شهر قصه The timeless mirror to contemporary Iran

by Hovakhshatare

شهر قصه 

One of the best plays ever written in depiction of the contemporary Iranian sociocultural issues and ongoings in the language of animals representing different types. It is as relevant today as it was when it debuted (Talar Roodaki I think).


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Red Wine

ملا جماعت نه شعور دارند و نه غیرت

Red Wine

عجب زیبا و دل نشین است !

ما به خاطر داریم که مرحوم آخوند کازرونی که در ایام روضه خوانی به عمارت می‌آمد،همینجور صحبت میکرد !

ملا جماعت نه شعور دارند و نه غیرت ...این مطلب تازگی ندارد !

دست حضرت عالی‌ درد نکند.



Absolutely the best Iranian play I have ever seen

by Bavafa on

And one of our favorite CDs that we listen to at home. The genius part is that the story fits so well to the old and current regime. Lets just hope our next regime will be different



Glad you appreciate this. Bijan Mofid was an observant man

by Hovakhshatare on

To have so well presented the layers, characters and all so insightfully.


همون چشم که خوابو برده........ خوابی که از سرم رفت........


Thank you soooooooo much for posting my favorite play.

I specially love the part that you just posted here.
