Kish: Truly A "Beauteous Island"

by HBPM1

I have not had an opportunity to visit Hawaii, or Tahiti, or the Virgin Islands, but I did finally get a chance to visit Kish Island and just as it is described on the departure monitors of Tehran's Mehrabad airport, it truly is "Kish: Beauteous Island."   A coral island in the Persian Gulf, pristine and clean and utterly delightful...a sort of resort paradise far removed from the unpleasantness of the rest of Iran: no pollution, no traffic (or even traffic lights), beautiful beaches and balmy short-sleeve shirt weather...certainly a winter "go to" place for those who cherish warm weather and quiet solitude. 


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by Fari B (not verified) on

Tell us more! How do people make a living there, what's the history, is it a good holiday destination (i.e. do we have to wear black in the sweltering sun or not and are their beaches etc)