Collective Finger In The Eyes Of Imperialists

by HBPM1

It seems like the fact that the Iranian nation might be making some technological advances has riled and ruffled some of the imperialists out there. My advice to Mr. Ahmadinejad, as the representative of the Iranian nation, is to jab our collective fingers in the eyes of the imperialists by going one beyond just mastering the nuclear enrichment cycle. An idea might be to permanantly set aside 10% of Iran's annual oil revenues into an endowment fund exclusively to finance scientific and technical educational and research facilities and program. Another might be to set a goal that no less than 25% of all university graduates be highly qualified and trained scientists and engineers. Another might be to replicate the creation of an equivalent to the Indian Institutes of Technology curriculum and campuses (created in India with German scientific and technical assistance), nationwide under the Iranian Institutes of Technology banner.


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