Technologists! Can you answer my question?

by HBPM1

To you technologists out there: a computer is still not a television, so when and how can I interactively and seamlessly purchase commercial goods relevant to the programs I am watching on television via television?  In other words, if I am watching the Discovery channel, and all of a sudden have an urge to purchase a tent or canoe or sleeping bag, or if I am watching the History channel and all of a sudden feel the need to purchase a book or a ticket to visit some country, how might sites like eBay or Amazon or others place icons featuring items relevant to those shows somewhere on the television (maybe a section of the television program guide might be another place where a category such as relevant "goods for sale" might be placed) which I can access to make a seamless interactive purchase using my TV control, as opposed to having to hassle with logging on to the internet and working my way to finding items relevant to what I just watched? 


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We are almost there!

by Mariam Ispahani (not verified) on

Salaam... we are almost there! I work in the Digital Signage Advertising space and we are zooming ahead re technology. Bluetooth technology is and will be the biggest driver re what you describe. However, in the USA, we are about 5 years behind Europe and the Far East. Bluetooth technology isn't fully functional here in the USA, however, at my company, we tell our customers that they can flash their bluetooth cell phones close to the screen and automatically download the coupon presented on the screen onto their phones. The customer then takes this coupon to the store cash register and gets their discount. We can do this now. Cool huh? :-)
