This is a roundup of six items I thought interesting, along with an occasiona comment.
Like the actions of Iranians who enjoy full freedom of press and speech abroad, Oxford's new Neda schlarship has the regime's thugs drinding their teeth.
If Omaba doesn't take strong action after the Khamenei regime knowingly brought false espionage charges it has held long enough already, he will rightly perceived as a weak leader in foreign policy.
He suggests that the two election opponents "apologize" to the people, especially the most guilty one. That's the deal in sum and total.
Iran needs its Voltaires. Satire and mockery are especialy effective because they undermine a regime's sense of invulnerability and being in control.
What might have satisfied most people a week after elections might not do anymore. Psychological people have moved on and no longer trust the whole concept of the Islamic Republic after way too much brutality.
There are at least five reasons for thinking so. Meanwhile, some fascinating analyses and other items have appeared online following the Nov. 4th demonstration.
From a nationalistic point of view, Iranians have little reason to feel any loyalty to the Arabic and many reasons to feel resentment
What might have settled Iran's crisis right after the rigged election will no longer pacify Iran's people given the treatment they have received since at the hands of the regime
Islam "works" well for Khamenei much as communism worked well for Stalin. There is good reason to believe that neither man believes in the official state religion, except as a convenience to justify power and excess.
It was the second such attack. Like an earlier one, the consequences are once again the reverse of what the regime anticipated.
Khamenei observes that the Iranian people were totally happy with the Islamic Republic until foreign influence corrupted them
Sistani, who outranks Khamenei as a cleric and is far better qualified to interpret Islam, has a 180-degree opposite view of who should have ultimate power in a state--the people or the clergy.
The film shows how people in Turkey face a situation similar in some ways to that of Iranians.
Yes, apparently there is a proper method which makes everything OK according to the Ayatollah