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Yes the USA is the country that accused the Late Shahs SAVAK

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

for Torturing People, what a Sick Joke, while Savak was busy making Sure Zero Torture was occuring within iranian prisons and at police stations an putting in the tight security controls necessary to make sure Savak was doing its job to improve the Human rights of iranians, yet so many Iranians were deceived by both the traitors within iran and the foreign poltical interests which want terrorists and extremists in power in iran to this day.  We need to be Revisiting the past, many times, it is necessary not only in order to defend the character and the freedom of Iranians that were patriotically serving Iran and who's action were lied about, but more Importantly to Awaken the people of iran as to the deceit the majorty accepted as fact, rebelling for the freedom of iranians is more effective and easier when it is done with Awareness.  Savak represented the period when human rights were significantly improving in Iran.