His father ruled upon us for 50 years with ignorance and corruption. His father's lack of respect for Iranian people and the belittling of the general public specially urban and rural Iran and his ever growing relienace of western countries created a monster called Khomeini.
Let us together study history and understand why we are here today. let us go back 30 years and review all the events that led us to here.
In 1970 while South Korea and Japan stated to merge as Asia's powerhouses we were the forefront in the industrial revolution; however, most of the internal economy were western companies who would had hesitated to pass on the technology to Iranian people.
At that time Iran's population was at 30 million. Only 45% were literate and according to some estimate that put the figure of poverty below the average.
Let us not forget his fathers' extravaganza birthday parties that he spent millions of dollars and invited dignitaries from around the world even all the chefs were imported from outside but NO IRANIAN was good enough to attend.
It was his father who killed 100 thousand of students and political activist.
Our beloved hero Takhti, the man, the lion the brave heart was killed under his dad's supervision. How dare this coward talk about my country when his father was resposnosble for the destruction of such a rare treasure?
Let us not forget Dr. Mossadegh a nationalist and a true Iranian who really cared about Iran and Iran's interest. His dad with the help of CIA crushed his movement and killed this true father of our beloved country.
They were writers, journalists, scholars and many intellectual people who had died in the hand of his father.
While people were dying and struggling to survive he and his siblings and parents lived in extravagant and had a expensive lifestyle, the construction of palaces with people’s money around the world. The Pahlavi family was busy with purchase of the latest race and luxury cars, while the average Iranian couldn't even afford to eat or rent a house.
Please let me ask you something. Does that remind you of another regime? If you said IRI then you are correct.
IRI terrorist regime has many similarly to Reza Pahlavi's dynasty.
We must be aware and not be fooled and not let these coward opportunist to take advantage of this movement.
Please write to Reza Pahlavi and tell him to keep silent. Since his remarks will undermine the movement and provide a reason for the government to suppress and squash the protestors and the movement.
I urge you to take immediate action and let him know that this is not the righ time to call yourself the leader.
Let the people decide who they want to have as a leader and I can assure you are not the one.
I have always been curious how his family has been living for the past 30 years. Where is the money coming from?
Write to hme and ask him to be silent
Recently by HATEIRI | Comments | Date |
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IRI constitution interpreted for dummies in IRI | 1 | Jul 11, 2009 |
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Five Years Old at the Time ? ... LOL
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Jun 23, 2009 07:32 AM PDTOh OK, NOW I understand ! ... ;0)
I will excuse You for your ignorance !
List of prominent Scholars murdered by Pahlavi or another IRI
by HATEIRI on Tue Jun 23, 2009 07:26 AM PDTI was only 5 when revolution of 1979 happend, I am sure thay are others who can confirm the execution and killings by Shah's regime and his followers:
I used to love Samad Behrangi's stories and Khosro Golesorkhi, I must have read almost whatever I can find about them. Who killed them?
What about our beloved intellectual and philosopher Dr. Ali Shariati
There were so many journalist and reporters killed that the list can go on.
So killing of intellectual, scholars and journalist what is the commonality with IRI -- Dictatorship, totalitarian and corruption
Whatever his son has is from us, his education, the suit he wears, the house he lives and the car he drives.
He is another dictator
Let's Compare Indeed ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Jun 23, 2009 07:24 AM PDTReza Pahlavi:
Reza Pahlavi On Elections:
Khamenei Regarding "Democratic Elections" and Friday Prayers Response to Riots:
Shah Era:
Khomeiny Era:
Shah at United Nations Pleading the Iranian Cause in 1948
Ahmadinejad at United Nations 2009 Durban
Aref sings Ode to Shah:
Mullah Cries for No Reason:
Pahlavi Lovers read your commenst and compare yourself with IRI
by HATEIRI on Tue Jun 23, 2009 07:21 AM PDTname calling, shouting, accusation and forceing upon someone your believ. Aren't you guys a hypocrite?
You are realy helping me to make my case that you guys are as much as idiots and brutal than the IRI regime.
One even argued "Sha didn't kill 100,000 he only killed 393, as if he was part of SAVAK). This is how holocaust deniers also work not 6 million but only a few thousand. The number doesn't matter is the act and the crime committed by the brutal regime(s).
One argues no Shah didn't kill Takhti, hmmmmmmmmmm
One argues about the fact and figures but then contrdicts itself.
by maziar058 (not verified) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 06:59 AM PDTSIMPLY THANK YOU MR. ARJOMAND AND ALL OTHER TRUE IRAN LOVERS.
the hypocrite
by Alborzi (not verified) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 06:52 AM PDTThe guys in Iran who go demonstrate really risk a lot.
Its not just dying, its being kicked out of university, torture, beating , jobs ... . This guy does not even travel because he is afraid USA may not let him back. He and his family have NOTHING to do for Iranians, the people in Iran are paying with their blood for what his family did to Iran. The election last week was typical of Shah's elections, the outcome was always pre-ordained. Khamenei is just a different Shah and he has his own Shahis and the nation is trying to get rid of this Shah.
by Annonymous (not verified) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 06:24 AM PDTAgree with your comments wholeheartedly. Reza Pahlavi ought to just shut up and stay out of Iran and Iranian politics altogether. He is better off living his life in exile permanently, spending all the ill-gotten wealth his daddy amassed and smuggled out of Iran. As to the current situation.....unfortunately it is a fact of life - especially amongst the so called non-aligned movement, dare say third world countries - that from time to time there is a revolt/ uprising with certain societal elements/group emerging victorious as the ruling elite by taking advantage of the situation. I am certain most, if not all, of my Iranian brethren would agree that is precisely what happened back in 1979. Our revolution was "STOLEN" from us, culminating in emergence of mullahs/ theocracy and islamic fundementalism/ fanaticism. Lest we forget behind the scenes role played out by the British and the Americans, both with huge vested interests in Iran. Mullahs could not have done it without their assistance! In the absence of a true nationalist figure such as our beloved Dr. Mossadegh we can only hope and pray this latest uprising will not lead to another debacle in annals of modern Iranian history.
I agree That
by Maryam Hojjat on Tue Jun 23, 2009 04:43 AM PDTRP should not talk at this stage since it would put IRANIANs' youth in greater danger of IRI force. But I do not agree with what you have exaggerated about Shah, He was a dictator but served his country with intention to make a great IRAN. He made mistakes which caused him to be overthrown.
Down with IRI
Brilliant !
by Aboli (not verified) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 04:22 AM PDTWell that's a 3 minutes of my life I never get back...
His father ruled upon us for 50 years with ignorance and corruption?
What? 50 years??
I believe you have confused Mohammad Reza Shah with Nasser-e-din Shah.
50 years,...30 million,...45%...100 thousands,...all kinds of numbers are pulled out of his...
Please have at least a general idea about what the subject before you start writing.
Another "must read" author on Iranian.com
YOUR SOOOoooooooo FUNNY ... ;0)
by Darius Kadivar on Tue Jun 23, 2009 02:58 AM PDTLOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooL !
ROBIN HOOD: "Where is My Vote ?" code word for "Give Back Our TRUE Kingdom and King, GOH Khordeem Enghelabeh ESLAMI Kardeem "
get over it! that was 30
by persian dude (not verified) on Tue Jun 23, 2009 02:26 AM PDTget over it!
that was 30 years ago. focus on today! help iran now!
Khomeini said the same thing
by ali_UK on Tue Jun 23, 2009 12:19 AM PDTRemember , 1979 ? Khomeini said that he will be going back to Qum and leave the government to others.Mr. Phlavi is saying " Once a democtratic .....) see , there is a condition already!!
All of this I belive is very irrelevant.These past few days has shown how the likes of reza pahlavi and others are just in the "fringes" of Iranian thoughts / movement and therefore irrelevant.
Reza Pahlavi Comparison to IRI
by Alex Arjomand (not verified) on Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:47 PM PDTDo you really believe or understand the nonsense that you are spewing?!!! Firstly what does anything of what is going on have to do with the Shah? These creeps have been in power for 30 years and other than mass repression, corruption and criminality, they have done nothing for Iran. The reign of the Pahlavis, despite their many faults (by the way the facts that you state are simply wrong but so ridiculous that they are not worth responding to) represent a very good period in Iranian history. A simple comparison to the period before them, when Iran's territorial integrity was threatened like never before, and the period after, which has been one of the darkest periods in Iranian history, shows that the Pahlavis genuinely contributed to the progress of their country. If mistakes had not been made, they would still be there and we would not be living in this misery so that is undeniable. But grow up, try to overcome your screwed up feelings which are resulting in irrational rantings and ravings and focus on what you can do to help the millions of Iranians who are showing great strength and heroism in freeing themselves from the yoke of these criminal tyrants. If you continue to dwell in the past you will always remain as miserable as you seem to be.
by Farzad1 (not verified) on Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:30 PM PDTWhere the fk did you pull this from "It was his father who killed 100 thousand of students and political activist."
That was then ,This is now
by Arash_1970 on Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:24 PM PDTNo one can deny that the Shah despite of his twisted love for Iran was a dictator.If not he would not have been overthrown in 1979.He was too ambitious and wanted to change Iran at a rate that the country was not ready for.He opressed his own people and made many political mistakes while trying to serve his country.He can also be credited for many great progresses that Iran made in its golden years.That was then.He's gone.
His son is not claiming to be your next King.He has said a million times that at this point he is just an Iranian citizen ( A very well knwon Iranian I must add ) trying to bring democracy to his beloved country.He wants a united front.Once a democratic regime is established in Iran he will leave it up to people to decide what they want.He even said it this morning that If the Iranian people want him to play a more prominent role in the future then that's another story.At that point he'll be a candidate just like your candidate or whatever party's candidate.You'll decide.If you don't want a King then you'll vote for another candidate.Maybe the Iranian people will decide that they don't even want him as a candidate !
The point is he's not claiming to be anyone's leader , he wants to be the glue that will bring us all together no matteer our political views.Sure he has had a fancy life , I don't want to minimize his Father's crimes ,etc.. either. But he's not forcing himself on you.I much rather be represented by a well spoken and educated man like him than by someone who will make decisions based on their daily emotions and say whatever to the media.
When Iran is free.Don't vote for him IF he's even a candidate.For now we need to be united and that's what he's saying.I might be proven wrong in the future but I don't think he is like his father.He has even acknowledged at times the mistakes that the Shah had made during his years as the King.
I am not a Monarchist but I support him as an Iranian citizen that wants democracy for his country.That's all !
I maybe oversimlifying the issue at discussion but that's the gist of my opinion on Reza Pahlavi.
I'll go get the first aid kit ,this is going to be a bloody battle here ,I feel it coming :-)
by Anonymous Irani (not verified) on Mon Jun 22, 2009 11:04 PM PDTThere is a lot of misinformation in your piece. I do not know if it is intentional or you are just misinformed. We need to be honest, specially at this time. I just mention a couple of points.
1. Takhti was said to have been killed by Shah "before revolution", however, that has been disputed ever since.
2. Shah did NOT kill 100 thousand students and activists, as you claim. IRI's man's own investigation puts that number close to 383, including those killed in street confrontations [see Baghi's article]. Even one person is too many, but IRI killed more than that in a single day [see Montazeri's]. Indeed IRI claimed that Shah killed hundreds of thousands, but that was decisively refuted after the revolution.
Honesty is the best policy!