Video: 'BERKELEY' In The 1960's

Video: 'BERKELEY' In The 1960's
by Haj Seyd Mammad

The 1960s come to life in this gripping popular documentary. BERKELEY IN THE SIXTIES captures the decade's events - from the HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) hearings and civil rights sit-ins at the beginning of the decade,  through the Free Speech Movement, Civil Rights marches, Anti-Vietnam War protests, the Counter-Culture, the Women's Movement, and the rise of the Black Panthers - in all their immediacy and passion.

Dramatic archival footage interwoven with present-day interviews and 18 songs from the Grateful Dead, Jimi Hendrix, Joan Baez, The Band and the Jefferson Airplane make BERKELEY IN THE SIXTIES probably the best documentary on the Sixties to date!

To many of us, the City of Berkeley in general, and the University of Californina at Berkeley in particular, represent what is truly Best about American Heart and Soul. To those who vehemently oppose United State's activities overseas, it is truly impossible to have total hatred for America so long as places like Berkeley exist within it.

Hope you enjoy it:


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As someone who attended an Ivy League School ...

by John D. Lambe (not verified) on

I have to say that I always felt that the students at Berkeley had something that we all missed.

At pretty much all the Ivy League School, such as Harvard and Columbia, they train your mind. You become an intellectual. However, at a place like Berkeley, they also transform your soul and spirit. You develop a social conscience -

I very much enjoyed the video. Thanks for bringing back some old memories :)