New Weblog

by Hazaaraan


Ba salaam,

This is a new Weblog, so I need a little bit time to post some precious stuff in it. Therefore, I can simply say, this Web is under construction. See you soon. 



To: Hajiagha about his HONAR..

by Hazaaraan on


Long time ago, I had a look at your cartoons ( as you named..!!! )published on Iranian website. I got very bad felling and felt pitty about Iranian and myself as an Irani. I sent an email to the Web master and complain about what you had posted in are saying, you are an artist and living in Canada since 1995.'s been about 12 years that you are spending your daily life in an English language community. Why still you are not able to write a line in English correctly??? As I know, all your problem is under your belly. I think, an artist especially a cartoonist should be an educated person and aware of the world around him/her. What you want to say by your HONAR. I study and watch your HONAR all the time, but I don't get anything from them except your under belly problem. What you think..? Do you think anyone who can put the pencil on a piece of paper and draw some no direction or crossed lines, his/her name is an artist....???? I don't think so. Can you claim, if you are able to do something else rather than drawing some ugly faces and some uglier words on it???? As I believe, and your HONARS show, you never think about the reputation of Iran and Irani....!! I am so sorry to say that, you are busy with yourself and your ( Saahab mordeh ) gun, nothing else...... I am not sure if you even can read this passage. If so, please think about it.....That is all.