On Twitter: More signs of revolt, military and police defections today (12/25)


by FG

SNSC vs. Desperate Tehran Police Force 

For that report which is in English see:


For your amusement, here is the new IRCG logo:


As usual, there is a lot of interesting stuff on twitter today, as you'll see at this site.  It contains links to some material in Persian from opposition site.  I can't read that but you may want to. 


Here's some stuff to look for that someone may want to translate.

ITEM: Activists report Warden and IRCG attacked and abused prisoners for hours. (Can someone tell us where, when & how in English.  Thanks)



ITEM: Sepah officer leak:Cmdrs transferring money abroad,officers corps&sec.forces want to join ppl on Ahura //bit.ly/7TEQzp



ITEM: INA:security forces moved to Zahra garrison to prevent attack on SL home on Tasua&Ashura



ITEM: Msg from Ghaderijan: People have taken control after fierce battles.Gov forces have retreated from town.  (Message/ no link)

ITEM: Rafsanjani refused to meet with SL for a staged Photo op meant to calm people (no link)

ITEM: IRGC Intel warns SNSC not to pursue plan of sending soldiers in civil cloths to streets for staged show of support for SL because their assessment is that they'll immediately join people. (no link)

ITEM: #IranElection src: Today 250,000 ppl in Najafabad are still holding town, they vowed to revolt starting tomorrow. They plan to topple Government in Najafabad & then march towards Isfahan to help topple Government there as well. All Government forces are on retreat & last Bastion of Government is now Tehran. Tehran Gov struggling to get force fr other provinces but none are left.

ITEM: SNSC Emergency meeting,meltdown of Gov Forces,loss of control over country (Sohrabestan)




more from FG

SNSC: "We made fatal mistakes in handling mourners."

by FG on

#IranElection Peiknet:Leak:SNSC crisis meeting:

Lost control over Tehran, Qom, Isfahan. NajafAbad is at verge of total revolt & marching towards Isfahan. This is a grave & very real danger.

SNSC members told SL in his face that his "condolence" msg was a big mistake,that created some hours of confusion among Government Forces which was used by masses to hit the streets & wrestle control from our hands.

SNSC in a top secret letter to Min. of Interior blasts attacks on Ayatollah Taheri's Mourning ceremony in Isfahan, because a large number of disciples live there.

Only result was that entire Isfahan, Qom & then country found out about it & those who didn't know Ayatollah Montazeri & his stance are now well informed & enraged.

This ill conceived action, and the events in Qom & Najafabad, have not only cost command over four cities but have also drawn those who (weren't militant) to revolt.



this is a good one!

by benross on

ما اهل کوفه نیستیم ٫ پول بگیریم بیایستیم


Ashura slogans: Please pass on

by FG on

For the slogans see:


Also, I found this rumor on VB's twitter page:

#IranElection RUMOR : Grand Ayatollah Sistani poised to issue an unprecedented Fatwa against Khamenei & Coup, initiating a Jihad in case of any further attacks on ppl. This could be declaration of SL & supporters as enemies of Islam.