На здоровье

На здоровье
by First Amendment

Once more, I had one of those moments of "What Is THIS Thing In My Head".................You guys know Newton....right? You see....I was doing some Newton things for what I do for a living, which is nobody's business.......so that I had the opportunity of doing what I do and those of us who know better have the right to do it.............see?........now, if you are a part of it might help you to convince others of the same question for the worst or who knows for the best of it...............................we've already done it and you know that I'm doing for the benefit of under-previledged................now let's go for some big words...........my concept of a jaconent wallaroo might be in line wih your xiphoid facetiae or something, now that we have sorted that concept we can make sure we'll have another remarkable zaibatsu together.......Are you following me.............watch that labidophorous galbanum with extra care please...........So, here we're my friend almost two fucking third of the bottle has already gone..........and I'm still looking for that son of bitch, Newton, to explain what the fuck is that 40% of what.......you sonnnn ooooooooooffffffffff


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Well, I'd call it a "hick blog"

by Rea on

hick, hick is all it deserves. 

First Amendment

Of drunkards....

by First Amendment on

I posted this piece of garbage as a blog to prove a point.................It's really disappointing to see the big boss right at the bottom of the barrel........How on earth, my friend, do you feature this nonsensical void, while leaving a truly valuable blog such as this one, behind?.............it's a shame, my good man.............time to get sober...............


I like the fact that your comment is the only 1 on my blog

by MaryamJoon on

Because it proves my conclusions are correct. 

A blog with one commentator, named "First Amendment," holding 9 millionaires to task for a ruthless campaign of hijacking causes and trying to usurp Iran's national security and shutting down criticisms of the Golden-9?  Delicious.  

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