Of Norwegian Math

First Amendment
by First Amendment

21 divide by 77, makes it what?...... something like.......... 0.2727272727272727272727....... which shows the fraction of a year that this animal will be kept in cage for every innocent person he killed in the massacre................I am not sure about you fellows, but I think there's something wrong here..............Please say NO to repeating decimals whenever you sit down to formulate Iran's new judiciary codes.....

You might as well read HERE.......and HERE ..........but don't rush.....do your Shah and Mosaddeq thing first; you have 21 more years to go........


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Thanks for the break until the next pro Mossadegh blog

by anglophile on

Amendment jaan


I am sure you agree that what this Nordic crowd needs is their own answer to Parviz Sabeti as their security head to deny all allegations of torture (LOL) 



by anglophile on
