They give advice on democracy US-style!

Food for Thought
by Food for Thought

European press article for you:

'It wasn`t a miracle - Hillary won via a rigged vote.'

Read the article at: //

As suspected by those who remember what went on in the last two elections and why they want computers to do the counting!

Also see an earlier brief article on this: //

And this one:

New Hampshire primary scandal: Kucinich calls for recount:



NH Primary: Pre-Election Polls Wildly Different Than Results Announced for Clinton/Obama:


Your country needs you to create a fuss for all the world's sake. The US is being taken over by an anti-democratic elite.


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The Power of Nightmares
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Anglo-American Imperialism to Continue?
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more from Food for Thought
Food for Thought

Fraud row hangs over U.S. primaries

by Food for Thought on

As I was saying - listen to this you tube clip on this issue:



Food for Thought

Lincoln predicted this...

by Food for Thought on

 You obviously are well-read but part of the reason for this blog is for others to look in to things which you seem to think are a sign of youth or political naiivity. I think it's educational.

The reason Lincoln was killed was that he resisted the bankers and bank of England from taking over the control of America's money supply. He created his own money but the bankers got to him, as they did to Kennedy who also spoke against the people behind the curtain secretly ruling the country. He too tried to resist the money men, and produced his 'own' money, briefly, which is constitutional, and he was killed:


'In a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary' (George Orwell)


SO AHHHH! You think that

by Voice of reason (not verified) on

You think that China and Russia will compete for world domination and won't be as nice as the US (????)and so we should be OK with the devil we know? How infantile is that? It is you who must have a very young soul.

If anything opening up the dialogue that Food for thought has opened up is an invitation to fix the problem not bury our heads in the sand for fear that it may just get worse.

What we do know now, is that it will get worse FOR SURE if we pretend it's not happening. Plus I don't believe that people are all corrupt and evil by nature. Yes, Man has always fought for domination (we're competetive) but that doesn't mean that we have to accept in your face greed and evil as our leadership values. We (Persians) of all people should remember that we once did have enlightened, benevolent leadership in Cyrus, for instance.

There is hope if we all educate ourselves and speak out against injustice (Before the 1st amendment is taken away too). And btw, the stuff on Diebold is fascinating.

Food for Thought

Domination by Corporations, Ahhhh?

by Food for Thought on

That's what fake 'nice' US democracy brings. Seeing things clearly is not a sign of youth. Nor, is Churchill wrong but the democracy controlled by the elite is not actually democracy.

For example, the break up of the Soviet Empire has led to western corporations trying to get inside like vultures and 'steal' the country's resources as they have in Iraq. Putin has got wise to it and that's why he's getting a bad press in the west, some of which, no doubt is true. But it's not black and white. No country wants to be dominated by another power until it is enslaved. Iran wants to sell oil in Euros; part of the problem:


The US was taken over by the money-men years ago and now they use the US as their military arm, paid for by tax payers' money to further their goal of global domination. This is not about one country, competing against other countries, it is about a group of powerful meglomaniacs thinking that 'democracy' is their tool to rob the poor and pay the rich (themselves).

If you lose your national identity it doesn't matter if the domination is by something that appears 'nice'.


The best argument against

by Ahhh (not verified) on

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

~ Winston Churchill

"Democracy is the worst form of government except for all those others that have been tried."

~ Winston Churchill


On democracy:


...but I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before..--Abraham Lincoln


NOthing is new under the sun--Unknown


food for thought: Why do you

by Ahhhhh (not verified) on

food for thought: Why do you think human beings have always fought for domination over resources? Global domination is as old as our existence as speicies....look at all the fallen Empires....OUr very nature is simple as that...if not US, then another nation like China or Russia will compete for world domination and they won't be as nice as the US...You must be very young...

Food for Thought

Diebold - googled 4 u

by Food for Thought on


check out the links and you find out and let us know...

Anyone checking the stuff themselves will realise the ability to manipulate elections is made all the more easy with this system. And who owns it, and who they're connected to will help you join the dots... and eventually the picture gets clearer...

Enjoy the journey... 


Food for Thought

Maybe Obama's win in Iowa made them react...

by Food for Thought on

Food 4 thought? What do you think? In my opinion, Clinton is the next chosen president-to-be. The controlled media have been promoting her for months.

The Clintons and the Bushes (and the Bin Ladens) are all very close behind the scenes. Research it! Here's one I just googled:


This so-called two party democracy is a front for the powers that control things from behind the scenes towards their ultimate goal of global domination. They are behind the world's drugs trade, terror groups, political assassinations and the creation of mayhem around the world. They are 'globalists' - they have a vision but their methods are not always palatable to those who look behind their superficial 'image'. They want all other cultures to remain weak. It's complex but there's a lot you can find out by digging a little and joining the dots...


Does anyone know who owns

by Voice of reason (not verified) on

Does anyone know who owns Diebold, the comany that makes the voting machines?

Why is this not more talked about? I'm interested.


When Obama won in the Iowa

by Anonymous1 (not verified) on

When Obama won in the Iowa Primary, nobody decried fraud or rigged election for thought???!!!!

Food for Thought

Voice of Reason

by Food for Thought on

This source is the source I find is a 'voice of reason' which provides a well-argued, balanced but alternative news source to the big-money mainstream news. It is the best I have come across and it is updated on a daily basis. Have a look at their homepage, browse a few articles and see if you agree:


We cannot rely on the mainstream media which is controlled by the same 'money-men' who 'buy' the politicians.

It has many articles on Iran. It is not anti-US but it is pro-constitutional democracy. 




This is NOT a surprise

by farokh2000 on

The "Interest Groups" have directly influenced the elctions in this Country for a long time. Both 2000 and 2004 elections were rigged and the whole World knows that. Even the Observers who came here from South America in 2004 left before the Elections and indicated there were many issues with the Computers and since no one was listening to them, they got frustrated and left.

Anyone who believes there is a real, true Election in this Country is fulling himslef/herself. Money, AIPAC and Multinationals buy the elections here and the Elected(Selected) officials work for them.

Thanks for the article.



by Voice of reason (not verified) on

I don't doubt that these articles are intersting, and that even the elections can (and likely were) rigged. I think it makes perfect buinsess sense, and if you want to know who's behind it all, just follow the money. The money often leads to the status quo, in this case, Hillary and the people behind her who represent the "establishment"...whatever that's become. It also makes sense that Hillary "didn't have a victory speech prepared"...OH COME ON! It makes sense that she just wanted to belabor the "surprise" of it all.

These links are all from one source. What is their agenda?

Food for Thought

Dear Anon/ or 'Lordy'

by Food for Thought on

I'm not US bashing. I'm not pro-IRI. I'm trying to allow people to read critical ideas which are shunned by the mainstream media; but if having an alternative view point scares you then it's no surprise that the US is allowing its own constitution to be dismantled piece-by-piece.

What I'm saying is that if the US wants to be looked up to, as an example for others to follow then it has to make sure it practises what it preaches. 

Did you check out the links I posted before posting your comment? If you are pro-US you need to.

Food for Thought

Khar or Anon QQ

by Food for Thought on

Try to limit your comments to intelligent ones so we can move the debate forward. The reality of the situation requires people to be open-minded not to dismiss points without due consideration. What is it you don't like?


food for thought: Khar

by Anonymousqq (not verified) on

food for thought: Khar khodeti.


Another one of those

by Anonymous/ (not verified) on

O Lordy lord another US-bashing-closet Islamic Republic-loving-lefty pseudo intellectual

Food for Thought

How are your comments related?

by Food for Thought on

Your comments, although interesting, are not related to this blog. You're taking the focus away from points I made! Did you check out the links I posted?


The west is the source of

by Anonymous22 (not verified) on

The west is the source of the liberating ideas of individual liberty, political democracy, the rule of law, human rights and cultural freedom. It is the west that has raised the status of women, fought against slavery, defended freedom of enquiry, expression and conscience. No, the west needs no lectures on the superior virtue of societies who keep their women in subjection, cut off their clitorises, stone them to death for alleged adultery, throw acid on their faces, or deny the human rights of those considered to belong to lower castes.

Freedom of expression is our western heritage and we must defend it or it will die from totalitarian attacks. It is also much needed in the Islamic world. By defending our values, we are teaching the Islamic world a valuable lesson, we are helping them by submitting their cherished traditions to Enlightenment values.

Whilst we can only speculate what might be the true motives for most of the editors' abstinence, undoubtedly shameful cowardice first springs to mind, and whilst I have voiced my own theory as to why America as a whole has proven it's resolve and worth, in the fight against terror, it still does not excuse the cowardice of the MSM who continue not to publish the cartoons.

The Manifesto below will be published in the French weekly Charlie Hebdo today. Philippe Val @ Charlie Hebdo has urged other papers to print it, as a show of solidarity. And that guys includes all of us bloggers. Via Jyllands-Posten’s website, brought to us by the Danish blogger Agora (extensive coverage). Thank you to Michelle Malkin, who has a not to be missed post on this.

MANIFESTO: Together facing the new totalitarianism


Food for Thought

Extra comment

by Food for Thought on

I invite people's comments and questions on this matter or how the elite have taken over the US and are using it to take control over the world through the US...