

First Amendment
by First Amendment

امروز حوصله‌ اخبار مخبار ندارم......به من چه که کی‌ چی‌ گفت....یا اینکه
کی‌ چیکار کرد
....به اندازه کافی‌ تا حالا واسه‌تون از این چیزمیزا توی این
سایت گذاشته‌م......شماها اگه اهل چیز یادگرفتن بودین تا الان انیشتن شده
..........شماها رو چه به چیز خوندن...چن تا دونه عکس واسه سرگرمیتون


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Public education

by Shirzadegan on

In the above video, you will see the riot in Europe. The democracy that was claimed by European countries don't exist in reality. The European countries are all under pressure of their governments. There is always riots in Europe and no Freedom or democracy at all.  People are runing awy from European countries. They run away and they go to Islamic countries such as Saudi Arabia or Iran. Anyone claism that muslims applying for visa from Europe is lying. Zionist made that lie. Muslim are happy with Sharial law and don't want to change it with European values. Zionist makes it look like muslims are begging from Europe to go there. In reality is the other way around. It is European who are begging Islamic countries to immigrate there. They die to go to Iran or Saudi Arabia, but the visa doesn't get issued for them. There is always big line in front of Iran or Saudi embassies in Europe for Europeans to get a visa. No success.

In the 2nd video you will see  Islamic republic of Iran is very powerful that can wipe out U.S and Israel army in a heart beat.

  This was the lesson for today till next time.

Did I hear someone say Idiot?