sanctions are coming

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek
by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

hello everyone. how are you? are you doing well? are you prepared for the debilitating sanctions that are in store for Iran? Fred the former chicken and present peacock must have already purchased his crates of champagne when they announce the occasion, but I wanted to discuss with the rest of my fellow communist mullah lovers that yes, sanctions are coming. Bad sanctions. Painful sanctions. My biggest fear is that these sanctions like 99.9% that preceded them will do no harm to the mullahs (my lords and yours) and we will have friends and family who will struggle financially in ways you cannot imagine. 

I'm not one for doom and gloom, but a few days ago, I got a call from an artist in Iran whom I pay to do painting and weaving. She and her husband called to ask for a major advance which they had never done in the past. They seem scared. Normally, they would talk to me about this "policy" stuff and say "you guys over there are always making so much noise and exaggerating everything! you need to relax." Seems the wind has changed and they are seeing a bad future.

All in all, I hope you are ready for the long haul. If you have jewelry, carpet or other kinds of cash oriented jobs through Iran, you might have noticed people asking similar advances. I hope you are wrapping up these dealings ASAP. It is very sad. I hope I am wrong: that this prediction turns out like dear Professor Faramarz_Fateh's political predictions.


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بت شکن

Marge! Don't be rude or will be blocked AGAIN!

by بت شکن on

good to see you reloaded old buddy

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

bijan you are sooooo jaded

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

i had no such agenda! i just want to discuss something else with you. a story. it has nothing to do with iran or politics. it is a love story about a torn man. i just want a man's view or men's view if we can gather more guys. you are too cynical bijan. please read the book with me. i'm on page 100 but i am very slow and i'm sure you'll catch up like fire. i want to see what fred or bijan think about love. i want to see how you view these characters because honestly, i can't relate with you when it comes to politics. i also think you will enjoy this story and i don't think that this writer is a danielle steele/nora roberts/nick sparks. this is literature for all.

thanks for your comment bijan and please stop by your nearest independent book seller to buy it.  

Bijan A M

Hey Marge,… gharaar nabooda

by Bijan A M on

I only have a few minutes and just wanted to drop a few lines that respond to both your blog here and comments on Fred’s blog (six till…). 

First, I give you the benefit of the doubt and thank you for your invitation to read Pamuk’s story. I have not read the story but I am sure you have (like many other ladies on this site that are great fans of him). However, even without reading the book, it is not hard to research and find the jist of it. This is where I begin to see how smartarse of a lady you could be and that’s why I  tell you , “gharaar nabooda”. If you are trying to infer and draw an analogy between my love for Iran and Iranians with the nature of Kemal’s love, I’m extremely offended (even if you did not intend to offend me).

I have to go. I’ll catch you later.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

i didn't sense sarcasm. your "really?" was just a way of saying "no way sanctions are better." I view military campaigns as temporary, unless you are saddam hussein or hash rafsanjani (we'll fight for another 12 years if we have to!.... the next day there was a cease fire....)

Anyway I understand your point. the avatar is great. i am glad we have this luxury, but like most luxuries, they are pointless distractions (remember I'm a communist through and through). This is chatter and we are contributing NOTHING. We should be grateful for this fun blogging and chatting. That is all I meant. It doesn't mean it has no value - we spend time on it and we even moderate it if we go too far. 

However, it's not even a debate. that's what i meant by the title. the debate is OVER. these sanctions are soon to be real and if you're fred, you should have already bought the champagne. congrats to him et alia. look he already has a new blog moving on to his favorite dart board trita parsi. 


Dear Marge

by Patriot on

I see you sensed sarcasm where none was intended.  I asked the question, trying to understand, because I have a lot of respect for you.  I want no sanctions on Iranian people.  I want no bombs on Iranian people.  I want no dictatorship over Iranian people.  I feel distraught that I can't understand all of what other Iranians are saying about these subjects, and I'm misunderstood when I try to understand.  I am sorry if I have upset you.  I think the world of you.  I can accept that my intentions may be lost in transit, but I assure you that though I may be hiding behind a T shirt, I wish no ill on people of Iran.

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

ey baba i knew my answer wouldn't make you happy

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

the way you shot back with "really? you think so?" is what I think when I read about how lovely and effective sanctions will be. anyway there's no debate. I didn't write this to debate the effectiveness of strangulation versus carpet bombing. you got your wish. celebrate your sanctions! 

military intervention is only devastating if you are working under the illusion that sanctions are "better" and "more humane." how fun it is to sit abroad and ask for sanctions for a country with avatars and tshirts and bumper stickers. we are so lucky to be here.


Dear Marge

by Patriot on

Thank you for your reply.  Do you really think a military attack on Iran is better than sanctions?  Honestly?  I find that hard to believe.  A military attack on Iran's nuclear installations some of which are unfortunately situated next to cities and densely populated areas would be catastrophic.  The number of dead is unfathomable.

No option could be as horrible and destructive as a military attack on Iran, and such an option can help keep the Islamic Republic of Iran in power for decades to come, giving it free reign to suppress and torture Iranians further.  It would not be brief at all, as you say and I would respectfully disagree.

The sh***y choices facing us are all results of IRI's behavior and decisions for three decades.  They have locked themselves into this situation and in our concern for Iran, we have to try and make sense of the options which have diminished and diminished over years of game playing and ridicule which IRI has put upon the rest of the world.

I can see how in an isolated scenario, sanctions against Iran should not be condoned.  But please put them vis a vis a military attack and tell me again that you think a military attack in its complete ramifications is better than sanctions.  I am sincere in my question to you and my desire to learn and understand.  

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek


by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

oh bijan. the mullahs are lucky to have you and your mullah-centric view of the world. it's either mullahs or tea with mullahs. how sad for you. anyway I hope your "all i want" blog comes true. maybe if you see past the constant hate you have for people like me, you will realize your dream. 

bijan please accept my invitation to read the museum of innocence. I'm tired of reading your thoughts about mullahs. hopefully you can get this book. i would even get it for you as a gift and it would be a pleasure. i'm so curious about your view on this story of Kemal.  

Bijan A M

Hey my dearest Marge

by Bijan A M on

How stupid of me not to see the way Khomeini “praised the civil society” to succeed?


What the hell was I thinking?... This wild imagination of mine…. I have to send it to the shop for a tune-up to be able to see the gray a little better.  You are absolutely right, I gotta try.


You are absolutely right, if we leave the mollas alone our masses will have better economic lives and therefore become more aware of their surrounding and more demanding of their government. We have to be patient. We need to praise the civil society.


OK,  I said it. Would you take that wax off my testicles now?....

BTW, I had already visited Fred's blog and left my post there

I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

oh bijan you always try to protect people from me, marge

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

i'm so dangerous and stupid, eh? you are such a warrior for all these users. hurry back to fred's blog and defend! act! i have left another anti-sanctions communistic mullah loving comment and the clock is ticking.

you are so imaginative and I wonder where that imagination takes you in other parts of your life ;) i never said anything about tea or gheilyoooon! haha! i say f*ck the mullahs. i say praise civil society. but of course, in your world, these gray areas are impossible to see. try bijan try. love you! 

Bijan A M

Dear Patriot

by Bijan A M on

Sorry to barge in and my apologies to Marge. Sir, you are too rational for this troop. You will get a lot of song-and-dance as an answer to your very legitimate question, but they all know they are just bull-shitting (pardon my language). The bottom-line for this crowd is: let’s live with status quo and wait and see what happens? They think the entire civilized world is listening to this "do-nothing" crowd.

Let’s have a hot tea and a “ghalioon” (maybe a bast around the manghal)... Khoda khodesh Miresooneh….Har ankas ke dandan dahad naan dahad…..If you pressure IRI they will kill and torture even more people…. Leave IRI alone, we don’t want our people to get hurt… Our god is just and with all his might he will punish these bastards. Just wait, he is watching and in 4-5 generations he will get rid of them, I promise.

What a bunch of morons….


Sanctioning Iranian people

by IRANdokht on

Sanctioning Iranian people in favor of giving more power to the Sepah can only be a positive thing in the crooked minds of the detached Iranians in diaspora!  You know the ones who can't wait for the grassroots uprising to take its course and are willing to risk people lives in order to be able to fly back home and demand their long gone properties that they abandoned 30 years ago.

Scary blog... I hope your predictions are as wrong too, but I doubt it. You're a wise one my dear Marge.


I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek

do you like hot wax on your eye balls or fire on your testicles?

by I Have a Crush on Alex Trebek on

honestly, these are sh*tty options that narrow minded people are telling us we have to pursue because "it's the IRI's fault". However, to answer your question, I would take military strike any day of the year, especially Friday the 13th (maybe the guns and bombs would be cursed and malfunction?). I think that would be brief, at least, whereas sanctions would be drawn out and painful, as I mentioned in this blog. 

now i'm a communist through and through, but I understand that money talks. i am a big proponent of getting rid of all sanctions and permitting a middle class to blossom. I understand that when people have money in their pockets/accounts, they are more rational yet more agitated/restless. Personally I would like to see a thriving Iran and I think that "change" can ONLY come from people who have a stake in their society. Iranians, even during shah's time, just wanted to leave Iran. If Iranians, all Iranians, had access to education (outside Iran and later inside) and jobs, as anywhere else, democratic and freedom grow naturally. Unfortuntely, we have a bunch of arseholes who are in power and make us turn against each other over and over again, and that includes Iranian and Western regimes.  

thank you so much for your comment and thoughtfulness.  


Dear Marge

by Patriot on

It's good to have you back.  I asked this question before and no one answered me.  It is a genuine question, not a trick one.  For several years I have been concerned about a military attack on Iran.  I have done my best to voice my opposition to such a military attack which would endanger and hurt innocent civilians of Iran, giving the mullahs an excuse to crack down on poor people even harder.

Instead of an attack, and in the face of Islamic Republic's persistant defiance of international diplomacy and violations of human rights inside Iran about which IRI sees itself accountable to no one, what choice is left but sanctions?  Of course any decent human being would want diplomatic negotiations to be the course forward, but Islamic Republic has only pretended to want negotiations and normalization of relations with the rest of the world and has in fact evaded and avoided any constructive negotiations which could end its isolation and bring it back into dialogue with the rest of the world.  I am convinced that IRI survives and thrives on isolation and would not know how to be a respected member of the international community.  What would happen to "Dosh-Man"?  Remember IRI needs this "Dosh-Man" in order to continue using its slogans and to continue its rhetoric.

If the choice is between a military attack and sanctions, don't you think sanctions are better?  Your reply would be much appreciated.