
Reformists and principalists are trying to persuade the Khoumeini's to stay but the risks may be too great...2 relatives of the Supreme Leader arresrted....500 protestors sent to notorious military prison

The answer should be obvious.  Read and see for yourself. >>>
31-Dec-2009 (one comment)
Khamenei and those around him get so much unjustified criticism.   In fairness, consider things from their side. >>>
30-Dec-2009 (one comment)
If the insiders who support Khamenei get similar compenstion, it's easy to understand why they will commit any crime to hang in there>>>
29-Dec-2009 (one comment)
If the opposition wants to make even more rapid inroads among the working class, demonstrators need to stress that Iran has no economic future so long as the present regime exists. >>>

Has Khamenei gone back to using death squads?  The killing of Mousavi's nephew required approval & protection at the highest levels.  

27-Dec-2009 (10 comments)
The nephew isn't the only dead protestor.  Some police have refused to fire on protestors despite order's from Khamenei's officers>>>
25-Dec-2009 (3 comments)
Several reports indicate the regime is withdrawing security forces from cities to defend strategic locations such as Tehran airport and Khamenei's residents and the Tehran police chief doesn't even trust his own forces to remain loyal>>>
25-Dec-2009 (one comment)
Your contributions are invited.  What great satire!  And how can the regime object to an essay with a title like that? >>>
24-Dec-2009 (3 comments)
The Basilj will be much less aggressive in beating people if their potential victims begin carrying 2 x 4's in self defense and make clear they will gang up ruthlessly on any Basilj seen beating an unarmed civilian. >>>
24-Dec-2009 (5 comments)
Reports of resistance are widespread and the regime is having trouble finding sufficient forces for repression>>>
23-Dec-2009 (2 comments)

You did it!  Almost overnight you have driven every segment of the population to join the oposition.

22-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
Khamenei needs to wake up and save Iran so much trouble.  This regime is clearly unsalvageable and its prospects hopeless. 
20-Dec-2009 (3 comments)
The regime will not be able to block mass mourning which could go on for days.  Yet a turnout as big as that after Khoumein's death would be equally embarassing. >>>
16-Dec-2009 (2 comments)
As it prepares to exploit the burning of Khomeini's photo in the name protecting his legacy, the opposition has an ideal counterattack if it reminds Iranians of a past regime crime >>>