NIAC in 18 pages...

First Amendment
by First Amendment

by Reza Firouzbakht: Background on Iran, US-Iran relations and the Iranian-American perspective on Iran's nuclear program.



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Who wants to join my group? The slides will be ready tomorrow

by MaryamJoon on

@ p.3 ... #13 is missing - says nothing.

@ p.3 ...#14  no citation for statistic / no indication if it refers to Iranians outside of Iran, inside Iran, or worldwide.   

@ pp. 3 & 4 ... twice refers to Jewish people ... not a problem to refer to Jewish people, but there are other minorities too.   Smacks of pandering.

@ p.4  Not sure the '53 coup is analogous to 'Kennedy being assassinated by the UK.'  

@ p.7 ... three more references to "Jews" bringing the total to number to 5.  

@ p.8 ... 6th reference to Israel/Jews.

@ p.11 ... 7th reference to Israel/Jews. 

@ p.13 ... comparing pro-shah people to 'ahmad chalabi' is a bit much, don't you think?  (and I'm not even a shah supporter) ... 8th reference to Jews.

@ p.14:  Why is NiAC advising the US gov't what to do regarding Iran's strengths and weaknesses?  You realize the gov't the MEK betrayed is the same one that is in power, right?  Makes NIAC seem like an opposition group that misrepresented itself; wasn't NIAC supposed to be a group relating more narrowly to domestic US issues.  I clearly remember NIAC's mission statement stating it's not a political group.

@ p.15 ... recommending legislation on Human Rights?  Bizarre.  It's not that it shouldn't be done, but it doesn't seem right coming from NIAC: Many reasons.

@ p.16 ... this is the most effective page.  

@ p.17 ... 9th reference to Jews.

@ p.18 ... wasted 7 & 1/2 minutes of my life.  I'll put it in a PDF / slide file and people can send me their money to give speeches and make Microsoft word documents.   Who wants to be vice president of MIAC (Maryam's Iranian American Council)?












First Amendment


by First Amendment on

Word up, bro........


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