing ever exist

by Bavafa on

How about marhoom Taleghani?

I don't know if he was an Ayatolah, and did not live long after the revolution to see what stands he would take regrding the crimes of IRI but he was very liked by all when he was alive.  There was always rumors that he was killed by the regime.



fesenjoon jan

by Pahlevan on

You don't really need to go that far to find secular clerics. Besides Ayatollah Boroujerdi that MM already mentioned, one of my personal heroes is Marhoum Ayatollah Kazem Shariatmadari. He was the highest ranking Shia cleric in Iran after the revolution, and vehemently against mixing of religion and politics. Of course Khomeini (Maloun) ordered his murder while he was under house arrest.


Thank you Bavafa

by آشنا on


"If it has a god, it has a Mullah"

and it does not matter if that's the god of Moslems, Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, or Bahais.    


Not Af/Pak,Iraq,or Palis,but HERE is the Long War's Battlefield.

by bushtheliberator on

 I've only followed Iranian news since the Green uprising,but have long believed that the clerics themselves have the sharpest arrows.If this struggle can stay in the bounds of Islam,maybe Iran can avoid national destruction.

Can someone buy a T-shirt in Iran with Mr. Boroujerdi's Image ?


Ay. Boroujerdi - a Secular Mullah in IRI jails, being tortured

by MM on

The closest thing Iranians have to a secular Mullah is Ayat. Boroujerdi who is in jail being tortured to recant his previous opinions on various subjects ranging from secularism, role of women,......etc.

I posted the following tract a couple of months ago

Mr. Boroujerdi's opinions is closest to Islam's Renaissance

by MM on

As some of you know, I am a secular person and believe in the peaceful existence of various religions as well as non-believers under a secular system. 

The reason Mr. Boroujerdi is in IRI's jails and being tortured is because the IRI elite know that the jailed Ayatollah's written opinions on:

Why is Velaayat-e Faghih negated, according to Boroujerdi



Reasons for being against IRI



His opinions against torture



His calls for a true referendum in Iran



His progressive views on women




His support of secularism being compatible w/ Islam



as well as other opinions (// will shatter the monopoly of Velaayat-e Faghih over the phony religion that the VF and company are promoting in Iran.  Unfortunately, chances are that Mr. Boroujerdi will be kept in jail and gradually poisoned (//, and let out of prison as he is close to die.  However, I hope that his opinions will be a guiding light for other Shi'ites who want to live in peace with others.


As far as I am concerned, Mr. Boroujerdi is an ally in the struggle against the injustices of IRI.  And, as the title says, the collection of Mr. Boroujerdi's opinions is the closest thing we have to Islam's Renaissance.




by Fesenjoon on

The Shia cleric dude is Iraqi. Here's his bio.


Fesenjoon well done

by kazem0574 on

In many Arabic speaking countries outside the Arabian peninsular many people on the street think highly of IRI. They have regimes that like the Shah's time allows them to have bars and discos but does not  allow them political freedom.

Some watching this programme may even think its been engineered by such regimes. However, as Iranians living under the rule of IRI the message coming across by the Shiatt clergy here (black turbin Sayed) and most of the others is clearly right and sides with a secular system of government.

The problem they have is that in practice their version of secularism is without democracy, does that make sense? perhaps not but that's how it is and as usual corruption in these places is rife as is in any non democratic country.

Based on the clip though, Ultimately the answer to your blog is yes.

We have many secularist clergy sitting in IR prisons now. 




Jamal from Baacqdaad

by Escape on

  A true Godsend



by Fesenjoon on

So tell me, will the Mullahs in Iran accept a secular form of Islam and move aside?

Not in 100 years.

So, it's exactly as you said: black or white.



by Fesenjoon on

You do know that it's a debate on Al-Arabiyah TV, right? 


The trouble with holding a black and white world view


... is when faced with an episode like this it suddenly surprises you!


Now ponder this!

by Majid on



اولّین روحانی (کشیش، خاخام، ملاّ، ربّای، پاپ، آیت الله،............) اولّین شیّاد، کلاهبردار، مفتخور، پشت هم اندازی بود که با اولّین احمق برخورد کرد!


Sargord Pirouz


by Sargord Pirouz on

You do know that's an Israeli Intelligence unit, right?


Fesenjoon: "AN is basically a hardcore cleric in a suit"

by Bavafa on

That was exactly my point and likewise, in my opinion, so was GWB or Netanyahu.

Wasn't GWB that believed God spoke to him and asked him to do things the way he did?


Its Sunday night and that is as deep as my brain and gut goes. I will however look forward to be enlighten by you (hopefully soon and no pun intended) regarding this religious stuff.



Bavafa jan - ponder

by muscle-defender on

deeper,... much deeper.... 


The 3 false gods:






by Fesenjoon on

By secularist I mean somebody who believes in the separation of the affairs of state from religion. I dont think AN fits that category. Far from it. In fact, AN is basically a hardcore cleric in a suit.


If it has a god, it has a Mullah

by Bavafa on



Bahaís have de facto clergy who are worse than mullahs

by Aryana-Vaeja on

Bahaís fishing in muddy waters again.

The various arms of the Bahai administration, especially the Institution of the Learned and the uhj with their lifetime incumbencies, constitutes a de facto clergy. The uhj's notion of its infallbility is on par with the Vilayat-e-Faqih. In fact the Stalinist set-up of the Bahai power structures are far more dangerous in theory and in practice than what exists in Shií Islam.


May we be amongst those who are to bring about the transfiguration of the Earth - Yasna XXX 9


Bahais don't have Mullah

by muscle-defender on

Now think deeply about this... what does this really mean?  Think deeper


Wet fire

by comrade on

What else do you expect a Shia missionary proclaim in front of a mostly Sunni audience?

Never increase, beyond what is necessary, the number of entities required to explain anything.



secular mullahs? they exist?

by Bavafa on

Sure they do, what do you think AN, GWB or Netanyahu are? They are all Mullah in secular uniforms.

Do they have to yappedy yap in Arabic to be a Mullah?
