Why are you ASHAMED of being Iranian ???


Why are you ASHAMED of being Iranian ???
by GitDoun

You know who you people are. I see u when you don’t see yourself in public.”Excuse me Maam, what is the name of RSVP ?? Ohh my name is Nancy. That is my name. The RSVP is under Nancy”  ---When your real name is Niloofar.  


I’m at Starbucks and see the cashier tries to get a social lead in with the Iranian girl infront of me.

 “ hey are you Greek ??

no I am Persiaaaaaaan. “

oh really? Where is that ?

“ eehhmm, umm, is Iran” 

 “oh so your Iranian “ 

“ ummm, yes. But ethnically we are Perzziaaaan. ok bye I wait for coffee-order to be called. Thank u sir”


Why are u people so ashamed of being IRANIAN !!!??? I never understood this. I was born/raised in California and I AM proud to be Iranian. Maybe this has to do with my childhood because I grew up in suburbs of Northern Los Angeles where there were NO Iranians; everyone was white or maybe at most a few Asians. And since I had an Iranian name and didn’t have blonde hair and blue eyes. Everyone, mostly the white kids, picked on me. The usual prejudice. “Sand-nigger. Terrorist. Camel-Jockey. Etc etc” Even the teachers got involved in attacking me and insulting me in-front of my peers.; these  were Desert Storm days. So since I never had a chance to be accepted by America or had a chance to embrace my American identity. I was forced to accept my other identity…. Mainly Iranian. And looking back yaah it was really hard to have that type of childhood all through highschool, but looking back it made me stronger. And cemented my allegiance to Iran.


I don’t care who is ruling the country. I am for my Nation and it’s People. The Monarchy, the Priesthood-Clergy Ayatullah, or Secular Democratic Govt. None of that matters to me. Any foreign country attacks my people and rain bombs on my women/children and I happily leave the comfort of my life here and join the Iranian Army.


That’s the difference between you and me. You people in Canada/U.S. are “Iranian” when you feel it’s *convenient* to be Iranian. When it’s not convenient to be Iranian you switch costumes ,-- bleach your hair, say your Nancy, and say “no no. I am not Iranian. I am Persizzaaaan.”


Your two face personas make me sick. You people make fun of the Mexicans for being “beasts of burden” with no education but they have more pride in their Heritage. How many Mexicans you know whose name is Alejandro and goes by the name of Frank ??? You know how many Farshids I know who go by that name ???  Cinco de Mayo celebrations u find some Mexicans in the crowd wear their traditional cultural clothes. When it’s Now’rooz how many Iranians are wearing their cultural traditional clothes ??? And no a tank-top and pink shorts don’t count.


I am who I am and NOTHING will ever change that. Cut my body to pieces but bury my heart in Iran …. That’s all I have to say you coward americanized "iranians".


more from GitDoun

Proud to be Iranian

by Anvar on

I’ve shown up late to your party.  Before trying to answer your question, let me first make a couple of observations.  I don’t mean to offend you but to give you something to think about, as you have given me something to think about.  Not everyone has developed the same defense mechanism in life.  Some are hard-heads who are ready to punch anyone out and can’t wait for a war to break out to join in and start fighting.  Some are more delicate, non-confrontational, and leave the counter to wait for their coffee order to finish.  If you are half the Iranian Man you claim to be, you wouldn’t be mocking an Iranian, or any, woman.  “Perzziaaaan?”, Pleeezzze!  That makes you a *Za'eef Kosh*.  Also, in a derogatory manner, you make sarcastic references to the age of one your posters.  If he is indeed an old man then, as an Iranian youth, you are expected to respect your elders.  That’s the good old Iranian value.

I’m glad that you are a graduate student.  Hopefully, in the future, you’ll get to use brains more and your fists less.

Now to your question:  Perhaps, we are just “ashamed” of some other Iranians and don’t care to explain them to everyone,everwhere we go, including a cashier at a Starbucks.  (By that I mean, the behavior and mentality of some Iranians – what they do to Iran, and what they do to other Iranians.)


(My real Iranian name, or should I sign off as Boogie to “seem cool” in your eyes GitDoun?)


Iran=political, Persia=cultural/historical

by graffmex (not verified) on

"The country has always been known to its own people as Iran; however, to the outside world, the official name of Iran from the 6th century BC until 1935 was Persia or similar foreign language translations (La Perse, Persien, Perzie, etc.).[8] In that year, Reza Shah asked the international community to call the country by the name "Iran". A few years later, some Persian scholars protested to the government that changing the name had separated the country from its past, so in 1949[8][9] Mohammad Reza Shah announced that both terms could officially be used interchangeably. Now both terms are common, but "Iran" is used mostly in the modern political context and "Persia" in a cultural and historical context" -from Iransaga, "Persia or Iran, a brief history"


to Kaveh

by GitDoun on

Kaveh i'm not going to return the gesture. if that made u feel better then i'm happy for you. i wish u well. but from all that spew u typed the only intelligent thing u asked was what city north of L.A. i grew up in ?? and that was Westlake Village. Lastly, my blog was not meant to be an autobiography of my life. But since you did mention it i will add ,that like you, i was also beaten up through out my childhood/teen years by racists and thus why i took up boxing. (try to connect the dots bit quicker old man.) And if you ever watched a boxing match, athletes tend to shave their upper-body hair to slip uppercuts/punches. in any event i only have good-will towards you kaveh-jan and i wish you the best of health. please understand that insults do not make you any younger or make u seem more "cool" to the eyes of the youth. they only make u look more pitiful.  --eltemaas dua va khuda negahdar peer'e'mard


oh god oh god

by Anonymous12345 (not verified) on

to Kaveh. I just can't even talk right now. There are no words. Damet garm just doesn't quite do it.

Kaveh Nouraee


by Kaveh Nouraee on

I took the time to read your comments.

Now it's time for mine.

Dude, you are about as Iranian as a bucket of Kentucky Fried Chicken.

Northern Los Angeles, where there were no Iranians? This was where, Los Angeles, NEBRASKA?

So you were called "sand-nigger" and "camel jockey" and "terrorist" in school during the Desert Storm days?


I was getting into fights just for being Iranian in Bethesda, Maryland, (a town full of Iranians) before you became a mature spermatazoa. (That means 1979).

You crack on those who bleach their hair in an attempt to look less "Iranian", but tell the rest of us two faced unenlightened Nancies what chapter in the "How To Be A Real Iranian Almanac" teaches us that being Iranian means waxing your chest?

So you like going to Havasu and drinking gay men's cider? Oh, well, it's a free country.

Grad student? Which college? Barber or Clown?

If you a such an Iranian, then why are you wearing your shorts with your underwear sticking out like you're Ali G's little brother?

Oh, before I forget, tell us what happened with the Iranian girl in front of you at Starbucks? Let me guess....she said, "Sorry, Borat."



by Anonymous12345 (not verified) on

bebin, you're getting way too excited over this. while i appreciate the compliment in thinking that i am theMrs. cause i think she's a pretty cool chick when she's not obsessing over fat people, the fact is, i'm not. so don't waste your time trying to insult us both. it's NOT a two-for-one freebie.:-)

you act like you're so insulted by the "americanized hollywood" version of iranians today. but dude, come on. look at you. you are the EPITOME of western. that "look at me, i'm a bad ass dude" attitude is NOT iranian. it's pure hollywood. and your name? what is that all about? gitdoun? as in "get down"? say what? dressing like that and posting it like you're all that. no self respecting iranian would do that. you're embarrassing. my sons are more iranian than you could ever hope to be.

your blog doesn't "touch a nerve". it amuses me.

i dont' know how you can preach about tolerance. you are the very definition of intolerance.

you have now bored me to tears.


I didn't harass you are you

by TheMrs on

I didn't harass you are you freaking kidding me???? You had some blogs, I commented as I'm free to do so on any other blog here. It's a public forum, you can't take an opinon that doesn't match yours, then you've got some growing up to do. Having said that, it IS your blog and if you don't want me on it, I respect that, no need to linger on here.


excuse me?

by Anonymous12345 (not verified) on

But are you not posting a blog on a public website? I believe I have every right to comment on it! As an old Persian broad, I'll take my Persian man over you any day of the week. He's got more class in his little Persian toe than you'll ever have. Grad student? I don't think so. LOL


to the MRS.

by GitDoun on

i'm holding up a Mirror for you people to see yourselves. criticism can be constructive. And 2nd if i am "dissing" it would be the iranian diaspora/expatriates living in U.S. who grovel to Hollywood culture and want to be Americanized. Like yourself !!  I think that's why you harass me so much because my blogs touch a nerve with you.

now please leave me alone. i don't comment on your blogs. please exercise maximum control from commenting on mines. thank u and goodbye!



by Anonymous12345 (not verified) on

Actually I should thank him for the compliment! He seems to think I'm you. Damn, I wish I could take credit for the zoolander comment. Can I? Pretty please????

pesar. You embarrass all real Iranians

Fouzul. The answer to your questions is an obvious YES. LOL


GD, aka zoolander, Get a

by TheMrs on

GD, aka zoolander,

Get a life, I didn't put a comment for you, shove your ip address search in your nose. You think people here are ahmagh? You many be new here, or not, who knows. The rest of the bloggers have been at this for a while. So keep your identity investigation and identity crisis, to yourself. If I wanted to, I would leave a comment under the mrs. But since I'm here, u r a hypocrite, you can't be proud of being Irnaian if you're dissing Iranians! Talk is cheap.



the houswife says

by Souri on

No, as a simple user of a public website, they can never do it unless they send an email to the person and get a reply from them, which I don't think would be the case now.

In any case, this is illegal and nobody can do it for the personal purpose. The privacy law is very strict and clear about it. People who claim that I lie, could always stay in their paranoia, but they better be careful.

Whether I am a housewife or not, I still work with the law, although this is not the main point. Anybody can inform themselves about the privacy law, but I, learned it trough working with the law :)

Noosh Afarin


by Noosh Afarin on

بنده فکر نمیکنم که شما بدون داشتن سافت ور هک کردن قادر به چک کردن IP مردم باشید، و یا اینکه شما ادمین هستید.



by MiNeum71 on

Good observation and funny blog, keep on writing ;)



to by polygraph

by GitDoun on

LMAO !!!!  ---ghorboon dastet


Doruq mige

by polygraph (not verified) on

[...I work with the law...]
Doruq mige, she is just a housewife. All she does is eat, sleep, order and guess what? IRANIAN.COM
That's all she does.


Yes, you did a very bad thing

by Souri on

Indeed it is illegal, GitDoun. You don't believe me, it's your choice, but you can still inform yourself. It is illegal, I work with the law, trust me. Good luck!


to souri khanoom

by GitDoun on

checking ip address is not against the law. infact they have websites set up for people to do this.  kar zeshte kardam ?? pesar'e bady'aam ?? are'ee?  ;-) 



Read my

by Iraniandudeee on


 It clears everything up about your question.

 Btw, I'm really glad that you want to help Iranians, but you can start helping Iranians by STOP STEREOTYPING AND CREATING NEGATIVITY ABOUT YOUR OWN PEOPLE, can't you now? Also, I understand your comment about not going back to iran right now, cause really, you or I wouldn't be able to do much, we nationalists need to take it step by step... I'm also going back to iran soon after I'm done with my studies (And after raising some money).

Though now, I'm doing everything I can to help and progress the Iranian community and youth by teaching them more about their identity, sure I'm doing small work now, but hopefully int he future I can help my people in a big scale.


to Fouzul Bashi ---No i'm not Gay.

by GitDoun on

i was at Lake Havasu drinking a Cider. it's Gaymer Cider. it's European.  And sorry i don't carry a brush and a mirror when i swim. u know when u swim your hair tends to get a bit messy. sorry to disappoint but no mo'hawk bro. you wanna micro-scope and nit pick my pubic hair too while your brushing over my photos with your magnifying glass ???


IP address?

by Souri on

"By the way put your tongue back into your mouth and change you I.P address  ;-)"

What you mean? You mean you did a search on the people's IP in a public website? Do you know that this is against the law? They can call you to the court for that. Don't never ever do that, because not only it means that you are violating the  privacy law but also you are using your company's material illegally for the illegal purpose.

At least don't ever repeat it, be careful!


to Anonymous12345 ..../ THE.MRS

by GitDoun on

you can't help people if you don't have a job in iran. 2nd. im in grad. school. 3rd DON'T JUDGE ME UNTIL YOU WALKED IN MY SHOES AND EXPERIENCED MY LIFE. And lastly, if u don't have any confidence to put up a recent photo of yourself old woman then please STFU and stop your psychotic Headgames; thanks.

By the way put your tongue back into your mouth and change you I.P address  ;-)

Anahid Hojjati

I am not Persian like summer cucumber or melon

by Anahid Hojjati on

To GitDoun, This is a poem which I wrote and was published on this site in Feb 2009, but I am inserting it here since it has so much relevance to your article:

Persian or Iranian? 


When someone asks me about my background

To the curious mind, I don’t say a Persian kind

I am not Persian like a lovely cat or lamb

Neither Persian like summer cucumber or melon

My language is called Persian, rightly

I don’t get upset if it is called Farsi

Persian words do not march aimlessly for me

Instead they are needed to read kadkani and Rumi

Kismet brought me here, I clearly see

But tell me where you are, Serendipity

I don’t live in a palace nor do I drive a bimmer

My hair has highlights, please don’t simmer

I am for peace, opposing the war machine

I hardly follow life of the sad queen

My customs may be complex or they can be basic

Mid March, in my home, apple dances with garlic

I was born in Iran, land of Tabriz, Rasht and Abadan

I celebrate longest night Yalda and also Mehregan



you are full of crap dude

by Anonymous12345 (not verified) on

You are clearly disrespectful of iranian women but you want us to belive you're sooooooo proud of being iranian. Why don't you go back to Iran NOW and help? Why wait for any war? Becuase you know there ISN'T going to be any war. So you can trot your patriotism out like a banner. What a joke you are. You "cemented" your allegiance to Iran because of how you were treated in high school? GIVE ME A BREAK. No, I just can't be bothered with your bullcrap anymore.

Fouzul Bashi

not that I want to fouzuli here...

by Fouzul Bashi on

but looking at your picture and the previous one with the mini-mohawk and the specific bottle of beer you were drinking only one question comes to mind:

Are you gay?


What does this blog has to do.....

by Souri on

With this picture? Are you promoting your body here or what?



by Iran/Persia (not verified) on

I believe we can proudly say we are from Iran and the language we speak is Farsi/Persian. How does it sound?


Persian or Iranian?... Read man!

by Iraniandudeee on

First of all, alot of Iranians say they are "Persian" not because they're trying to hide, but because, first, it's used rampid for Iranians/Persians In AMERICA AND THE WEST, and second, they have probabely heard it so much, not only by Iranians, but by foreigners (Because Persian supposedly sounds "cool", lol) that they have adapted the word Persian to use to identify theirself instead of Iranian.

 Like for example, I at a certian time used to say Persian to identify myself a couple of years ago, and I wasn't in anyways (Culturaly nor mentaly) Americanized, nor am I today.... I just started saying it because I heard it so much being used for Iranians, again not only by Iranians, but also Americans used Persian.

 Though today, when someone asks me where I'm from, I say I'm Iranian and from Iran, and when i want to talk about my history and heritage, culture, language etc.. I use the word Persian (Because it's correct for certian times to use like I mentioned above).

 Now, I would want Iran to be called Persia again because of cultural reasons (if you're wondering why, it's Not because it sounds cool, lol, actually I think Iranian sounds alot better than Persian) and also because when we changed the name Persia into Iran, we lost alot of cultural things, and it seriously damaged our identity. I believe in Iran it should either be called Iran/Persia by Iranians and in the west/ the rest of the world, it should be known as Persia/Persians to identify ourselves easier (cause most simple minded people (Which are most people in the world) don't even know the difference bewteen iran and Iraq).

 Anyways, Persian is also a correct term to use for iranians because it's a ethnic name, like for example, many Iraqis, saudis, egyptians, syrians refer to theirself as Arabs (because it's an ethnic name)... Also iran is also called persia (As a second name) Even today!

 P.s, I see that you got my idea of "Americanized Iranians", haha, so from now on, please, if you see such iranians/Persians that act like this, don't even call them iranians or Persians, just call them Americans and ignore them.... though these people are a minority in the Iranian community, so don't exaggerate.

 Also, i want you to understand that just because some people use the word "Persian" to refer to theirself does not mean that they are not proud. I myself have seen hundreds/thousands of cases of nationalistic people using the word Persian to refer to theirself, again, it's mainly because it's used so much int he west and America.


P.s, for the name issue, well, alot of these Iranians have been living here in the u.s for 60-50 years or so.



Do you box?

by Zulfiqar110 on

You have your arms wrapped in the pic. Do you box or do mixed martial arts?

On the point of your blog, I hear you, man, and also share your frustration. But Iranians aren't the only ones guilty of such heritage denying hypocrisy. You find quite a bit of it amongst East Asians and many Indians as well. Do you know how many Taiwanese, East Bengalis or Koreans I have run into who instead of calling themselves Cho, Kim or Chandran have started calling themselves Dan, Joe or Janice?

I'll tell you a hillarious true story. A few years ago some East Asian patron of a business owned by a relative of mine changed their name to Richard when they became a US citizen. I think the guy was from Brunei or Malaysia, or somewhere like that. He kept his last name, though, which was Solong. Now Richard shortened is Dick and this guy was actually calling himself as Dick. True story!