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The relevant Details on Syria, beyond Propaganda on all sides

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on



I would only disagree with the conclusion of it where he says, failed
in Iraq, failed in libya, and now going for a 3rd try at the
humanitarian approach therefore failed in Syria.  The Truth is Succeeded
in Iraq, Succeded in Libya and now likely Succeeded in Syria.  Because
the true agenda was never humanitarin or to promote democracy, but to
help extremists and create regression exactly like the west did in Iran
by supporting Khomeini and covertly wishing to keep noxious participants
like the MeK for iran.


A Turning Point,

by amirparvizforsecularmonarchy on

Russian Foreign Minister says, After the Humanitarian rhetoric that created the tragic situation in Iraq, don't be Duped by the Humanitarian Rhetoric of the representatives of the UK and the USA. There is much more Geopolitics in their actions in Syria than Humanism.  It is the practical consequences of their activities that is resulting in the violence in Syria not abating. Hmmmm???????? Darius Kadivar, would you say that you have been duped recently playing the wests tune, or no????????

Can anyone Locate the USA/UK/Frances Humanism? 

Syrians, Bahraini's, Iranians, Iraqi's are all suffering immensely under the tensions the USA/Uk's actions have created.  Starting with the Support for Khomeini Against the Late Shah who's governments police officers they wouldn't even sell tear gas or shields to, while at the same time public opinion was being intensely manipulated with Propaganda????  Hmmmmmmmmmm????  You guys didn't forget did you>>> Dictator, Corruption, Excessive Repression???? (thats right they never make this point of Khameneii, that is how the USA/UK presented the Late Shah to their own people and uneducated iranians who were affected by the propaganda.  So against who's Freedom does the USA wish to achieve successful negotiations these days????????  No names mentioned Iranians under Mullah Tyranny.  F.Y.I.- Russia's Reputation will improve internationally at the expense of the UK/USA/France if Assad is in power in 6 months time and Russia's negotiation approach prevails by this time next year.  The USA can't risk pushing this too long as it will spread and harm all its interests in the region above all and for no comparable gain.  In the Arab Street the people see over 60 Unilateral US veto's against the Palestinians alone in the name of "Israeli Democracy".  I'm being serious, stop laughing that's what they've been calling their apartheid/territory usurpation for over 50 years now.  The Russians have been/are a danger for iran, don't get me wrong, but I liked the Russian Foreign Ministers comment of the USA/UK "The Great Humanitarians." LOL.   


Dainasur and amu maad agha

Next amendment is

by Dainasur and amu maad agha on

Next amendment is requires,even though it might be long and bitter!

Darius Kadivar

Short and Sweet ...

by Darius Kadivar on

Stalin-Hitler pact commemorated (Russia Today)


Seventy years ago, on August 23, 1939, the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany signed the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, an agreement which had a huge impact ...


Signing the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact 


A clip from the BBC documentary series "Behind Closed Doors". The Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, named after the Soviet foreign minister Vyacheslav ...


Dainasur and amu maad agha

With all due respect!

by Dainasur and amu maad agha on

I think that the VETO right has to be taken away from the permanent members.then there will be a UNITED NATIONS with no members with previleges,and eventually it will funtion better.Don't U think so?

Red Wine


by Red Wine on

با کشته شدنِ قذافی،تنها مهره روس‌ها و چینی‌ها در شمالِ آفریقا از بین رفت.نمیتوانید تصور کنید که چه ضربه‌ای عظیم و الیم به این دو کشور وارد به همین خاطر وارد شد.روس‌ها اسلحه می‌‌فروختند و پالایشگاه می‌‌ساختند،چینی‌‌ها بنجلات می‌‌فروختند و کارگر بدانجا می‌‌فرستادند،با رفتنِ قذافی،اینها قراردادهایی را از دست دادند که مدتِ زیادی کشورهای غربی و آمریکا بدانها حسادت می‌‌کردند.حالا شنیدیم که حتی خرما با بسته بندی فرانسوی به کشور وارد می‌‌شود... باید لیبی‌ زمانِ قذافی را می‌دیدید تا منظورِ مرا متوجه شوید.

سوریه هیچگاه نبودیم،اما می‌فهمیم که چرا روس‌ها و چینی‌‌ها به این شکل خود را به زمین و زمان می‌‌زنند تا آنجا را از دست ندهند،آنها در نصایحِ خودشان به بشار اسد اشتباه کردند.از قذافی و ماجرای عن درس نگرفتند،اگر اسد زود می‌‌رفت،کسی‌ که به دنبالش می‌‌آمد ،به خاطرِ فشارِ مردمِ آنجا (و لبنانِ شیعه تبار !) حتما طرفِ روس‌ها را می‌‌گرفت.اما حالا دیر شده است،سوری‌ها دیگر مرگِ اسد را طلب می‌‌کنند و غربی‌ها نقشه خود را برای این مملکت عن قریب به تحریر رساندند.

چمدانِ ما حاضر است ... دمشق درین فصلِ سال داغ و بازارش خنک...

اندکی‌ دیگر نوبه اسلامیون در ایران فرا خواهد رسید.

First Amendment


by First Amendment on

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