The Ultimate Triumph of Situationism?

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol
by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

Tomorrow October 15, 2011 is a day of coordinated international protests. These are based on the North African and Spaniard movements before them, aslo augmented by the recent Occupy Wall St, and its nation wide effect. Whatever the ultimate outcome of all these movements and protests, one aspect is very certain, and that's the Situationist roots the influence of the journal Ad Buster, "Cultural Jamming" and the Situationist school of thought, on the October 15 Protests, OWS,.. You be the judge.

Below is "the" Situationist text of all times:

Society of the Spectacle






Recently by Hooshang Tarreh-GolCommentsDate
عباس آقا، کارگر ایران ناسیونال
Nov 05, 2011
Oakland General Strike
Nov 03, 2011
غوغای ستارگان
Sep 26, 2011
more from Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

Thank you Rafigh for the great blog.

by Roozbeh_Gilani on

This is a truely grass root movement with surprisingly high level of public support, at least in US. People are just begining to wake up to the fact that the current economic crisis, which has been going for about 5 years is very fundamental and has it's roots in finance capitals of the world and is not going to go away without fundamental changes.

I believe The answer to your first question will very much dictate the answer to the following three. I personaly do not see a political party of the working classes leading this movement at this point in time. Would this change? Let us see.

"Personal business must yield to collective interest."


This is what Democracy looks like

by Hooshang Tarreh-Gol on

Oct 15, 2011 Melbourne, Australia Occupy Protests


Oct 15, 2011 Germany global economic protests


Oct 15, 2011 Jakarta, Indonesia Occupy Protests


Occupy London Clashes : Fighting Erupts at UK Protest. : Amazing October 15, 2011


Folks , frankly I never thought I would live to see the day that there
would be more protests than I could have time to report, but as they
say: Live long enough and you'll see everything!

And so it is. Above is a small sample of protests yesterday from the four
corners of the world. Keep in mind this is just a small fraction of all
the activities from yesterday. 

How far will these movements go?

How substantial will be their effects?

How will it they impact us in Iran?

Stay tuned, and have a great Sunday, cheers

salman farsi

Thank you brother VPK

by salman farsi on

  I just posted a question under brother Roozbeh's blog about Tabarzin. You are a kind soul brother VPK who are prepared to say such nice things about Tabarzin dispite having some differences of opinion with him. Not all perople are as nice as you. But I wonder why he was blocked. Did he become the victim of another Bahai debate?

For an Islamic democracy

Veiled Prophet of Khorasan


by Veiled Prophet of Khorasan on


Appears to have been blocked. A loss to the IC readers and all who appreciated his knowledge. I did not always agree with him but very few people had his wisdom. It would be nice to have him back. I hope we get the same kind of grass roots demand for his return as we got for others. He was a gem whose like are impossible to find.

salman farsi

Brother Hooshang

by salman farsi on



Where is my brother and your friend Tabarzin? I am looking everywhere for him. You were his pal weren't you?  

For an Islamic democracy


برگزاری تظاهرات ضد سرمایه داری در یکهزار شهر جهان

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

اعتراضات ادامه موج خشمی است که با جنبش "تسخیر وال استریت" از نیویورک
آغاز شد. اعتراضات توده ای این روز در کشورهای متعدد اروپایی و آسیایی از
جمله "ایتالیا، یونان، پرتغال، آلمان، اسپانیا، فرانسه، انگلیس، بوسنی،
استرالیا، ژاپن، فیلیپین، تایلند و تایوان
" برگزار شد. نحوه برگزاری
اعتراضات و تحصن ها از یک شهر به شهر دیگر تفاوت داشت ولی به عقیده ناظران،
معترضان عمدتا تظاهرکنندگان آمریکایی را الگوی خود قرار داده اند که به
دنبال تسخیر وال استریت و دیگر نمادهای نظام سرمایه داری در دیگر مناطق
آمریکا هستند. گاردین در همین ارتباط گزارش کرد تظاهرات مردم آمریکا علیه نظام سرمایه داری این کشور به جنبشی جهانی تبدیل شده است.



اعتراض جهانی علیه سرمایه داری

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

بی بی سی : روز شنبه (۱۵ اکتبر - ۲۳ مهر) تظاهرات و اعتراضهایی گسترده به
آنچه طمع شرکت‌های بزرگ و کاهش بودجه برنامه های اجتماعی دولت‌ها توصیف
شده، در شهرهای مختلف جهان برگزار شد.


Soosan Khanoom

Dear HT

by Soosan Khanoom on

Thanks for keeping us updated here. I should also thank your 
cousin : )

I have also been trying to keep myself current with these events..  It is  refreshing and at the same time saddening .... This is the furure of all of us and for sure our childern that is being shaped in the hands of greed and hypocracy, yet, it seems not too many care or even bother to pay more attention. I salut those who are packing the streets in every corner of this planet and yelling  " ENOUGH IS ENOUGH "

I am also seeing how thier opponents keep accusing and labelling them .... i guess this business of accusation is universal and we like to do that to each other without really give cerdit, atleast, where it is due .... 

some online comments are remarkable, some just plain ignorance, and some well... Hilllarious .....

I may post all sort of them if I find them interesting enough  to do so ....  

here is one ... 

"Don't worry everybody! The G12 will get together and "fix this", like they've been doing for over 20 years, as THEY HAVE THE WORLD POPULATION'S INTERESTS AT HEART. This whole movement is incredibly enlightening, as it highlights the fact that people are tired of INTERNATIONAL GOVERNMENT CORRUPTION AND COLLUSION. RISE UP PEOPLE!! Take our futures back!  "


راه‌پيمايی جهانی برای دمکراسي، برضد فساد و اختلاس

Hooshang Tarreh-Gol

قرار  است روز شنبه ۱۵ اکتبر در ۴۵ کشور و در ۳۰۰ شهر
جهان تظاهرات شود، تظاهراتی برای دست يافتن به دمکراسی بيشتر. جوانان
اسپانيا پيشتاز اين حرکت هستند. حرکتی که با بهار عربی مقايسه مي‌شود.
