From the Iran Roundup at Enduring America located at:
ITEM: "[In 2009,] the Leader [Khamenei] asked Rahim Safavi [former commander of the Guards] whether he would be prepared to run over people with tanks if they took to streets to revolt. He said yes and the Leader gave him the order."--former Revolutionary Guards commander Saeed Qassem in a letter to dissident filmmaker Mohammad Reza Nourizad.
Qassem's other charges and allegations:
-- there are still many generals and members of staff within the Revolutionary Guards who are opposed to these crimes and are waiting to join the people."
-- Iran's nuclear programme is peaceful as a "sheer lie".
-- Ayatollah Khamenei was personally involved in the strict house arrest imposed on 2009 Presidential candidate and opposition figure Mir Hossein Mousavi in February 2011.
--(There are) "germs of corruption" in the Guards and in those overseeing Iran's economy and politics
OBSERVATION: None of this should come as a surprise to Iranians since it is self-evident that so many crimes could not happen, including those committed by plainclothes thugs who attacked the mosques and homes of clerics and other critics, without Khamenei's approval. The Supreme Leader found perfect tools in Jafari and Ahmadinejad, ready and willing to murder, but neither man would have dared UNLESS Khamenei gave the "Go get 'em" signal. What's nice is to have it confirmed from such a source.
QUESTIONS TO PONDER: Does anyone think the General's anger is unique among officers and men in the IRCG? Does anyone think defections won't match or exceed those in Syria if a conflict starts? Does anyone doubt Khamenei (run 'em over with tanks) will not attempt the same crimes as Assad? Does anyone suspect the recent "unexpected" deaths of a half-dozen or more IRCG generals in their fifties was murder (recall Khamenei's old penchant for death squads and innoculations to feign heart attacks (as in Khoumeini's son). The Moral Exemplar is indeed capable of any crime. I personally believe Iran is even more for defections that Syria and that the ripeness continues to mature with each passing day. Divisions among insiders are also far more advanced. Khamenei has aliented everyone and keeps making it worse.
ITEM: Speaking of divisions, the Wall Street Journal reports major splits among regime insiders about supporting Assad, as EA reports while excluding a bigger excerpt than you'll find at the WSJ which requiires a subsciption (You'd also be aiding the anti-Obama campaign since WSJ is owned by Rupert Murdoch of Fox News). As usual, Khamenei is the center of the hard-line faction, another indicator of what you can expect from him whenever the uprising starts (surely not long after Assad's fall).
ITEM:With the price of chicken in Tehran reportedly reaching 8000 Toman per kilogramme (about $3 per pound), Khodnevis offers a tongue-in-cheek photograph and article, "Revolutionary People Defy Sanctions in Tight Enemy-breaking queues for 4650 Toman Chicken".
If you haven't read yesterday's post in which EA's James Miller argued that the Syria regime is in a state of collapse I strongly recommend starting there because today's developments offer further suppport for his thesis. Link:
One of the key areas on the very doorstep of the regime, has been heavily shelled today.
From the Guardian's daily roundup:
Activists in the Kfar Souseh neighbourhood of Damascus said the forces of President Bashar al-Assad were firing mortar rounds into orchards on the outskirts of the city, apparently trying to flush out rebels taking cover there.
The al-Lawan and Basateen districts of Kfar Souseh are a semi-residential area of olive and fruit groves lying astride a major interchange on the capital's Hafez al-Assad southern bypass highway.
"I woke up this morning and saw helicopters flying over the area. Then I started hearing the mortars. There were about six or seven of them in the past half hour. And now I just heard another one hit. We can see fire and smoke coming from one of the fields nearby," said anti-government activist Hazem al-Aqad.
"People are terrified, families are getting in their cars and rushing as fast as they can to other areas. About 200 people in my area have left so far," he told Reuters on Skype.
A Damascus activist named Lina said the shelling had begun at 9:45 a.m. "This is the first time they have shelled Kfar Souseh, (though) they tried to break into it before," she said.
A third activist source said: "The FSA (rebel Free Syrian Army) are going in and out of the Basateen area in Kfar Souseh. The army has suffered some heavy losses.
What's important in an attack like this isn't who takes and hold ground. Attempting to do so would play into the hands of Assad's military and allow him a crushing victory. The trick is to attack, inflict humiliating damage and fade away The key effect lies in the effect is to shake the confidence of regime insiders and supporters, increasing perceptions of a sinking ship. That accelerates the pace at which the regime crumbles.
Who can now believe regime claims that "Things are under control!" and "We are winning the conflict?!" That's how you do it, folks. Iranians can learn from Syrians.
From the Syria roundup at Enduring America located at:
ITEM: More mortar fire and fighting in Damascus - now the Local Coordinating Committees report heavy fighting near a military barracks in Sayyedeh Zeinab.
Again, this report suggests that the Free Syrian Army is on the offensive, either as a response to an ongoing series of arrest campaigns that have been taking place in the capital for days, or as a preemptive attack on Assad's defenses.
ITEM: there is a very curious video, reportedly shows smoke rising near the military airport in Mezzeh (map and link at EA). This video suggests that some sort of attack, or counter attack, has been launched on the Syrian military stationed in the capital.
ITEM: The Institute for the Study of War, a US based think tank, has posted an 8 page assessment of the current situation in Syria which echoes Miller's assessment of the situation. It too concludes that large portions of the country are now under insurgent control, and that while Assad maintains control over the capital, his authority is being threatened.
Recently by FG | Comments | Date |
Dec. 1st roundup: Turkey-IRI tensions grow/ Assad's troubles mount | 4 | Dec 01, 2012 |
EA analyst: REGIME'S FALL COULD BE IMMINENT!" | 5 | Nov 29, 2012 |
Person | About | Day |
نسرین ستوده: زندانی روز | Dec 04 | |
Saeed Malekpour: Prisoner of the day | Lawyer says death sentence suspended | Dec 03 |
Majid Tavakoli: Prisoner of the day | Iterview with mother | Dec 02 |
احسان نراقی: جامعه شناس و نویسنده ۱۳۰۵-۱۳۹۱ | Dec 02 | |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Prisoner of the day | 46 days on hunger strike | Dec 01 |
Nasrin Sotoudeh: Graffiti | In Barcelona | Nov 30 |
گوهر عشقی: مادر ستار بهشتی | Nov 30 | |
Abdollah Momeni: Prisoner of the day | Activist denied leave and family visits for 1.5 years | Nov 30 |
محمد کلالی: یکی از حمله کنندگان به سفارت ایران در برلین | Nov 29 | |
Habibollah Golparipour: Prisoner of the day | Kurdish Activist on Death Row | Nov 28 |
One can't help wondering
by Cost-of-Progress on Fri Jul 13, 2012 05:02 AM PDTwhat Assad is thinking here? How can you continue the mass killing of your own people and believe that you are strengthening your position by doing so?
One can't help wondering who's behind all this arab rising? One can't help wondering how long Iranians will endure their divine regime before they get fed up and kick them out while there's still a glimer of hope in saving Iran, her resources and her identity from these creatures.
FG, Thanks for this Report with
by Maryam Hojjat on Fri Jul 13, 2012 02:59 AM PDTyour analysis and references. It made me very hopeful about IRAN's Future.
Syrian forces murdered 200 people in huge massacre today
by FG on Thu Jul 12, 2012 05:43 PM PDTAlmost all victims were civilians from a small town. Assad is a man after Khamenei's heart.
More hot details on Qassem's revelations
by FG on Thu Jul 12, 2012 11:34 AM PDTI missed this full report from the Guardian or I'd have posted it in the news section. My original report came from the blog recap. Having opened this can of worms, I supposed it's best to provide the link to a fully report here:
Note: The Guardian story also contains a link to the general's original letter which is in farsi.
Identified only by his initials, the general says that he and a number of his colleagues were threatened with execution for disloyalty and then – after a series of secret courts-martial – dismissed "because we refused to participate in the betrayals and the crimes committed by our seniors".
...In the aftermath of the fiercely disputed 2009 elections, several dozen Revolutionary Guards generals, as well as senior figures in the informal voluntary Basij militia, were replaced for refusing to use violence against unarmed protesters.
Speaking to the Guardian by telephone from Tehran, Nourizad – who published the general's letter on his website – said he was convinced of its authenticity because it was handed to him in person by the former general.
"This is one of the many such letters written by senior figures within the Sepah [Revolutionary Guards] that I have received. I have refrained from publishing many of them because I was worried they might pose security problems," said Nourizad.
OBSERVATIONS: Apprently sone didn't listen. Hence the death squads. If the IRCG, an "elite" force directly under the Supreme Leaders command, can't be trusted then who can? Note that in Syria all but 100,000 members of the military are "confined to barracks" which makes it that much harder to suppress demonstrations in so many areas. I suspect Iran may have to do the same.
"The inspectors of the International Atomic Energy Agency are fooling themselves if they believe that the nuclear facilities on and under the ground are only for peaceful purposes," he writes. "The leader said [in a fatwa] that Iran has only peaceful intentions with its nuclear activities. This is a sheer lie."
"We undertook this nuclear gamble with the leader's knowledge – that's why we are paying billions of dollars into Chinese and Russian bank accounts so that they support us in international negotiations and we could find a way out of this stalemate." Opposition activists often accuse the Iranian government of securing political support from China and Russia with preferential oil contracts and business opportunities.
OBSERVATION: This should complicate the present negotiations since I'm sure it will be brought up.
.... the general said that in the event of any hostilities, Iran's forces in the Gulf would not be able to resist for more than a day.
The general accuses the Revolutionary Guards of corruption and involvement in smuggling and the illegal transfer of foreign currency. "Is it not ridiculous? The presidential office established a unit to combat smuggling but at the same time, senior guards generals were doing exactly the same thing in the southern islands of Qeshm, Hormuz and Abu Musa," he writes. "We tolerated the guards' economic activities and involvement in smuggling with the excuse of raising funds for its revolutionary ideas."
I have to wonder where Iran might be today if IRanians had stuck it out longer and if they had encouraged a two-pronged approach (large-scale protests/ military resistance) as the Syrians did.
Visualize the impact if Al Jazeerah interviewed Qassem
by FG on Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:57 AM PDTIf the Iranian model hasn't been tainted enough in the Arab world, imagine the riveting impact as insiders like Qassem spill the beans on worldwide satellite television. Around the entire world anyone advocating this particular variety of Islamist state (especially it's central doctrine) would have an uphill climb.
Two other places I'd like to see Qassem speaking out:
1. An interview on CBS 60 Minutes.
2. Testifying against Khamenei and His Assigned Murderers and Torturers before the World Court (or better yet an Iranian Court after the regime's fall).
Was advice from Iran decisive in Assad's decision to go after Syria civilians?
The "holy man" who advocated using tanks against Iranian civilians advised Assad, "It worked for us. It should work for you?" Syrians are now reaping the consequience of such advice, worsened further by Syrian assistance including Al Quds thugs.
Unfortunately what "worked" for Khamenei isn't working for Assad. Nor will it work next time for Khanenei when the Big Public Explosion comes. Public attitudes toward the regime has changed greatly since 2009 and I suspect that's just as true among political insiders and the secure forces on which the regime depends.
Wavering Iranian officers and troops know exactly what such tactics have done in Syria. They can't miss the defections and the mass shooting of defecting officers. I suspect many already have plans to defect if given similar orders ("Screw the mullahs! Why would I want to die or destroy my country for this bunch of scumbags?")
Relying on Death Squads Creates Long-Run Boomerangs
Today every living member of the Khoumeini family firmly believes that the death of Khoumeini's son--a critic of Khamenei's increasingly totalitarian ways-- came through a lethal injection ordered by Khamenei himself and carried out via the death squads Khamenei protected and encouraged. This is the Number One Reason they've despised the regime ever since.
Many IRCG generals are equally convinced that the regime has been using new death squads (probably organized by Taeb who is close to Khamenei) to murder fellow officers whose loyalty was suspect. The effect on such officers is similar to the effect on the Khoumeinis. What will they do when the public rises up again?
Post Regime Exposes, Probes and Books will Have a Huge Impact
In an age of internet and satellite TV, investigatory panels and courts will produce tons of evidence exposing the dirty underside of harsh Islamist rule in which "holy men" are entrusted with too much power. If you think the Iranian model's reputation is already badly tarnished, just wait!
It has long been said that what the Muslim world needs is a Reformation. Much like the Inquistion, the Thirty Years War and Witch Trials, the crimes of Al Queda and the IRI will encourage new and more liberal Islamic thinkers whose books, speeches, interviews and films will shake the world.
Ambush Land for Syria's military
by FG on Thu Jul 12, 2012 09:54 AM PDTFrom the Guardian Roundup
The area between the northern city of Aleppo and the Turkish border has become ambush country, the Guardian's Martin Chulov writes after a stint in Syria with the rebels.
Hulking wrecks of tanks litter sections of the road, alongside the torched lorries that were transporting them. This is ambush country, fertile ground for the guerillas who hide in the nearby hills with whatever weapons they can scrounge.
Increasingly, the weapons of choice against the Syrian military's ageing tank fleet are Iraq-style roadside bombs, made with fertiliser detonated by mobile phones.
As the Guardian was crossing the border into Syria from Turkey early last week, a Turkish soldier checked the carry bag of a Syrian man, only metres from the border fence. He found four large ignition switches and a circuit board – all components for such bombs – that had been bought in a nearby Turkish town. "They're for my car," he said in a half-hearted bid to keep them from being confiscated. The soldier returned the man's bag without the switches. "Go to Syria," he said with a wave of his arm.